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规范化城市双语标语英文双文规范化城市双语标语英文双文随着我国对外开放的深入发展,来我国旅游、经商、访问、学习的国际人士也越来越多。为给他们带来方便,各大中城市都在公共场所建有英文标识,如公交站点、街道名称、店铺名称、公共设施等,中英文双语的公示语随处可见。可以说,公示语是一个城市的脸面,是一个城市的名片,更是一个城市文明的标志,其英语翻译水平的高低,直接反映了一个城市国际化水平的高低,反映了一个城市的品位。但令人遗憾的是,许多公示语的翻译却不尽如人意,错译、死译、乱译等现象比比皆是,有时甚至出现拼写错误的现象。那么如何将这些公共场所的标识语翻译成外国人可以接受又感到舒适且符合他们文化习俗的英文呢? 汉英翻译的标识语是一种公开和面对公众,以达到某种交际目的的特殊文体,应用范围广泛,影响深远。因此,译者在翻译时要将方方面面的因素都要考虑在内,深思熟虑之后再做翻译。不能望文生义,简单从事。本文拟就公共场所的标识语英译规范化作些初步的探讨,总结了以下几点翻译原则。 1对等原则 对等原则指信息对等、文化对等及形式对等。 公共场所的标识语起着说明提醒的作用,正确无误地传递信息是标识语的一个重要功能。因此,语言信息或语义的传译在信息对等翻译中享有优先地位。译者一定要将源语的信息充分译出,这不只是简单地逐字翻译,而是要将源语的寓意也表达出来。例如在翻译“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”时,如果只是按字面意思翻译就是“Green Olympics,Peoples Olympics,High-tech Olympics”意思变了, “Green”是单从颜色来说, “绿色的奥运” 。“People”也单指人, “人民的奥运” ,这显然是对“绿色与人文”两个词的理解产生了偏差。另一个把“科技奥运”译成“High-tech Olympics”给人的印象是“高科技的竞赛” ,就好像“数学奥林匹克”、 “航模奥林匹克”一样。这是把汉语的“科技+奥林匹克”同英语的“High-tech Olympics”二者同等对待。这种“叠加法”不适用于英语。正确的翻译途径应该是,首先弄清“绿色” 、 “人文” 、 “科技”奥运的含义及它们之间的关系。然后还要考虑三者在信息上的整齐对称。根据这个思路,我们可以这样来进行意译,即,Environment-friendly Olympics,Culture-enriched Olympics,and Technology-empowered Olympics. 再比如出租车上见到的“建设新北京,办好新奥运”这个口号,它被译作“Build New Beijing,Hold Great Olympics” ,这显然是一个典型的“对号入座”式的翻译。这里不仅有用词错误和语法错误,而且意思走了样,形式上也不像一个口号。最好的办法还是进行意译:Lets give Beijing city a face-lift straight to ensure a successful Olympics in 2008.以实现标识语英译信息对等的功效。 翻译是一种跨文化活动,不应仅停留在语义对等的层面,更应实现文化之间的对等。语言是文化的载体,世界上任何一种语言都是植根于特定的民族文化之中,反映着特定的文化内容。英汉两种语言分属不同的语言系统、不仅在语言结构等方面存在很大差异,而且在语言的使用方面也往往受文化因素的制约。中西方文化差异,导致了人们对同一事物或理性概念的不同理解和解释。在公示语汉英转换过程中,因文化差异导致交际失误的情况时有发生,所以弄清不同民族、不同国度之间的文化背景的差异性,是实现标识语翻译文化对等功效的前提。 2简洁原则 公共场所标识语是面向普通大众的,用词应简洁明了,易读、易懂、易记且口头表达时有力量、有节奏。例如“营业中” ,英语仅用“OPEN”一词就够了。 “停止收款”不要用“Stop cashier” ,而是“closed”就行。这种错误的出现是由于译者对源语进行了机械式翻译,翻译时没有仔细分析,不考虑措辞,或忽略了文化内涵和风俗习惯,简单机械地照搬母语,造成翻译母语化,即我们平时所说的“中式英语” 。此类翻译问题在旅游英语和标识语中尤为常见。 标识语的基本特点是言简意赅,文字形式则简洁醒目、耐人寻味,虽然非常简短,但其内涵却十分丰富。 3礼貌原则 在英语国家,言语行为中普遍渗透着尊重对方、保护对方自尊心的礼貌信息,这就要求人们在言语交际中必须遵守社会礼貌规范。英语语言比较强调客体意识,表达间接委婉,更顾及礼貌原则。在标识语英译时,我们需要考虑英语国家的语用原则和得体性,如“闲人免进”照直翻译成“Admittance denied to idlers”之类,就会冒犯别人,违背礼貌原则,可以翻译成“STAFF ONLY” ,表达方式更为委婉、迂回、易于接受。针对特殊群体,比如说疾人,尤其要注意用词含蓄, “残疾人卫生间”可翻译为“Wheelchair Accessible” , “老弱病残孕专座”译为“Courtesy seats”等。再比如说称呼老人一般忌用 old,因为 old 意味老态龙钟,用 senior或者 elderly 就更委婉。比如:“公路范围内禁止摆摊、设点、堆物堆料、倾倒垃圾渣土” ,在翻译这条标识时,译者就应该考虑到,这是一条专门针对中国人警示、提示性信息,外国人在公路上做这些堆物堆料、倾倒垃圾渣土等建设项目的几率几乎为零。在这种情况下,就可以换一种比较模糊的、外国人容易理解和接受的说法:“No vendors on the roadside;Please help keep the highway clean.(请保持公路清洁) ” 公共场所英文标识语的研究至今仍处在摸索阶段,要使之走上正轨,走向规范化,需要外语专业翻译工作者既要有扎实的专业基本功,又要懂英语国家的文化风俗。在翻译时一定要慎之又慎,广泛收集各种有关资料,做出准确、简洁、礼貌的翻译。With the in-depth development of Chinas opening to Chinas tourism, business, access to the international community to learn more and more. They bring convenience, major cities are built in public places English identity, such as bus stops, street names, names of shops, public facilities, etc., in the bilingual public signs everywhere. It can be said that the language of publicity is the face of a city, a city card, it is a sign of an urban civilization, and the level of their English translation, a direct reflection of the level of internationalization of a city reflects the taste of a city. Regrettable, but it falls short, many of the Translation of Public Signs the mistranslation dead translated chaos translated signs are everywhere, sometimes even misspelled. So how will these public places, the logo translated into foreigners can accept and feel comfortable and in accordance with their culture and customs of English? The English translation of the logo is an open and face the public, in order to achieve certain communicative purpose special stylistic wide range of applications, far-reaching impact. Therefore, the translator want all aspects of the factors must be taken into account, after careful consideration do the translation. Not too literally, simply engaged. This paper on the logo English translation of public places standardized for some preliminary discussion, summarize the following translation principles. A. The principle of reciprocity The principle of reciprocity refers to the information-to-peer, culture and form of Public places, the logo plays a reminder to the correct transmission of information is an important function of the logo. Therefore, language or semantic interpretation of the information translation have priority. Translator must want the information of the source language to fully translated, this does not simply translate word for word, but you want the moral of the source language is expressed. Translation of “Green Olympics, humanities Olympics, technology Olympics“, for example, if the only translation of the literal meaning is the meaning of “Green Olympics, Peoples Olympics, High-tech Olympics“ has changed, “Green“ is a single from the color green the Olympics “. “People“ also refers to a single person, the “Peoples Olympics“, which is obviously to understand two words of the “green and Humanities deviation. Another tech Olympics “translated into“ High-tech Olympics “gives the impression that the“ high-tech race, like, “Mathemat
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