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PEP 三年级英语上册 Unit4 第一课时教学设计 Aticle Unit4 we love animalsTeaching objective1.Perception objective :(1). The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence:look,I have a (2).Learn and master the word:rabbit;duck;monkey;panda; Cat;dog 2.Ability objective:(1). The Ss can use the sentence pattern “ look,I have a ” 3.Emotion objective: (1).By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study;can open their mouth!Difficult and key points【DifficultDifficult pointpoints】The Ss can use the words and patterns in usual life。【Key points】Study and use the sentence patterns: look,I have aTeaching implement1.word cards2. multimedia Teaching method教法: 1、情景教学法;2、全身反应法(TPR);3、任务 型教学法;4、交际法;5、游戏法;6、多媒体教学法。 学法:1. 借助多媒体课件,生动有趣的画面激发学习兴 趣,能够流利地朗读。 2. 在会话教学中鼓励学生大声说,说清楚并配以丰富的 表情和适当的手势,采用委婉有礼貌的语调,有感情,有条 理的说,培养学生口头表达能力。Teaching processStep1Step1:WarmWarm upup & & RevisionRevision Greeting&Warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls S: Good morning, Miss Liang T: How are you? S: I am fine, thank you. And you? T: I am fine, too! thanks. Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, too! Step2Step2:PresentationPresentation 1.Teacher ask students what kind of animals they learned2.Show cat and dog on multimedia ,then ask them:whats this?After they answer ,give the word3.Ask them more anilamsts in chinese and give the pictures of dog. Then give each word.Ask students read the words after me .After read lots of times,I ask students to read the words by themslves in turns.4.Show two pictures:one is a single fruit,the other is one more fruits.Ask them to compare the difrents .For example :pear pears.Teacher analysis the difrents. Step 3:Practise 1Teacher show fruits and ask whats missing? 2.Teacher show the words of fruits,then ask whats missing?3.Ask :Do you like apples?Lead students answer:Yes ,I do. 4.Give the sentence Do you like? Yes,I do(No I dont)”“ I like(I dont like) ” “Lets have ”“What about ” 5.Ask them read after me about these sentences. 6.Ask students to practise with these sentences ,then ask them to perform.Step4Step4 : : HomeworkHomework 1. Investigate parents and friends faverate fruits. 2. Do homework on the book.板书设计Do you like pears“Do you like? Yes,I do(No I dont)”“ I like(I dont like) ” “Lets have ”“What about ” Unit 4 We love animals 教学设计广东省梅州市梅江区化育小学 杨媚娜一、学生分析一、学生分析本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生。他们的年龄在九岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有的可能说得不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上应以表扬为主,注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱。学生们喜新好奇,求知欲强,对于新鲜的事物有着浓厚的兴趣和探究欲望。他们已经学过一些简单、常见的动物单词,如 dog、cat、monkey等。同时,应抓住学生喜爱动物这一有利因素,加强对学生进行环保教育。二、教材分析二、教材分析1Lets learn本部分是本册书 Unit 4 We love animals 的第二课时,课前学生已学习动物名称:rabbit, panda, monkey,会说表示赞美的词语 Super! Cool! Great! 等2Lets do本部分是为了巩固 Lets learn 部分的内容,并培养学生学习英语的兴趣而设计的。学生可以在此项活动中尽情发挥表演才能,看谁模仿的动物形体特征最逼真,学的动物声音最像。三教学目标三教学目标1. 能力目标能听、说、认读一些常见的动物单词 cat,dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, 并能用英语介绍这些小动物。能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。2. 情感目标培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。四教学准备四教学准备可爱的动物玩具、多媒体课件、单词卡片、动物头饰、大红萝卜道具。五教学过程五教学过程1Warm-up (1)Free talk(1 分钟)a. - Good afternoon, Fangfang.- Good afternoon, Lanlan.b. - Hello, Xiaoling. How are you?- Hi, Im fine, thank you. And you?- Very well, thank you. (2)播放歌曲 Teddy Bear(要求学生边拍手边吟唱,营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛。)(分钟)(3)大小声游戏:rabbit, monkey, panda, zoo(分钟)教师轻声说一个单词,学生则需大声朗读。教师大声说,学生则轻声说。(设计思路:活跃气氛,融洽师生情感,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情,使学生迅速进入英语学习的状态,并帮助学生巩固了上节课的单词。)2Presentation教师课前在黑板上用彩色粉笔画一个动物园的图案。(1)教学 ducka.教师画一个 duck 的简笔画,微笑着问学生:Hello, boys and girls. Whats this? Do you know? 你们认识它吗?它的叫声是怎样的呢?b.课件出现 duck 的画面及叫声T: Look at my mouth. d-u-c-k, d-u-c-k (注意元音字母 u 的发音)然后把图片鸭子贴在黑板上。(2)教学 rabbitT: Hello. Im an animal. I have two long ears, and I have a white body. And, I have two red eyes. Do you know? What am I? 从此谜语中引出单词 rabbit。(设计思路:悬念式激情导入,激发学生的好奇心和兴趣,提高学生的听力水平。)(3)教学 panda出示课件。T: Look, its a lovely animal. Whats this?引出熊猫单词 panda,出示卡片,领读,进行音标渗透。然后说:Hello! My name is Panda. Nice to meet you.(引导学生用所学问候语向熊猫打招呼。)(设计思路:在熟知的语言中呈现单词,在真实的情境中交际,避免了枯燥无意义的机械重复,使课堂生动、鲜活、富有生活情趣。)(4)老师模仿声音 Woof!Woof!引出单词 dog. Im a dog. (做小狗的动作)Dog, dog, Im a dog, woof woof woof. 声音 woof 引出单词 dog。接着出示 cat 的图片,引导学生说出 Cat, cat, Im a cat, meow, meow, meow. 同法教学 monkey. (设计思路:在展示单词的同时,配上相应的动物动作。小学生的自控力不是很强,很难长时间保持注意力,所以动手,动脑,惟妙惟肖的滑稽动作,让学生体会到了英语学习的乐趣。)(5)教师以故事形式出示课件,引导学生再次认读动物单词。(设计意图:根据学生好表现的心理,一步一步循序渐进,层层深入,由易到难地从本课单词迁移到课外内容,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又丰富了课堂内容。)3Practice (1)让学生拿出准备的玩具或头饰,扮演自己喜爱的动物。(设计意图:小学生都非常喜爱小动物,每位学生最喜爱的动物也不同,针对这一生活实际,通过学生戴上自己最喜爱的头饰,介绍自己,提高了学单词的趣味性,使每位学生都跃跃欲“说”,即能寓教于乐。)(2)教师播放 Lets learn 部分的课件,让学生跟着说,注意语音语调。(3)教师示范表演,学生模仿。看谁表演得最逼真、最生动。4. Consolidation (1)教师让学生手拿自己的玩具,两至四人一组练习说 Look!I have a rabbit / dog .其他同学说上节课学过的感叹词:Cool! Super! Great! Wow!(2)比一比,看谁模仿的动物叫声最逼真。(3)赛一赛,看谁模仿的动物形体特征最生动。5. Add-activities (1)教师将一只大萝卜放在讲台台上,并戴上 rabbit 的头饰,并找若干名学生,师生同表演“拔萝卜”故事情节。(2)LetsChantCat, cat, Im a cat, meow, meow, meow.Dog, dog, Im a dog, woof, woof, woof.Duck, duck, Im a duck, quack, quack, quack.Monkey, monkey, Im a monkey, hei, hei, hei. Ra
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