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美联英语提供:生活小常识:这五种食材千万别放冰箱!两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0Its very preferable that you should store the following five items out of the refrigerator.下面提到的五种食物,最好不要放冰箱。You are mistaken if you think that absolutely all products enjoy low temperatures.如果你认为所有食物都应低温存储,那就说明陷入误区啦。Therere those that dont. Here are some of them:有些食物就不该存放在低温环境,比如:1. Banana香蕉Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals. They are nutritious and its a shame to find out that the food is losing its best properties simply because you do not know how to store it.香蕉富含维他命与矿物质。它们营养丰富,如果因为你存储不当,而导致这些珍贵的营养物质白白流失了,那可真是得不偿失。Keep your bananas on the kitchen counter and let the fruits ripen. The ripening process is prevented if bananas are put in the cooler.把香蕉放在橱柜上,让它们自然成熟就好。因为如果放冷却器里,香蕉成熟的过程会受到阻碍。2. Garlic大蒜We do not want our garlic to sprout! But thats what happens to this fragrant plant if it is kept in the cooler.我们可谁都不想让大蒜发芽!但如果你把这种香料植物存放在冷却器里,那这就是它们的下场。Take your garlic out of the fridge and find a better place.所以啊,赶紧把你家大蒜从冰箱里救出来,给它们找个更舒坦的地儿住吧。If you keep it in a dry, cool and well ventilated place, your garlic will not lose its aroma, properties and texture.将大蒜存放于干躁通风之地,如此一来,它们的风味,营养以及口感就都得以保存啦。3. Honey蜂蜜Honey is an incredibly valuable product. Its special properties make honey one of the super foods we all should consume on a regular basis unless you are allergic to it and cannot eat it.蜂蜜是一种营养价值极高的食品。它所富含的特有物质使其成为人们钟爱的“超级食品”之一。除非你对它过敏吃不了,我们强烈建议大家将蜂蜜纳入常规饮食。Honey is naturally preserved and does not need to be stored in the fridge. Keep natural honey in a clean container away from sunlight.蜂蜜不需要放冰箱,自然储存就好。将天然蜂蜜放在干净的容器中,避免阳光直射。Place it in a dry place where the temperature is not too low. Although crystallizing is a normal process, you can delay it by keeping your honey in room temperature.将入罐的蜂蜜置于阴凉干燥处,不过要注意温度不可过低。出现结晶现象很正常,而只需将蜂蜜挪回室温环境,就能解决这个问题。4. Basil罗勒Basil will lose its freshness and shape if you place it in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures wilt plants, basil included. More than that, basil absorbs the smells coming from the surrounding foods.罗勒如果放冰箱里,会变得不新鲜,而且还会走形。低温使植物枯萎,罗勒自然也难逃此劫。更值得注意的是,罗勒会吸收周围食物的气味。If you know how to treat flowers, youll know how to treat basil, too. Do the same things keep out of the fridge in a container with fresh water.如果你知道怎么养花,那你也应该知道怎么存放罗勒。因为步骤完全一致:放在注入清水的容器里水培,千万别扔冰箱!Freeze the herb and use it later, but blanch it first.如果实在一时半会儿用不上罗勒草,也可以选择把它冷冻起来,不过一定要记得:先漂白,再冷冻。5. Eggs蛋类There are two absolutely opposite opinions regarding eggs and their storage conditions.关于该不该把蛋类存放在冰箱, 人们持两种截然不同的态度。Some people believe that the best place to keep eggs is the refrigerator. According to them, eggs stay fresh in low temperatures and cold places.一部分人认为最佳储蛋之地莫过于冰箱。对于他们而言,低温环境可以帮助蛋类保鲜。Others claim that it does not really matter whether the temperature is low or not eggs do not lose their properties anyways.另一部分人则认为低温与否其实都无所谓因为蛋类的营养物质不易流失。(除非你把它摔碎的说)The only advice we can give you is: try out both of the above mentioned storage conditions and decide which one works for you best.这里我们只能给你一个建议:上述两种存放方式都去试试,哪种好用就用哪种吧。两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/www.meten.com/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0
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