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中 文 摘 要- I -摘 要本设计是在鲁中冶金矿山公司现场资料的基础上,根据此次设计的具体要求进行的。遵循节约资源开支、提高回收率及金属品位的原则设计流程。选择合适的生产设备与辅助设备,以满足生产需要,同时设计中应注意满足节约初期建设资金和以后的运营成本的要求。设计的主要内容是选矿厂工艺流程的选择和计算、矿浆流程计算、设备的选择和计算以及相关图纸的绘制。其中,磨矿分级流程确定采用一段开路自磨和一段闭路球磨。经三段弱磁选,精矿再磨,进行第四段弱磁选,以提高铁的品位。尾矿浓缩分别进行弱磁、强磁,浓缩后进浮选,浮选流程采用一粗一精二扫,浮选尾矿再磨后,又分别进行了弱磁、强磁、二重选流程,以提高铁的回收率。重选流程中,根据现场资料确定采用螺旋溜槽、摇床二段重选。由于铜矿的可浮性良好,一段粗选便可达到设计要求的品位指标,增加一段扫选以提高铜精矿的回收率。选矿厂选在平缓地面上建厂,磁选设备操作平台、重选车间与其他设备之间有一定高差,以便于矿浆能基本实现自流,从而可以节省选厂的运输能耗及费用。关键词:设计,流程,计算英文摘要- II -AbstractThe design is based on Lu Zhong metallurgical and mining company based on the field data, combined with the design requirements . Follow the energy saving, increase the recovery rate. Choose the right equipment, support facilities designed to meet the needs of production, the design of conservation attention beyond the initial construction of capital and operating costs. The main contents of the design are the process of selection and the calculation of concentrator, the slurry flow calculations, the equipment selection and calculation of the relevant drawings drawing. Among them, the grinding and classification process using a closed-circuit self-determined and a closed circuit ball mill grinding ore.In order to improve the the grade of iron concentrate increase the concentrate to grind process.Re-grinding process, grinding fineness to 85%. In the magnetic separation process, according to established uses two magnetic field data. Re-election process, according to field data to determine uses two re-election. Flotation process using a thick sweep of a fine. 2 re-election processes to improve the recovery of iron.And increased re-election for a process flow of middlings to deal with. Plant layout according to the terrain by slope-style layout, process flow to achieve the basic gravity concentrator, saving transport costs. Keywords: design, process, calculate 目录- III -目录摘 要 .I Abstract.II 目录.III 第一章 前 序.11.1 新建选厂的意义新建选厂的意义.11.2 设计任务书设计任务书.31.2.1 设计目的.31.2.2 设计题目.41.2.3 设计内容.41.2.4 主要技术指标和参数.5第二章 鲁中冶金矿山公司的概况.62.1 厂区交通、气候特点厂区交通、气候特点.62.2 厂区状况及矿石性质厂区状况及矿石性质.72.2.1 小官庄矿体:.82.2.2 张家洼矿体:.102.2.3 港里矿体:.122.3 选矿试验选矿试验.122.3.1 原矿分析:.132.3.2 选矿试验结果.142.3.3 选矿试验报告推荐意见.142.4 厂区供电供水厂区供电供水.142.4.1 厂区供电.142.4.2 厂区供水.16第三章 方案设计及方案论证.183.1 设计方案设计方案.183.2 方案论证方案论证.19目录- IV -第四章 干式磁预选流程计算和设备的选择.224.1 干式磁预选流程的选择和计算干式磁预选流程的选择和计算.224.1.1 计算干式磁预选工序小时处理量.234.1.2 计算干式磁预选工序各产物的产率.234.1.3 计算干式磁预选工序各产物的品位.244.1.4 计算干式磁预选工序各产物的回收率.244.2.1 干式预磁磁选机的选择与计算干式预磁磁选机的选择与计算.25第五章 磨矿流程计算和磨矿设备的选择.265.1 磨矿流程的选择和计算磨矿流程的选择和计算.265.1.1 计算磨矿工序小时处理量.265.1.2 计算磨矿工序各产物的产率.
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