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初中语文论文:初中语文古诗词教学与美育教育研究初中语文论文:初中语文古诗词教学与美育教育研究【中文摘要】 ”古诗词是我国古代优秀文化的结晶。选入初中教材的古诗词,都是历经锤炼的名篇佳作。学生阅读这些作品,有助于提高现代汉语水平,厚实语言文化素养,享受传统美德熏陶。 语文课程标准也要求中学生能”诵读古代诗词,有意识地在积累感悟和运用中,提高自己的欣赏品位和审美情趣” 。这就要求教师要引导学生在古诗词的学习中发现美、感受美、欣赏美。 ”注古诗词精炼优美的语言,生动丰富的形象,都有着特殊的审美功能。而审美教育是为了让“学生具有鉴赏美、创造美的能力和情趣。中学教材中的古诗词融语言美、音韵美、情景美、节奏美于一体的具有丰富的审美元素。 “诗是强烈情感的自然流露。 ”教师首先要调动学生的生活经验,让学生读出诗歌的感情,然后是感知形象,接着再把握诗歌情感。审美心理的形象感知体验情感抒发创造三个阶段是相辅相成的。教师在进行古诗词审美鉴赏的时候,要灵活贯通地把三者的关系处理好,通过科学的方法使得学生的审美能力和情趣得到充分培养。首先要从剖题意、辨词语、补语法、调语序、分析时代背景、品味关键字词等进行感知阅读与审美理解;其次要在朗读吟诵中悟情,巧设疑问抓情感基调,明诗人之志知晓诗情以进行情感阅读与审美体验”注最后要在学生阅读诗歌时使其沉浸于思考之中,进行审美创造。古诗词,是中学语文教材必不可少的题材,是课程教学的重要内容之一。通过古诗词教学,能够培养学生一定的古诗词鉴赏能力,促进学生了解中国古代文学的精华,增进学生基本素养,有助于现代文的学习。本论文用分析法分析美育教育的现实价值,用解说法对美育教育的意义加以说明,用观察法解析美育和古诗词的内在联系,用调查法清楚现阶段古诗词教学存在的问题,用实验法论证在古诗词教学中渗透美育教育的必要性,等等。通过这些方法的运用使文章更具有说服力。本论文通过五部分内容论述,阐述了古诗词教学和美育教育的关系。第一部分绪论,主要论述选题的和意义;本选题的研究重点及研究方法;本选题相关的研究现状。第二部分论述中学古诗词教学中对学生进行美育教育的理论基础;第三部分论述古诗词教学的研究现状及对学生进行美育教育的必要性;第四部分论述古诗词教学中对学生实施美育教育的内容及方法;第五部分论述古诗词教学中对学生实施美育教育应注意的几个问题。【英文摘要】Summary of “ancient poems is the crystallization of outstanding culture in ancient China. Elected to the junior high school textbooks of ancient poetry, are after refinement of famous masterpieces. Students read these works, helped to raise the level of modern Chinese, thick language culture, enjoy traditional virtues influence. The Chinese course standard also requires students to “reading ancient poems, consciously building in realization and application, improve their appreciation of quality and aesthetic appeal.” This requires teachers to guide students in the study of ancient Chinese poetry found in the United States, experience the beauty and appreciate the beauty. “Notebeautiful refined language of ancient Chinese poetry, lively and rich images, have a special aesthetic features. And aesthetic appreciation of education is to enable students to have the United States, the ability to create beauty and interest. Inclusive language in middle school textbooks of ancient poetry, rhyme and rhythm of the United States, the United States, the United States in one with rich aesthetic elements. “Poetry is the natural expression of strong emotions. “Noteteachers first to arouse the students life experiences, feelings of the students read poetry, then there is image, then grasping the poetic emotion. Image perception experience the aesthetic psychology of emotion-expressing creates three stages are mutually reinforcing. Teachers in the aesthetic appreciation of ancient Chinese poetry of the time, to be flexible to handle three relations through, through scientific methods students aesthetic cultivation of the ability and interest be fully. First to from profile tell to SB. a story, and syndrome differentiation words, and supplement syntax, and adjusting word order, and analysis era background, and taste key words, for perception reading and aesthetic understanding; second to in read chant in the understanding love, specially set questions caught emotion tone, Ming poet of records known poetic to for emotion reading and aesthetic experience; last to in students reading poetry Shi makes its immersion Yu thinking among, for aesthetic created. Ancient poems, is the essential theme of the Chinese textbooks for middle schools, is one of the important content of course. Through the teaching of ancient poetry, to cultivate students ability of appreciation of ancient poems, promote students to understand the essence of ancient Chinese literature, to improve students basic literacy, help modern literary studies. This paper analysis method for analysis of the practical value of aesthetic education, with the method of interpretation to explain significance of aesthetic education, internal connection of the observation and analysis of aesthetic education of ancient poetry, with the method of investigation clearly present problems in the teaching of ancient poetry, with experimental demonstration by necessity of aesthetic education in the teaching of ancient poetry, and so on. Through the application of these methods make the article more convincing. This paper through a five-part Exposition, elaborated on the relationship between teaching and aesthetic education of ancient Chinese poetry. Introduction to the first part, mainly addresses the purpose and significance of subject selection; this topic focus of study and research method; this topic-related research. Partaddresses the ancient poems in middle school students with the theoretical basis of aesthetic education in the teaching; the third part of the present situation of research on teaching of ancient poetry and necessity of aesthetic education to the students; partthe ancient poems of aesthetic education to students in the teaching content and method of; partof aesthetic education to students in the ancient poetry teaching should pay attention to several problems.【关键词】初中语文 古诗词教学 美育教育【英文关键词】Junior middle school Teach
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