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1高中英语必修一(外研版)高中英语必修一(外研版) Module 11.academic: 1. academic adj. of teaching, studying 学术的学术的 academic activities 学术活动 adj. of schools, colleges, etc 学校的学校的 academic subjects学校里的科目学校里的科目academic career 学历;学业 academic freedom 学术自由学术自由 academic city 科学城;大学城 eg. How about your academic life? Has that helped you at all today, as an actor? 你在学校的学习生活怎么样,他们对 于你现在的演员工作有帮助吗? Good academic performance 好的学习成绩 2. enthusiastic: 热心的热心的, 热情的热情的; 热烈的热烈的 be enthusiastic about sth 对某事热心对某事热心 Hes enthusiastic _adventures. 2Dangerous sports always arouse enthusiasm in him. 3. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的,令人令人惊讶的,令人 惊喜惊叹的惊喜惊叹的 派生词派生词 amazed adj.大为惊奇大为惊奇 amazement n.惊奇,惊诧惊奇,惊诧 词语辨析词语辨析 amazing, amazed , amaze Its amazing how quickly people adapt. I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. The_expression on his face suggested that he was _ at the change that has taken place in our hometown. 1)现在分词和过去分词表示心理时分)现在分词和过去分词表示心理时分 别含有别含有“令人令人的的”和和“感到感到的意思的意思 surprising 令人惊奇的令人惊奇的 surprised 感到惊奇的感到惊奇的 boring bored interesting interested3disappointing disappointed exciting excited tiring tired embarrassing embarrassed I am sorry to _ you, but I cannot go after all. 很抱歉使你失望,但我还是不能去。 Your examination marks are rather _. 你的考试成绩真让人失望。 Since he lost the election he has been a _ man. 他落选之后,一直很失意。 What she said is_,Now her teacher is_at her You are a _. 你令人感到失望。 4.brilliant 灿烂的灿烂的, 闪耀的闪耀的, 有才气的有才气的 a brilliant color 鲜明的颜色鲜明的颜色 4a brilliant performance/scientist. 卓越的表演卓越的表演 5. method Well try to improve our teaching methods. Will you introduce a _ of study so that I can improve my English?A. way B. path C. road D. method Way 泛指各种方法 Method 指合乎逻辑的或系统的方法 6. instruction n. (常作复数)命令, 指示,用法说明,操作指南U教授,教导 follow ones instructions 派生词 Instruct v. 指示,吩咐,传 授,教授 Instructor n. 导师,教练 Instructive adj. 富有教益的,增长知识 的 高考示例 Always read the _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of 5medicine. A.explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions 1.Be sure to follow your teachers instructions while doing this chemical experiment.做这项化学试验时务必按老师的指 示去做。 2. Under Mr Whites instructions _, I slowly mastered the art 在怀特老师的指导下 7. attitude n. have/show an attitude to/towards. 对采取一种态度 1.她工作态度非常积极。 She shows/has a very positive attitude to /towards her work 2.你首先要改变对这个男生的看法。 You must first of all change your attitude to the boy 3. He stood there in a threatening attitude. 他以威胁的姿态站在那里。68. behaviour n 待人态度,举动,待人态度,举动, 行为方式行为方式 派生词:behave v. 举止,表现 behaviour towards sb/sth behave oneself 规规矩矩,表现好 高考示例 Tom, _yourself. Did you forget the school rules? A.Behave B.believe C. Perform D.conduct 1Their_behaviour towards me shows that they do not like me. 从他们对我的态度可以看出她们不喜欢 我。 2.He has _behaved shamefully towards _his parents. 他对父母的态度也太不像话了。 3.Children, please_ 孩子们,规矩些! 9. Previous: adj. 以前的;早先的;过早 的 adv. 在先;在以前 I remember you mentioned the same thing on a previous occasion.7我记得你在以前某个场合提及过同一 件事情。 (常与 to 连用)a day previous to Christmas 圣诞节的前一天 10. description: describe 【用法】vt. 描述;描绘 例1:The police asked the lady to describe what she had seen.警察要那位女士把她当时所 见的一切描述一番。 例2:The leader of the workers described a bright future for the workers.那位领袖向那些工人们描绘 了一幅美好未来的景象。 【相关链接】 description n. 描写;描述;形容 例1:Shes given a vivid description of her beautiful village.她如实地把自己美丽的村庄 进行了一番描述。 例2:The scenery was beautiful beyond my description.8那景致美得我难以形容。 例3:Can you give a description of the robber?你能说出那抢劫犯的模样吗?11. Impress v.使印象深刻,使铭记 impress vt. 铭刻,给极深的印象; 使感动 impress.on. 把印在上 impress sth. on sb. / impress sb. with sth. 使某人牢记某事 be impressed by / at / with 被所感 动 be impressed on ones mind / memory 被 印在脑海里,留下很深的印象 The words “Made in China“ was impressed on a metal plate.“中国制造”的字样印在一块金属板 上。 His parents try to impress on him that it is very important to be honest. 他的父母尽力让他记住诚实是很重9要的。 We were deeply impressed by his deeds. 他的事迹使我深受感动。 What he said that day was deeply impressed on my memory. 他那天说的话深深地印在我的脑海 里。 【拓展】impression n. 印象; leave / make a (an) . impression on sb. 给某人 留下的印象 All that left (made) a lasting impression on him. 所有那一切都 给他留下了不可磨灭的印象。 高考示例 The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. A.to B. over C. by D. on 12. encouragement give sb. encouragement encourage sb. to do sth. Her coach encouraged her throughout the marathon race to keep on running.10她的教练在马拉松赛全程鼓励她继续 不断奔跑。 13. Misunderstanding 误解;误会 I dont want any misunderstanding between us. 我不希望我们之间有任何误会。
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