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1人称代词人称代词usthem/ s / / m /They give us a warm welcome. Give my best wishes and regards to them. 不定代词不定代词 some/ sm / / sm /They want some books. I have bought some bread. 动词动词 be are was/ / wz /The books are wonderful. The seat was taken.介词介词 Atfromfortointoof/ t / / frm / / f /, / fr / / t / / int / v /At once Shes just come back from Italy. Here is a letter for you. For example He goes to Beijing. They walk into the room. A lot of money引导词引导词 there/ r /There are some books on the desk. / /Theres a girl reading in the room.形容词形容词 such/ st /There is no such a thing as a free lunch. 助动词助动词情态动词情态动词DoDoesHaveHashadcancouldwouldshallshouldmust/ d /, / d / / dz / hv / / hz / / hd / kn / / kd / wd / / l / d / mst /Do they get up early? Do you get up early? What does she do on Sundays?The students have left. Tom has come. The rooms had been reserved for the guests.We can go now. He could do it by himself.He thought he would go. I shall be waiting for you.We should try our best.That must be done at once.连词连词andbutorthanthatasuntil/ n / bt / / / / n / t / / z / n til /This is blue and that is white. You and I. Black and white.He is old but very rich.Are you coming or not?Better late than never.He said that he was coming to see me.Do as I do.Lets wait until the rain stops.2Linked Sounds 连读连读 * 在同一意群中:1 “辅音+元音”:CanI help you? Itisanold book. Let me havea lookatit. Inornot?Putiton, please. Notatall. Please pickitup. Each oneof you hasa different story.I appreciateit.2 “r/re+元音”:faraway Ill considerit.3 “辅音+半元音” ( /j/ 和 /w/), 特别是 /j/Thankyou. Nice to meetyou. /t/ + you 会变成 /tju/ I have heard so much aboutyou. 4 “音的同化” 常把/d/+/j/读成/dj/,did you 听上成了/didju/,would you 成了/wudju/,could you 成了/kudju/:Didyou go there?Wouldyou like some coffee? Couldyou help me, please? 5 “元音+元音”Iam Chinese. Heis very friendly to me. She wants to studyEnglish. She cant carryit. Itll take you threehours to walk there. The question is tooeasy for him. Attention 注:注: 连读现象只出现在意群内部,意群与意群之间的两个相邻单词即使符合 上面所讲的条件,也不连读。如:I hope it will get a little warmer.当按意群进行停顿按意群进行停顿时,则不连读。 Is it a hat or a cat?(hat 与 or 之间不连读) There is a good book in my desk. (book 与 in 之间不连读) Can you speak English or French? (English 与 or 之间不连读) Shall we meet at eight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet 与 at,eight 与 or 之间不连读)3Omission-爆破音不完全爆破爆破音不完全爆破爆破音:/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/,/k/, /g/ 在一定情况下不必爆破出来,就是说气流不必 冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,稍作停顿后马上过渡到后面的音:Part I 在单词内部:如 blackboard, football, kept, actor;grandma, subject, kindnessPart II 在两个相邻单词之间: 1 “爆破音 + 爆破音”:由相关的发音器官做好这个发音的姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面的爆破音。a big car The girl in the red coat a black bike The big bus next Tuesday a cheap book a good book a very cold dayWhat time is it? You must do it. Just do it. Have a good time.I have got to go. You can putit down in the big garden. 2 “爆破音 + 摩擦音”:Advance a good zoo make sure just then Keep silent get through old friends I went there alone.3 爆破音 + 破擦音:a great change the right choice that child You did a good job. 4 爆破音 + /m/, /n/, /l/Good morning a bit more expensive at last good luck a littleId like to. a bit louder good news right nowPart IIIIII (1 1) 动词否定式的缩写形式,结尾的 t 不发音略读略读I dont know. You dont know him. I didnt say so. You cant do this.He mustnt do it. You neednt pay for it.I wouldnt let him go. Mary shouldnt call him at work.(2)(2) 个别词在口语中最后的辅音可不发音略读略读Never mind. Good night.Right? Alright? Not yet.What are you talking about?Part IV the wanna=want to gonna=going toThe boy is 5 years old. / 后面单词以辅音辅音开头 The old book is lost. /i/ 后面单词以元音元音开头In the book, there are a lot of stories. 强调 /i:/ British English /i/ American EnglishDo what I wanna do, be what I wanna be. 表达意思较多时I want to go now. 强调,句子很短I think we are gonna be good friends. 表达意思较多时I am going to stay here. 强调,句子很短Going to + 名词: He is going to Beijing.4Intonation and Stress 语调,重音语调,重音1 what, where, who, how, when, why, which, whose: 一般是最前面的特殊疑问词重读, 整个句子用降调; 当说话人想强调特别的内容时, 相应的单词重读, 表达的意识与通常的情况不大一样.What are you doing? Whats this?Where are you going? Where are you?Who is this? Who are you?How are you? How is your work?When will you come back? When do you go to school?Why are you here? Why do you come to China?Which is the best? Which is the right one?Whose book is this?2 Can I help you? Shall we go home now? 一般问句, 升调Are you OK? May I come in?Me? Really? The boy?He is here? You are a student?3 Are you single or married? 选择问句, or 这个词前面的选项升调, 后面的选项降调.Are you from Shaoxing or Shanghai?4 He is a student, isnt he? It is 5:00, isnt it? 附加问句/反意问句, 读成升调时, 表示说话人对前面的内容不确定或是有疑问; 读成降调时, 表示说话人对前面说的内容比较肯定.5 Here I am. 陈述句一般用降调, 个别情况用一点升调, 听起来比较轻快, 亲切, 有活力I am a student.Time is up.You can go home now.There are 4 members in my family, my father, my mother, my siste
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