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英中常用醫學詞汇英中常用醫學詞汇 1. Medical Category 醫學科別醫學科別 Allergy 過敏性病科Alternative medicine 另醫學Cardiology 心臟內科Cardiovascular 心臟血管科Dentistry 牙科Dermatology 皮膚科Gastric pass flatus 放屁 8 Pimple (Papule/Pustule) 暗瘡 Poisoning 中毒 Pussy discharge 膿分物 Radiating 擴散 Rash 疹 Red and swollen throat 喉紅腫 Relapse 發 Ringing in my ears 耳鳴Runny nose 鼻水 Scalded by hot water 熱水燙傷 See things moving 物件移動 Sense of spinning 旋轉性眩 Shivering 發、顫抖 Short of breath 能呼吸 Sneeze 打噴嚏 Snore 鼻鼾 Sore eyes 眼痛 Sore throat 喉痛 Sputum 痰 Stop bleeding 止血 Stuffy 鼻 Suicidal tendency 自傾向 Swalloed fishbone 被魚骨噎到 Sweats 發汗 Tarry black stool 黑 Temperature 溫 Tension/Nervous 精神緊張 Thirsty 口渴 Throw up or vomit 嘔吐 Tiredness 疲倦 Tremor 手抖 Uncomfortable 舒服 Unconsciousness 昏迷 Urinate frequently 頻 Vertigo 眩 Vomit 嘔吐 Watery eyes 眼水 Weakness 虛弱6. Dentistry 牙科牙科 Symptoms 癥 Bad breath 口臭 Halitosis 口臭 Toothache 牙痛 Terms 詞彙 9 Canine 犬齒 Ceramic crown 陶瓷牙套 Crown 牙套 Dental calculus (Tartar) 齒石 Dentist 牙醫 Denture 假牙 Denturist 假牙技師 Filling 補牙 Gold crown 牙套 Gum 牙肉/牙齦 Incisor 門牙 Molar 臼齒 Orthodontics 矯正 Orthodontist 牙科矯正醫師 Periodontist 牙週病醫師 Root canal treatment 根管治 Stutter 口吃 Veneer crown 環鑲 Diseases 疾病 Aphthous Ulcer 口瘡 Cavity 蛀牙 Dental abscess /tooth abscess 牙瘡 Periodontal disease 牙周病 Stomatitis 口腔炎/口炎7. Dermatology 皮膚科皮膚科 Terms 詞彙 Baldness 禿頭 Birthmark/Nevus 胎記/痣 Burn 灼傷 Cancer 癌(性腫瘤) Contusion (Bruise) 挫傷 Dry skin 乾燥皮膚 Freckle 雀班 Furuncle (Boil) 瘡 Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 Mole 痣 Rash 疹 Scabies 疥瘡 Sunburn 太陽灼傷 Tinea (Ringworm infection) 癬 Wart 疣 Diseases 疾病 Athletes foot 香港腳 Allergic contact dermatitis 變應性接觸性皮炎 10 Corn 雞眼/釘胼 Dermatitis 皮膚炎/皮炎 Drug eruption 藥疹 Eczema 濕疹 Frost bite 凍瘡 Infantile eczema 小兒濕疹 Lupus 瘡 Measles 麻疹Pimple 暗瘡 Psoriasis 牛皮癬/銀屑病 Red Rash/Roseola 紅疼 Skin cancer 皮膚癌 Urticaria 風疹塊8. Gynecology & Obstetrics 婦產科婦產科 Symptoms 癥 Amenorrhea/no menstruation 常性閉經 Ankles and feet are swollen 腳腫 Blood clots in my menstruation 月經有血塊 Breast engorgement 乳房充盈 Cramp in my legs 小腿抽筋 Discharge is blood stained 白帶夾血絲 Episiotomy wound hurts 外陰口疼痛 Foul vaginal discharge 白帶臭 Heavy vaginal bleeding 陰道大出血 Heavy vaginal discharge 白帶過多 Heavy/scant menstruation 月經過多/少 In labor 胎兒生產作動 Irregular periods 月經規則 Menstrual pain 經痛 Missed a period 月經 Morning sickness 懷孕嘔吐 Mucus discharge 白帶呈黏性 Pregnant/Expecting 懷孕 Prolapse of uterus 子宮下垂 Some blood on my panties/Have show 紅 Sore nipples 乳頭疼痛 Sterile (Cant get pregnant) 育 Swollen breasts 乳房脹痛 Thin/Thick/Purulent discharge 白帶水/膿/含 膿 Throw up every morning or morning sickness 清晨 作悶嘔吐 Uterine contractions 子宮收縮 Vaginal spotting 陰道小出血 Vulva itchy/sore 外陰痕癢疼痛 Water has broken 破羊水 White cheesy discharge 白帶呈凝乳塊 Yellowish skin/Jaundice 新生兒黃疸病 11 Yellowish/Greenish/Brownish discharge 白帶呈黃 /棕色 Terms 詞彙 Cesarean section 剖腹分娩 D & C (dilation and curettage of uterus) 擴張宮項 和刮宮術 Delivery 分娩 Epidural analgesia 無痛分娩 Fetal movement 胎動 Hormone imbalance 荷爾蒙分失調 Incubator 育嬰箱 Induced abortion 人工產(墮胎) Induced labor 引產(催生) Membrane rupture 破水 Menopause 期 Miscarriage/Abortion 小產 Premature delivery 早產 Sterilization 結育 Therapeutic abortion 治性產 To wean 斷奶 Tubal sterilization 輸管結育法 Umbilical cord 臍帶 Uterus 子宮 Diseases 疾病 Candida vaginal infection 珠菌陰道炎 Cervical polyp 子宮頸息肉 Cervicitis 子宮頸炎 Endometriosis 子宮內膜位 Fibroid uterus 子宮纖維變性 Menstruation disorder 月經失調 Ovarian cyst 巢嚢腫 Ovarian tumor 巢瘤 Pelvic infection 盆腔炎 Trichomoniasis 滴蟲陰道炎 Vaginitis 陰道炎 9. Ophthalmology 眼科眼科 Symptoms 癥 Blurred vision 視覺模糊 Double vision 重視 Dry eyes 眼感甘澀 Dull pain in eye 眼部隱痛 Eye discharge 眼分物 Eyelid is itchy 眼蓋癢 Eyelid is swollen 眼蓋腫 Flying objects/Floaters 飛蚊症 Foreign body in the eye 眼內物 12 Gritty/Sandy in eyes 沙入眼 Photophobia 畏光 Pussy discharge 膿分物 Severe pain in cheekbone 頰骨劇痛 Smarting pain around eye 眼部痛 Sticky discharge 黏性分物 Watering eyes 眼水 Terms 詞彙 Cornea 眼角膜 Diplopia 複視 Eye ball 眼球 Iris 虹膜 Lens 晶體 Optometrist 驗光師 Poor vision 視 Pupil 瞳孔 Retinal 視網膜 Sclera 鞏膜 Tear 眼 Visual activity 視 Visual disturbance 視障礙 Diseases 疾病疾病 Astigmatism 散光 Blepharitis 瞼炎 Blurred vision 視模糊 Cataract 白內障 Color blindness 色盲 Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 Esotropia (Cross-eye) 內斜視 Dacryocystitis 囊炎 Diabetic retinopathy 病性視網膜病 Glaucoma
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