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英语口语英语口语 在飞机上、饭店里在飞机上、饭店里在飞机上、饭店里在飞机上您想喝点儿什么? What would you like to drink?What would you like to drink? (您想喝点儿什么?)Well, what do you have? (您这儿都有什么?)Anything to drink? (您喝什么吗?) 请来一杯咖啡。 Coffee, please. 要加牛奶和糖吗?With sugar and cream? *cream “牛奶” 。回答“要”用 Yes, please, “不要”用 No, thank you.明确地给予回答是一种礼貌。午餐您要牛肉还是要鱼? What would you like for dinner, beef or fish?Beef or fish for dinner?Which would you like, beef or fish? 请给我牛肉。 Beef, please. 您用完了吗? Have you finished?Are you through? 还没有。 No, not yet. 我可以收走了吗? May I clear the table? *clear 有“收拾餐具”的意思。May I clear the plates off the table?请您收拾一下桌子吧。Clear the table, please.Clear the table, please. (请您收拾一下桌子吧。)Yes, sir. (好的。) 您能给我杯水吗? Can I have some water?能给我点儿喝的吗? Can I have something to drink? 请给我一条毯子。A blanket, please. 我觉得冷/热。I feel cold/hot.I feel cold. (我觉得冷。)Ill turn on the heater.(我去把空调打开。) 我觉得恶心。 I feel sick.Im not feeling well. 能给我点儿药吗? Can I have some medicine? 您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗? Could you tell me how to fill out this form? *fill out 是“(在空白的地方)填写” 。from 是填写用的表格。May I help you? (有事吗?)Could you tell me how to fill out this form? (您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗?)How do I fill out this form? (这张表怎么填?)Can you help me with this form? (您能帮我填这张表格吗?)在机场请出示您的护照。 May I see your passport, please?May I see your passport, please? (请出示您的护照。)Here it is. (给。) 您在美国停留多长时间?How long will you be staying in the United States?How long will you be staying in the United States? (您在美国停留多长时间?)I plan to stay for a week. (我计划呆一个星期。) 您来旅行的目的? Whats the purpose of your visit?What brought you here?Why are you here? *这种说法给人不礼貌的感觉。旅游。/工作。 Sightseeing/Business. 我是来工作的。 Im here on business. 我是来度假的。 Im here on vacation.Im vacationing. 您住哪儿? Where are you staying?Where are you staying? (您打算住在哪儿?)Im staying at the Benson Hotel. (我住在本森饭店。) 有什么需要报关的吗? Do you have anything to declare?Do you have anything to declare? (有什么需要报关的吗?)No, I dont. (没有。)Anything to declare? *这是上面例句的省缩说法。 在华盛顿饭店。At the Washington Hotel. 您带了多少现金? How much money do you have? 我有 400 美金和 10 万日元。Four hundred dollars and one hundred thousand yen. 好了,祝您愉快!Okay. Have a nice stay.Okay. Have a nice trip. 我找不着行李了。 I cant find my baggage.I cant find my baggage. (我找不着行李了。)What does it look like? (什么样的行李?) 请马上查一查。 Please check it immediately.Please check it right away. 找到后请马上把我的行李送到饭店。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you have located it.Please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it. 我想确认一下我的机票。Id like to reconfirm my flight. *reconfirm 表示“重新确认” 。日本航空公司的柜台在哪儿? Where is the Japan Airlines counter? 登机口在哪儿? Where is the boarding gate? 什么时候开始登机? What time do you start boarding? 这个航班开始登机了吗?Has this flight begun boarding?Have they begun boarding this flight? 几点到东京? What time will we arrive in Tokyo?What time will we arrive in Tokyo? (几点到东京?)In about two hours. (大概两个多小时以后到东京。)在饭店的服务台今天晚上有空房间吗? Is there a room available for tonight?Is there a room available for tonight? (今天晚上有空房间吗?)No, all the rooms are booked for tonight. (没有了,今天晚上全都订满了。)Do you have a room for tonight?我预订了一个房间。 I reserved a room for tonight. 请办入住手续。 Check in, please.Id like to check in. 请帮我拿一下行李。 Take my baggage, please. 请给我 809 房间的钥匙。Id like a key to room 809, please. *用于在服务台取钥匙时。Id like to leave my room key, please. *存钥匙时。餐厅在哪儿? Where is the dining room? 餐厅几点开门? What time does the dining room open? 几点吃早饭?What time can I have breakfast? 我在哪儿可以买到啤酒? Where can I get some beer?Where can I get some beer? (我在哪儿可以买到啤酒?)Theres a liquor store across the street. (街对面有个卖酒的商店。)Where can I buy some beer? 我可以把贵重物品存这儿吗? Can you keep my valuables? 我想把日元换成美金。Yen to dollars, please.Id like to exchange yen to dollars, please. 请换成现金。 Cash, please.Id like to cash this, please. *比较礼貌的说法。Would you cash this, please? (麻烦您给我换一下现金。)Could you cash this, please? (您能给我换成现金吗?) 您能帮我把旅行支票换成现金吗? Could you cash this travelers check (for me)?Would you cash these travelers checks? (复数情况下。)Can you change these travelers checks? (复数情况下。) 请帮我把这 100 美元换成 5 张 20 美元的。Would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties? 有人会说日语吗? Does anyone speak Japanese?Does anyone speak Japanese? (有人会说日语吗?)No, Im afraid not. (恐怕没有。) 有给我的留言吗?Are there any messages for me?Are there any messages for me? (有给我的留言吗?)Yes, Mr. Brown called. (有,布朗先生来过电话。) 我办退房手续。 Check out, please.Id like to check out. 这是我房间的钥匙。 Heres my room key. 我没用电话。 I didnt make any phone calls. 这是您的账单。Heres your bill.Heres your check. 能帮我叫一辆出租车吗? Could you call a taxi for me?Call me a taxi, please.Hail a taxi, please.Taxi, please.Can you get me a taxi, please?客房服务请提供客房服务。Room service, please. 请提供叫早服务。 A wake-up call, please.A wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning, please. (请明天早晨 7 点钟叫醒我。)Certainly, maam. (好的。)Id like a wake-up call, please.May I have a wake-up call? (早晨能叫醒我吗?) 我可以借一下吹风机吗? Can I borrow a hair dryer? *borrow“借入” 。 请送一壶咖啡。 Please bring me a pot of coffee.Please bring me a pot of coffee. (请送一壶咖啡。)How many cups would you like? (您要几个杯子?) 请提供洗衣服务。Laundry service, please. *laundry “洗衣” 。 什么时候能弄好? When will i
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