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预备篇 unit1-unit3 重点:二十六个字母的大小写,五个元音字母(A,E,I,O,U)必考! 句型:.1.good moring. 2.good afternoon. 3.good evening. 4.how are you? 5.Im fine,thanks=Im Ok,thanks. 6.whats this in English ? its a map./its an orange. Spell it please.K-E-Y. 7.What color is it? Its red/green.8.black and white. 注意:句子的首字母要大写. whats=what is. its=it is. Im=I amUnit1. 句型:whats your name? my names Jenny./ Iam Jenny.whats his name? His names Tonywhats her name? Her names Gina. 英文名字首字母要大写nice to meet you.whats your telephone number. Its 2845321whats your family name? My family name is Zhang.family name=last name 姓. first name.名英文名字 Gina Green . first name: Gina . last name: Green.中文名字 马小利 MaXiaoli. First name:Xiaoli. Last name:MaUnit2. 句型:1.Is this your pencil? Yes ,it is. /No, it isnt.its his pencil.2.Is this my pencil? 3.Is that his book? 4. Is that her eraser?5. This is his pencil. That is her pencil. 6. Thank you=thanks.7.whats this? Its a watch. How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H8. Call Alan at 49332224. Call 3432344. 9. in the lost and found case. Unit3. 句型: this is my friend. These are my friends.That is his brother. Those are his brothers.Is this your sister? Yes, it is. No, it isntIs that your sister? Yes, it is. No, it isntAre these your sister? Yes, they are. NO, they arent Are those your sister? Yes, they are. NO, they arentIs she your sister? Yes she is. No, she isntIs he your brother? Yes he is. No, he isnt Unit4. 重点: In 在里面 On 在上面 under 在下面Where is my backpack? Its in the table. Where is=wheresWhere are my books? They are on the table. I dont know. The book is on the dresser. The book are on the dresser. Take to 把带走: take these things to your sister.把这些东西带给你姐姐 Bringto 把带来 Bring these things to school. 把这些东西带到学校来.Here is my room. Here are my books. Unit5. 重点:第三人称单数:he,she,it,brother,mother,father,名字(marry, Jane)Do- does. Have-has. Like- likes. Eat-eats. Play-plays. Watch-watches.动词的变化规则:1.一般情况加 S. Help-helps. 2.以字母 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的动词 加 es.teach-teaches.go-goes. 3.以辅音字母加 Y 结尾的动词变 Y 为 I,加 es. study-studies. 句型:一般疑问句 Do you have a TV. Yes, I do. No, I dontDo they have a TV. Yes, They do. No, they dontDoes he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does. No, he doesntDoes she have a tennis racket? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt否定句: I dont have a Ping-Pong ballHe doesnt have a ping-pong ball. She doesnt have a ping-pong.They dont have a ping-pong ball.陈述句: I have a soccer ball. They have a soccer ball.She has a soccer ball. He has a soccer ball.1. lets play ping-pong. 2.That sounds good./it sounds good. 3.a great sports collection.大量的体育收藏品. Watch them on TV 通过电视观看它 们。 4Play sports. 5.every day. 6,its boring/interesting/fun.Unit 6. 重点:第三人称单数,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词的单复数。名词的单复数变化规则:1.一般情况加 s.pear-pears. 2.以字母 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的 动词加 es.watch-watches.3. 以字母 O 结尾的有生命的加 es,tomato-tomatoes.无生命的 加 s,photo-photos. 3.以辅音字母加 Y 结尾的动词变 Y 为 I,加 es. Strawberry-strawberries.可数名词:oranges.apples,eggs.pears. 不可数:broccoli,ice cream. 句型:一般疑问句 Do you like salad. Yes, I do. No, I dontDo they like pears. Yes, They do. No, they dontDoes he like apples? Yes, he does. No, he doesntDoes she like carrots? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt否定句: I dont like orangesHe doesnt like oranges. She doesnt like oranges.They dont like oranges.陈述句: I like oranges. They like oranges.She likes oranges. He like oranges. 1.lots of 2,for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner.for dessert. Unit 7 重点:询问价格 how much ,单数用 is,复数用 are.数字 1-31 句型:how much is this T-shirt? its seven dollars.How much are these T-shirts? Theyre seven dollars.Can I help you? Yes,please.I want a sweater.What color do you want? Here you are.Ill take it ,thank you. Youre welcome.Come and buy 来买 on sale. At Huaxings storeAt a very good price. For only 12. in red(in green)Bags for sports 运动包. For girl,for boy.Come and see for yourself 亲自来看看The yellow sweater is 30 dollars. Unit8 重点:12 个月的拼写,序数词(第几).复习名词的所有格 LiuPings 刘平的 句型: when is your birthday? My birthday is June fourth./Its June fourth.When is your mothers birthday? Her birthday is How old are you? Im twelve. How old are they? They are thirteen How old is she? She is fifteen. How old is he? He is fourteen. Fifteen years old. Speech contest school trip basketball game. Birthday party. Do you have a school day at your school? Yes, we do Do you have an art festival? No, we dont Unit 9 重点:want to go to 句型: do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie. I like comedies and I like Beijing opera.He likes action movies but he doesnt like documentaries.She thinks it is interesting.Learn about 关于的学习 learn about Chinese historyWith my father 和我的父亲一起 on weekend 在周末 a very successful thriller Unit 10 重点:乐器前加 the, 句型:1,can you play the guitar? Play the guitar.2.I want to join the art clu
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