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山东科技大学学士学位论文摘摘 要要本文选择山东地区晚白垩世的恐龙化石及其赋存地层为研究对象,开展一些针对性的研究,以期在沉积学、地层学和古生物学等方面获得一些新的认识和进展。山东发现恐龙化石的地区主要在胶莱盆地。莱阳的恐龙以鸭嘴、鹦鹉嘴龙居多,另外还有剑龙,谭氏龙(鸟龙类)等多种。时代属白垩纪,多存于王氏系的红土中或灰绿土中。其分布呈带状,主要分布在金岗口,红土崖、将军顶、柳行、陡山、横岚埠等处。山东恐龙化石的另一发现地诸城是一个中生代地层较为发育的小型盆地,含有大量的古生物化石,其中尤以恐龙化石最为丰富。诸城恐龙种属繁多,且范围广,埋藏丰富,是全国少有的一处恐龙化石宝库。本文对山东恐龙化石的分布、恐龙的生活习性、以及其生活环境和化石的埋藏学特征进行了研究,得出山东的恐龙化石出产多在缺少侏罗纪地层的鲁东地区,该地区主要为一套辫状河流相和冲击扇相沉积。研究发现,赋存化石的沉积序列主要由泥石流、洪泛平原、辫状河道等微相类型组成。在其地层沉积特征的基础上,结合所发现的恐龙化石,本文认为,山东莱阳诸城盆地在白垩纪时期气候温暖,雨水充沛,河流交织,湖泊广布,植被繁茂,生机盎然。同时本文在对恐龙化石集群埋藏研究后发现,恐龙是在迁徙洪泛平原时遭遇突发性洪水或大规模泥石流、滑塌等灾害,导致生物集群死亡事件的发生。关键词关键词:山东, 恐龙化石, 白垩纪, 沉积环境AbstractThe dinosaur fossil of Late- Cretaceous in the area and the strata in which the dinosasur fossil locates as study object can be well-targeted researched so that the 山东科技大学学士学位论文Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and paleontology can get new understanding and a lot of progress. Laiyang, Shandong is the one of areas where discovered dinosaur fossil was at most and earliest dinosasurs in Laiyang are mainly ioHadrosaur, Psittacosauru,there are, in addition ,Stegosaurus and Tanius laiyangensis and so on. They belong Cretaceous and locate in red soil or grey green soil of Wangshi Formation.they are distributed as bandin in Jigangkou, Hongtuya, liuhang, Doushan, Henggangpu and so on. Another area of discovering dinosaur fossil in Zhulai basin, Shandong is Zhucheng which is small-sized basin where Mesozoic strata was well developed and a large number of paleobiology fossil was formed but dinosasur fossil is most abundant. Species of dinosaurs in Zhucheng which is important repositories of dinosasur fossil all over China is the most abundant and it is distributed widely. According to this text, dinosasur fossil of Shandong province is mostly distributed in eastern Shandong where it is short of Jurassic strata.The strata of eastern Shandong consists of fluvial facies deposit and fan deposit.After study, it is found that sedimentary sequence of the strata in which the dinosaur fossil locate consists of microfacies, such as debris flow, floodplain and braided river. We believe that the weather of laiyang-zhucheng basin, Shandong was warm in Cretaceous, rivers and lakes existed in large numbers and the plant was luxuriant from strata sedimentary characteristics and discovered dinosaur fossil. In addition, after studying reasons of which the dinosaur fossil was buried concentratly, it is found that the dinosuar suddenly encountered flood , large-scale mudslides and landslides in migration to floodplains,so that living beings became extinct concentratly.key words: Shandong , dinosaur fossil, Cretaceous, Sedimentary environment山东科技大学学士学位论文目录目录1 1 绪论绪论-12 2 研研究究区区域域的的地地质质概概况况-22.1 大地构造-2 2.2 区域地层分布 -3 2.2.1 莱阳群-4 2.2.2 青山群-7 2.2.3 王氏群-73 3 山东恐龙化石的分布山东恐龙化石的分布-93.1 莱阳地区恐龙化石的分布及其发现的主要属种-9 3.2 诸城地区的恐龙化石分布及其发现的主要属种-11 3.3 山东恐龙化石的出土层位-15 3.3.1 山东莱阳盆地恐龙化石出土层位-15 3.3.2 山东诸城盆地恐龙化石出土层位-164 4 山东主要发现恐龙的生活习性山东主要发现恐龙的生活习性-194.1 山东鸭嘴类恐龙的特点及生活习性的研究-19 4.2 山东角龙类恐龙的特点及生活习性研究 -21 4.3 山东暴龙类恐龙的特点及习性研究 -22 4.4 山东甲龙类恐龙的特点及习性研究 -22 4.5 山东蜥脚亚目中的蜥脚类恐龙的特点及习性研究-235 5 山山东东白白垩垩纪纪的的生生态态环环境境分分析析-245.1 从岩石地层学角度对山东白垩纪地层沉积环境分-24 5.1.1 早白垩世莱阳群地层沉积环境分析-24 5.1.2 早白垩世青山群地层沉积环境分析-25 5.1.3 晚白垩世王氏群地层沉积环境分析-26 5.2 从恐龙化石角度对山东白垩纪地层沉积环境分析-27276 6 恐龙化石埋藏学特征初步研究恐龙化石埋藏学特征初步研究-306.1 泥石流埋藏相-30山东科技大学学士学位论文6.2 洪泛平原埋藏相-31 6.3 辫状河道埋藏相-327 7 结论结论-34附录附录-35山东科技大学学士学位论文 绪论 第 1 页 共 59 页1 1 绪论绪论随着山
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