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环境保护类单词 沙尘暴 Sand/dust storms 生态失衡 Disruption of ecological balance 温室效应 Greenhouse effect 全球变暖 Global warming 淡水资源短缺 Shortage of fresh water 环保意识 Environmental awareness 生态系统 Ecosystem 市场类单词 国有企业 state-owned enterprise 私人企业 private enterprise 垄断市场 monopolize the market 偷税漏税 tax evasion 跨国集团 multinational corporation 贸易制裁 trade sanction 贸易壁垒 trade barriers 全球经济一体化 integration with the global economy 西部大开发 Go-West Campaign 中国加入 WTO Chinas entry into WTO 乱摊派乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge第一章应用文写作 推荐信 1 结构要点: 推荐信是向收信人推荐某人做某事的信件,一般分为三个部分: 1指出被推荐的人及推荐的原因; 2介绍被推荐人的情况; 3总结说明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任工作)。 Directions 1Suppose you have been a private tutor of Mr. Wang?s daughter for two years. But now you are going to graduate and so you recommend your friend Lily who is a sophomore to take the place of you. Write a letter to Mr. Wang in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample: Dear Mr. Wang,I am very sorry to tell you that I am going to graduate this June and cannot go on with my job as a tutor of your daughter. It has really been a pleasant experience to teach your daughter English as she is such a lovely and smart girl. Here I take great pleasure in recommending to you my friend Lily who is a sophomore majoring in English in my university. She is particularly willing to take the part?time job of an English tutor when she knows about your daughter.Lily is an excellent student. Especially her spoken English is both fluent and proficient, which can positively influence the person speaking with her. Moreover, as a lively, cheerful and easy?going girl, she is good at communicating with others.Therefore, I am confident that she is highly competent for the job and will help your daughter make further progress in English.Sincerely yours,Li Ming 推荐信 2 语言注意点: 推荐信应多写被推荐人的优点,肯定其成绩。但内容应真实可信,语言热情得体。切忌夸 大其实。 Directions:2You are asked to write a letter of recommendation for Miss Liu Ming who wants to study for the Master?s Degree under the supervision of Professor Smith who was once your supervisor in your graduate study. Write a letter to Prof. Smith in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample: Dear Prof. Smith,It has always been a great pleasure to write to you since I can never fail to get help, inspiration or enlightenment from you. Now I am writing to recommend to you Miss Liu Ming who wants to pursue her graduate study for the Masters Degree under your supervision.Miss Liu Ming was one of my classmates in Tianjin University. She was one of the most excellent students in our university as can be seen from her straight A grades on all subjects. After graduation she worked in Tianyi Biological Company for three years, which considerably added to her practical experience. It is my belief that with her intelligence, diligence and rich experience, Miss Liu Ming has great potential for further development in the field of pharmacology both theoretically and practically. Therefore, I recommend her to you with no reservations. Faithfully yours,Li Ming建议信 1 结构要点: 建议信是建议收信人采取某种行动的信件,一般分为三个部分: 1 说明建议的内容; 2 提出建议的原因; 3 指出采纳建议的益处。Directions3Suppose one of your friends is going on a self?tour in your hometown. Write a letter in about 100 words to make a suggestion to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample: Dear Mary,Glad to hear from you. You have made a right decision to travel in my hometown, Sichuan because it is a place with picturesque scenery.Self?tour is always my favorite, too, as it gives me more freedom to choose the beauty spots and arrange the tour. To you, a camping?lover, I highly recommend the Ice Mountain in Songpan County. First, you can directly go there by bus from Chengdu or Mianyang. The accommodation in Songpan is very convenient since there are quite a lot of private hotels with clean rooms at low price. Then you can hire a guide who will prepare a horse, a tent and some other things for you. After that, you will visit the beautiful scenery on horseback by following the guide during the day and enjoy camping at night. My journey there last July has really brought me great pleasure and unforgettable memory.Wish you a happy tour.Yours ever,Li Ming建议信 2 语言注意点: 这类信可写给认识的人,也可写给不认识的人。内容与模式都比较灵活。但总地来说,应 言辞恳切,理由充分。 directions4 Suppose one of your friends is going to take the CET?6 and asks you for suggestions on how to make preparation. Write a letter in about 100 words to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.Sample: Dear Helen,What a surprise it is that you are going to take this Junes CET?6 since you are only a freshman in Fudan University! Anyway, your courage and efforts are worth praise.To get fully prepared for the test, I think, you need to first enlarge your vocabulary, which is the basis of all parts. Second, you need more exercises, especially exerci
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