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I汽车单级主减速器和差速器设计摘要在现代汽车驱动桥上,主减速器的功用是将输入的转距增大并相应降低转速,以 及当发动机纵置时还具有改变转矩旋转方向的作用。单级主减速器通常由主动齿轮和 从动齿轮组成。在双级主减速器中,通常还要加一对圆柱齿轮或一组行星齿轮。在轮 边减速器中则常采用普通平行轴式布置的斜齿圆柱齿轮传动或行星齿轮传动。主减速 器采用的最广泛的是螺旋锥齿轮和双曲面齿轮。在某些公共汽车和重型汽车上有时也 选用蜗轮传动。本文首先确定主要部件的结构型式和主要设计参数;然后参考类似驱 动桥的结构,确定出总体设计方案;最后对主,从动锥齿轮,差速器圆锥行星齿轮, 半轴齿轮,全浮式半轴进行校核以及对支承轴承进行了寿命校核。本设计单级主减速 器采用传统准双曲面锥齿轮,差速器采用普通锥齿轮。关键词:单级主减速器; 准双曲面锥齿轮; 轴承; 行星齿轮; 差速器IIAutomobile single-stage main gear and differential designAbstractNowadays, the main reducer, which on modern car driving axle, is used to increase the imported torque and correspond to decrease its speed, at the mean while, it also can change the direction of torque when engine is longitudinal. Single-stage reducer is usually composed of the main driving gear and driven gear. In main two-stage reducer, a spur gear or a group of planetary gear also included. In the wheel-side reducer, helical gears drive or planetary gear is adopted, which is laid of common parallel coaxial. spiral bevel gear gear and hypoid gears are broadly adopted by main reducer. Worm transmission is used by some buses and trucks. In this paper, the structure of main components and the main design parameters are first to confirm; and then refer to similar driving axle structure, and identify the design parameters; Finally, check the main, driven bevel gear, cone planetary differential gear, axle gear and the whole floating half-axle and then check the life of bearing. In this paper, using the traditional hypoid gears as the main CA1050 reducer.Key word: Main reducer; Hypoid gears; Bearing; Planetary gear; Differential mechanismIII目录目录摘要IAbstractII1 绪 论11.1 研究本课题的目的和意义1 1.2 主减速器的定义种类功用1 1.3 本次设计的主要内容3 2.1 主减速器的结构型式的选择42.1.1 主减速器的减速型式42.1.2 主减速器齿轮的类型的选择52.1.3 主减速器主动锥齿轮的支承形式72.1.4 主减速器从动锥齿轮的支承形式及安置方法82.2 主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算92.2.1 主减速器计算载荷的确定92.2.2 主减速器基本参数的选择112.2.3 主减速器双曲面齿轮的几何尺寸计算152.2.4 主减速器双曲面齿轮的强度计算232.2.5 主减速器齿轮的材料及热处理272.3 主减速器轴承的选择282.3.1 计算转矩的确定282.3.2 齿宽中点处的圆周力292.3.3 双曲面齿轮所受的轴向力和径向力292.3.4 主减速器轴承载荷的计算及轴承的选择302.4.1 花键的校核372.5 本章小结393 差速器设计403.1 差速器结构形式的选择40 3.2 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的差速原理42 3.3 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的结构43 3.4 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的设计433.4.1 差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择43IV3.4.2 差速器齿轮的几何计算463.4.3 差速器齿轮的强度计算473.5 本章小结484 驱动半轴的设计494.1 半轴结构形式的选择
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