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politics and the overall situation, implementation, results. Second, the target. According to provincial and municipal, and Municipal Government of decision deployment, lock established 2 a provincial technology poverty model County, and 4 a provincial technology poverty model Township, and 10 a provincial technology poverty model village and 1 a city level technology poverty model district, and 2 a city level technology poverty model Township, and 5 a city level technology poverty model village and the “five a a“ technology precision poverty special action of target task, pour row duration, and charts combat, set time, and set task, and set measures, and set personnel, and set responsibility, ensure quality completed technology precision poverty task. Third, focused. Should focus on the essential . Financial technology project “management account“ project undertaker according to key node tasks with regular invoices for funding, funding by the Department of science and technology, the financial sector, and resolutely project funds were diverted and misappropriated by interception,. Third, we must strengthen supervision of technology projects. Department of science and technology to strengthen the project inspection or spot checks, poor implementation of the project to strengthen supervision, to entrust the project undertaker rectification of irregularities. To establish a science and technology projects “blacklist“ system, project implementation quality bad credited to “blacklist“, periodic or permanent cancellation of its application, eligibility for provincial and municipal science and technology projects. Four financial management training to be carried out. City Branch knowledge to active cooperation with the financial sector, not organize project undertaker held technology project management training, State, provincial and municipal scientific and technological projects related to financial management policies, financial approval standard, medium supervision, budgeting, review of the points system training and other key content, ensuring that legitimate security use of project funds. Thank you very much! For implement implementation Central, and province, and city, and County on grass-roots party work of major decision deployment, solid advance county police organ party work, further strengthened Party Secretary tube party rule party responsibility, according to Communist xuchang County Organization Department on issued straddling County straight organ party debriefing comments assessment work implementation programme of notification requirements, according to Council party work arrangements, today, organization held county police organ Party Secretary caught grass-roots party work debriefing comments will. This is Secretary of the party organization of party responsibilities effective measure, and study and carry out the 18 session of the plenary session of the party spirit, to grasp party building under the new situation rules, advancing party construction services necessary for public security centres. Just now, 3 units debriefing the party, following my reviews each report for 3 party. Branches of the Department on the bright side: the first is to strengthen the ideological and political work, pay close attention to implementation of the work. Department party branch in strict accordance with the request of the Bureau, with “three-three“ special education as the main line, take effective measures, pay close attention to implementation of the ideological and political work, strengthen theideological education of party members and police, improve the ideological and political awareness of civilian police, as a solid foundation for the healthy and smooth development of public security work. Second, strict management, boost team morale. Strictly police thought dynamic analysis on a regular basis, to grasp the persons state of mind, strict implementation of the performance appraisal system, strengthen the teams day-to-day management; cash rewards and punishment, continue to boost troop morale. Third, strengthen the training of civilian police, and improve police actual combat skills. Serious organizations are active in a series of training activities and the learning activities of the College of Henan public security network, so that the majority of the civilian police in the political quality, quality, service quality, improve police skills. Four are from the police preferentially, warm the hearts unite police. According to the Bureaus Party Committee Requirements, and actively carry out personnel management work done within policy, and help police solve practical difficulties make police work and devotion. Five is to step up publicity and promote integrity. Around the center of public security work, to do publicity, fully demonstrated the public security troops good spirit. Six are in compliance with the party responsible, pays special attention to education and management of the pa
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