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学英语学英语 必备必备 免费免费一、以下翻译来自网友 wormli,感谢其辛苦的工作和奉献精神:9 月 22 日 Top100 中英文注释(纠正版)相较于原来的翻译,纠正了很多错误,并且按照字母次序重排了一下,以方便和图片文件对应。heic0106b Composite ultraviolet-visible-infrared image of NGC 1512NGC 1512 的 紫外线-可见光-红外线 合成图片heic0108a Hubble images remarkable double cluster哈勃拍摄的不同寻常的双星团heic0109a The Red Spider Nebula: Surfing in Sagittarius - not for the faint-hearted!红珠星云: 在人马座冲浪勇敢者的游戏!heic0114a Nebula NGC 2080, nicknamed the Ghost Head NebulaNGC 2080 星云, 昵称“魔头星云”heic0206a A wallpaper of distant galaxies is a stunning backdrop for a runaway galaxy对于一个逃亡的星系,遥远星系的“壁纸”是个迷人的背景heic0206b Hubbles newest camera takes a deep look at two merging galaxies哈勃的新相机对两个正在融合的星系做了深沉一瞥heic0206c Hubbles newest camera images ghostly star-forming pillar of gas and dust哈勃最新的相机摄下了朦胧的恒星正在成形的气体及尘埃立柱heic0206h The Mice/NGC 4676 (ACS Full Field Image)老鼠/NGC 4676 (先进巡天相机拍摄的全景图片)heic0301a The Boomerang Nebula - the coolest place in the Universe?回旋镖星云 - 宇宙中最冷的地方?heic0305a A perfect storm of turbulent gases一场由汹涌气体组成的完美风暴heic0308a The mysterious Garden-sprinkler nebula神秘的“花园洒水器”星云heic0312a Mega starbirth cluster is biggest, brightest and hottest ever seen (artists impression)巨型星诞集团是所见过的最大、最亮、最热的(艺术之感)heic0402a Supernova blast bonanza in nearby galaxy邻近星系里超新星爆发的丰富矿脉heic0406a Hubble sees galaxies galore哈勃看到了一大片星系heic0411a Hubble studies sequences of star formation in neighbouring galaxy哈勃端详邻近星系里一连串的恒星形成heic0413a Hubble peers inside a celestial geode哈勃凝视一个天外水晶球的内部heic0414a Dying star creates fantasy-like sculpture of gas and dust垂死的恒星创造幻象如同气体和尘埃的雕塑heic0416a Symphony of colours in the Tarantula蜘蛛星云中的色彩交响曲heic0502a Hubble finds infant stars in neighbouring galaxy哈勃在邻近星系里发现恒星婴儿heic0503a Light continues to echo three years after stellar outburst恒星爆发三年后,其光依旧在宇宙中反射heic0504a Saturns dynamic aurorae土星上的动感极光heic0506a Out of this whirl: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) and companion galaxy脱离漩涡: 漩涡星系 (M51) 和其相伴的星系heic0506b The Eagle has risen: Stellar spire in the Eagle Nebula雄鹰已然升起: 老鹰星云的恒星尖塔heic0514a Young stars sculpt gas with powerful outflows年轻的恒星通过猛烈的喷流给气体塑形heic0515a Most detailed image of the Crab Nebula蟹状星云最清晰的图片heic0601a Hubbles sharpest view of the Orion Nebula哈勃拍摄的猎户座星云最鲜明的图片。 (这里有详解,中英文的:http:/blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_49c13017010004ld.html)heic0601d The Orion Nebulas biggest stars猎户座星云最大的几个恒星heic0601g Sculpting the landscape雕刻风景heic0602a Largest ever galaxy portrait - stunning HD image of Pinwheel Galaxy史上最大的银河肖像 - 风车星系极其漂亮的高清图片heic0603b Magellanic gemstone in the southern sky NGC 265在南半球天空的麦哲伦宝石NGC 265heic0604a The magnificent starburst galaxy Messier 82梅西尔 82 星系壮丽的恒星爆发heic0604d Great observatories composite三大观测台合成图(注:哈勃、钱德拉 X 射线、斯皮策太空望远镜)heic0609a Cassiopeia A - The colourful aftermath of a violent stellar death仙后座 A - 一场壮烈的恒星之死的灿烂余波heic0611b Hubble Ultra Deep Field哈勃超深视野(错误:与 heic0406a 重复)heic0615a Colliding galaxies make love, not war相撞的星系做爱,不要战争 (注:这是美国嬉皮士反越战示威的口号)heic0619a Star on a Hubble diet哈勃的一餐之上点缀的星星heic0702a New stars shed light on the past新生恒星的光辉流泻于逝者之上heic0703a Hubble reveals NGC 2440哈勃揭露 NGC 2440heic0706a Stellar Nursery in the arms of NGC 1672NGC 1672 怀抱里的恒星摇篮heic0707a Star birth in the extreme壮丽的恒星诞生heic0709b Hubble finds dark matter ring in galaxy cluster哈勃在星系团中发现暗物质环heic0710a Hubble photographs grand design spiral galaxy M81哈勃拍摄到漩涡星系 M81 宏伟的图样heic0711a Stellar fireworks are ablaze in galaxy NGC 4449恒星烟花在 NGC4449 星系燃放heic0712a Uncovering the Veil Nebula揭开“面纱星云”heic0712b Uncovering the Veil Nebula揭开“面纱星云”heic0715a Extreme star cluster bursts into life in new Hubble image 在哈勃的新照片中,密集的星团迸发生命heic0717a Arp 87Arp 87 (星系)heic0719a Holiday Wishes from the Hubble Space Telescope来自哈勃太空望远镜的节日祝福heic0804a The gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132庞大的星系 NGC 1132heic0808a Galaxy NGC 2397 with an explosive secretNGC 2397 星系和一个火爆的秘密heic0809a The majestic globular Omega Centauri壮观的半人马座奥米茄球状星团 heic0817a Magnetic monster NGC 1275NGC 1275 的磁力怪物heic0817b NGC 1275 multi-wavelength compositeNGC 1275 的多波长合成图像heic0901a Unusual Spiral NGC 4921 in the Coma Galaxy Cluster后发座星系团里不寻常的 NGC 4921 漩涡星系heic0904a Quadruple Saturn moon transit snapped by Hubble土星的四颗卫星经过时被哈勃捕捉到heic0904f Quadruple Saturn moon transit snapped by Hubble土星的四颗卫星经过时被哈勃捕捉到heic0905a Dramatically backlit dust lanes in NGC 7049醒目背光照耀着的 NGC 7049 中的尘埃带hubble_earth Hubble Space Telescope over Earth地球上空的哈勃太空望远镜hubble_space Hubble Space Telescope in space太空中的哈勃太空望远镜opo0006a Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula船底座星云的光和影opo0028a The Spirograph Nebula螺线图星云opo0110a The Heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy风车星系的中心opo0201a Thackerays Globules in IC 2944IC 2944 中的萨克里球状小暗星云(注:可能是新恒星开始发光前的一个阶段)opo0301a Hubble Looks Through Cosmic Zoom Lens哈勃透过宇宙放大镜观看opo0309a Rainbow Image of a Dusty Star多尘星星的彩虹影像opo0320a Celestial Fireworks天外烟花opo0322i Hubbles Sharpest Ever Colour View哈勃最清楚的彩色视图(火星大冲)opo0324a Celestial Composition天空的构图opo0328a Hubble Mosaic of the Majestic Sombrero Galaxy雄伟壮观的阔边帽星系的哈勃拼接照片opo0330a Firestorm of Star Birth Seen in a Local Galaxy在本星系观测到的星星诞生的火焰风暴opo0331a Hubble Photographs Turbulent Neighborhood Near Eru
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