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用于农药残留限量标准(MRL) 制定的作物分类体系介绍潘 灿 平中国农业大学2009年10月28日 海口主要报告内容1 MRL的现状与小作物 2 代表作物的选择与外推 3 MRL制定流程与 CAC 作物分类体系 4 美国EPA、 欧盟、 日本、CAC、 中国作物 分类体系的比较 5 中国作物分类体系建设进展与建议全球作物农药使用?成本效益数据开发和登记注册的成本及植物保护的费用 不能证明将有限销售用于作物上的努力是正确的。?责任 作物损害责任使许多产品的情况变得更复杂?结果 几乎没有财政激励政策鼓励植物保护工业对一些特 殊作物进行登记。MRL 的现状与提议?现状每种作物和农药在建立每种作物和农药在建立MRL之前都需要田 间试验之前都需要田 间试验试验耗时且昂贵试验耗时且昂贵有限的作物建立了有限的作物建立了MRLs现在与提议?提议不需要对每种作物进行残留试验不需要对每种作物进行残留试验节省人力物力和时间节省人力物力和时间极大增加了可以建立极大增加了可以建立MRLs的作物的作物有利于有利于MRL的协调性和减少交易壁垒的协调性和减少交易壁垒“The minor use problem should be addressed.”An expanded and harmonized crop classification system, which uses representative commodities to enhance crop group MRLs and facilitate trade, will be one important step in addressing the minor use problem. 全球小作物农药使用、管理会议全球小作物农药使用、管理会议介绍 “Global Minor Use Summit” 2007年12月,FAO Headquarter, RomeEfficient Minor Use Tool Efficient Minor Use Tool Crop GroupingCrop Grouping 作物分组作物分组植物学或分类学或植物栽培类似的农作物,与 被选来做研究的具有代表性的农作物组合在一 起。植物学或分类学或植物栽培类似的农作物,与 被选来做研究的具有代表性的农作物组合在一 起。确定作物组合农药容许量基于代表性农作 物农药残留值的外推确定作物组合农药容许量基于代表性农作 物农药残留值的外推Group: Fruiting Vegetables Other Than Cucurbits Rep Crops: tomato; bell pepper; non-bell pepper or small variety eggplantBush Tomato; Cocona; Currant tomato; Garden huckleberry; Groundcherry; Naranjilla; Sunberry; Tomatillo; Tomato (including cultivars and/or hybrids of this); and Tree tomatoMartynia; Okra; Pepino; Peppers (including all peppers i.e. bell, non-bell, hot, sweet, etc., and cultivars and/or hybrids of these), and Roselle African Eggplant; Eggplant (including cultivars and/or hybrids of this); Pea Eggplant; and Scarlet EggplantSubgroups Eggplant (including cultivars and/or hybrids of this); Pea Eggplant; and Scarlet Eggplant残留外推(residue extrapolation)?作物组作物组在植物学或分类学上相关或者具有 相似生长特性的作物分为一组以用于建立在植物学或分类学上相关或者具有 相似生长特性的作物分为一组以用于建立 MRL或残留外推或残留外推?作物亚组作物亚组在作物组内更相近的作物分成的 小组在作物组内更相近的作物分成的 小组?代表作物代表作物每组中有最高残留量或者最具经 济价值的作物;用于代表组中的其他作物和 确定每组中有最高残留量或者最具经 济价值的作物;用于代表组中的其他作物和 确定MRL 一些定义Support for Representative CommoditiesSupport for Representative CommoditiesIn the U.S Since 1971: 648 MRLs established for 149 active ingredients on 34 crop groups/subgroups ( 10,000 uses) based on residue trials conducted on representative commodities from NAFTA countries or other world regions International Maximum Residue Limit Database Bryant Christie Inc.http:/www.mrldatabase.com/result.cfm USDA Pesticide Data Program: No MRL violations have been found from using representative commodities for MRL procedures since 1983Support for Representative CommoditiesSupport for Representative CommoditiesCrop Group research from Japan 2006: Research on food crop grouping for setting MRLs and facilitating the availability of pesticides for minor crop use 4 compounds, 3 crops, 6 test sites Conclusion Cucumbers would be a suitable representative crop in the cucurbit vegetable group for evaluating pesticide residue levelsArao T et al, Journal of Pesticide Science, 2006 , Vol. 31 , Number 3 , pp: 145-152Crop Group research from France 22 years ago Residue studies for deltamethrin to assess crop grouping scheme 57 crops cereals, forage, oil seeds, small fruits 22?1?: 3138残留外推试验实例残留外推试验实例?试验数据的统计分析试验数据的统计分析?ANOVA 对同一种农药,作物对中所有样品的残留 量均LOQ?Bootstrap method(Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Methods Committee 2001) 所有农药的结果(包括残留量250,000 tons) and Percent of Livestock Diet)?10. Processed Products (such as oil or flour) and/or Fresh Market as Whole?Fruit/Vegetable?11. Comparison of Pest Problems:?12. Comparison of Potential Residue Levels (Tolerance/MRL levels)?13. Compare Codex Classification of Food and Feed Crops (Harmonization for?International Considerations) with U.S.?14. Justification(s) for a Crop Group/Subgroup Definition?15. References Including:ICGCC ParticipantsInternational Crop Grouping Consulting Committee nearly 200 crop experts, regulatory authorities, and agrichemical experts from:Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia FranceNetherlands New Zealand South Africa South Korea UK USand EU representatives (representing EU member countries)Germany Hungary India Israel Japan Kenya Lebanon Mexico更多的参与、支 持、配合、指 导中国作物分类(草案)问题与交流讨论?Email: panccau.edu.cnSciencenet 博客:http:/www.sciencenet.cn/blog/canpingp2222.htm
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