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澳门大三巴牌坊澳门大三巴牌坊Ruins of St. Pauls Cathedral is one of the most representative places of interest in Macau.It was the facadeof St. Pauls Cathedral, whose style was a combination of both Renaissance and oriental architecture styles, reflecting integration of the Western and Eastern arts. The Cathedral was precisely carved,lofy and majestic.Nowadays the Ruins of St. Paul no longer has the function of a cathedral, but it is closely connected to the peoples daily life in Macau.Various activities are held irregularly here, and the long stairs serve naturally as the seats, turning the ruins into a huge scenery. It is just a great stage by the nature. 大三巴牌坊是澳门最具代表性的名胜古迹,为 1580 年竣工的圣保禄大教堂的前壁,此教堂糅合了欧洲文艺复兴时期与东方建筑的风格而成,体现出东西艺术的交融,雕刻精细,巍峨壮观。今日大三巴牌坊虽然已失去教堂的实际功能,但她与澳门人的生活息息相关,这里不定期举行各种文化活动,牌坊前长长的梯级正好成为天然的座位,让牌坊刹那间变成巨大的布景,舞台浑然天成。St. Pauls Cathedral is known as “Oriental Vatican“, affiliated tothe St. Pauls College,which was the first western-style university in the Far East. From the establishment of the college in the year 1594 to the ending of it in 1762,many foreign missionaries came here to study Chinese, making the college an important missionary base for them to enter China. The college made incomparable contribution to the religious and cultural exchanges between China and Europe. St. Pauls Cathedral was the biggest cathedral in the east,first designed by an Italian Jesuit priest, builted by the extraordinary uncanny workmanship of Japanese artisans. On Jan.26th,1835, the cathedral caught fire at dusk,and almost the whole cathedral was destroyed. Fortunately ,the most precious facadewas preserved, which is just the ruins of St. Pauls Cathedral today. 圣保禄教堂号称“东方梵蒂冈” ,附属於圣保禄学院。学院是远东地区第一所西式大学,从 1594 年成立至 1762 年结束期间,不少访华的外国传教士来修读中文,令学院成为这些传教士进入中国的重要传教基地,对推动欧洲和中国的宗教及文化交流起到无可比拟的卓越作用。圣保禄教堂是当时东方最大的天主教堂,原本由一名意大利籍耶稣会神父设计,以日本工匠鬼斧神工的技术协助建成。1835年 1 月 26 日黄昏,圣保禄教堂失火,整幢教堂几乎付诸一炬,幸好教堂最珍贵的前壁仍能保存屹立,成为今日的大三巴牌坊。The cathedral has been closely tied to the “fire“ ever since its establishment. It caught fire three times successively,restored over and over again, and it is the witness of the vivid history. St. Pauls Cathedral was then a a combination of both Renaissance and oriental architecture styles.The cost of building the facadeonly was 30000 taels of silver 300 years ago.这间教堂从其雏型起台至现时仅存的前壁牌坊,与火结下不解之缘,先后经历三次大火,屡焚屡建,见证了活生生的历史。当年的圣保罗教堂建筑,糅合了欧洲文艺复兴时期建筑与东方建筑的风格,中西合璧、雕刻精细,仅大三巴牌坊的造价,300 年前已达 3 万两白银。Ruins of St. Pauls Cathedral was regarded as an eternal altar.It divided into 4 floors, with a pediment on the top. As a whole, it has two groups of meanings: one consists of the square of 大三巴牌坊被视为一座不朽的祭台。牌坊分为上下四层,顶部为三角楣。就整体而言,牌坊表达着两组意义:一组由下两层的方形构成,主要反映耶稣会宗徒及传教士的工作,属于周游地球传教的现世教会一派;另一组是由上层的三角形构成,主要表现至圣圣三(圣父、耶稣基督、圣神)与在天主面前为人类代褥的童贞玛利亚。从下往上看,在底层大门上方刻有耶稣会(IHS)祭记和学院名称(天主圣母) ,第二层立有四位耶稣会圣人全身塑像,第三层正中为无原罪玛利亚升天,两边由身着白袍的修士之石刻围绕,极富东方特色。第四层正中为天父之子耶稣雕像,两旁刻着其救赎苦难的象征。牌坊顶部十字架下的三角形,象征着天父的召唤,正中有一幅鸽子形状的铜像,传说代表圣神,四周环绕的太阳月亮星辰象征圣母童贞怀孕时的刹那时光。从牌坊後面的铁梯步上,可直达牌坊的第 2 层。站在这里望出去,彷佛当年站在圣保禄教堂内俯览小城人民的生活情形。参观完牌坊,可以到内侧广场的天主教艺术博物馆,馆内收藏了澳门教堂和修院具代表性的画作、雕塑等,当中最珍贵的是一批以宗教生活为题材的油画,这是远东的第一批画作,也是东方最古老的油画。隔壁的墓室更存放著日本和越南殉教者的遗骨,展示澳门的宗教历史。
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