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版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cnSection_Grammar 复习被动语态()语法图解探究发现用所给词的适当形式填空1I had already heard that George didnt like being_kept (keep)waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.2As we drew closer, I could see a whale being_attacked(attack) by a pack of about six other killers.3Being badly wounded (wound), the whale soon died.4From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of being_abandoned (abandon) by us.5When we approached him, I saw James being firmly held (hold) in the water by Old Tom.我的发现(1)以上各题皆用了动词ing 形式的被动语态。(2)动词ing 形式的被动结构为:being_done;此结构可在句中充当宾语(如句 1、4)、宾语补足语(如句 2、5)和状语(如句 3)等。一、动词ing 形式的被动式的使用条件如果动词ing 形式的逻辑主语与其所表示的动作是被动关系时,动词ing 形式要用被版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cn动式。二、 动词ing 形式的被动式有一般式与完成式两种形式形式构成意义一般式being 及物动词的过去分词与谓语动词同时或在谓语动词之后发生的动作完成式having been 及物动词的过去分词先于谓语动词发生的动作Mark often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.无论什么时候违反交通规则,马克总是想逃避受罚。Having been surrounded for a month, the enemy had to give in.被包围一个月后,敌人不得不投降了。名师点津 (1)系动词、不及物动词不能用于被动语态,其主动形式有时可以表达被动的意义。The flowers smelling sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.在植物园里鲜花散发着馨香吸引着游客去欣赏它们的自然美。(2)need, want, require, be worth 等后跟动词ing 形式表达被动的意义。Whatever is worth doing should be done well.凡是值得做的事情都应该做好。即时演练 1 用所给词的适当形式填空(2013江苏高考改编)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being_reduced (reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.Having_been_criticized (criticize) by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking.The dish tasting (taste) nice is very popular with customers in this restaurant. The book is worth reading (read)三、动词ing 形式的被动式的用法版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cn动词ing 形式的被动式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语,但不能单独作谓语。Being killed by sharks in this sea area is a common thing.(作主语)在这片海域被鲨鱼吃掉是常有的事。He didnt mind being left at home.(作宾语)他不介意被留在家里。What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital. (作表语)最使那个孩子焦虑不安的是不准许他到医院探望他的妈妈。As we approached the village, we saw new houses being built.(作宾语补足语)走进村子时,我们看到正在盖新房。That building being built is our library.(作定语)正在修建的那栋楼是我们的图书馆。Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip away? (作状语)既然被给这样一个好机会,她怎么可能放弃呢?即时演练 2写出下列句中动词 ing 形式的被动式在句中充当的成分Being laughed at in public is a terrible experience. 主语I heard this song being sung in English then. 宾语补足语The meeting being held now is very important. 后置定语Having been scolded many times, he still made the same mistake. 状语四、动词ing 形式的被动式的几种特殊情况 1动词ing 形式的被动式的逻辑主语与主句的主语或宾语不一致时,要用独立主格结构来表示。The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent one having been 版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cnlaunched at the end of last year.这个国家已发射三次无人宇宙飞船,最近一次是去年年底发射的。2动词ing 形式的被动式、过去分词和不定式的被动式作定语时的区别。动词ing 形式的被动式表示一个被动的动作正在进行;过去分词表示一个被动的动作已经发生;不定式的被动式表示将来的一个被动的动作。a meeting being held now 现在正在召开的会议a meeting held yesterday 昨天召开的会议a meeting to be held tomorrow 明天将会召开的会议即时演练 3 用所给词的适当形式填空(2014江苏高考改编)The lecture having_been_given (give), a lively questionandanswer session followed.The meeting to_be_held (hold) next week will discuss a new plan.The meeting being_held (hold) now is discussing a new plan.The meeting held (hold) yesterday discussed a new plan.用所给词的适当形式填空1I have to go now, for I cant risk being_punished (punish) by our manager. 2The foreign friends you referred to are looking forward to being_shown (show) around our newly built language lab.3After he became conscious, he remembered having_been_attacked/being_attacked (attack) and hit on the head.4Being_examined (examine) twice a year, whether it is a car, a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.5Being_exposed (expose) to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cn6Having_been_shown(show) around the schoolyard, we were then taken to see the new library.7I think the dictionary published this year is worthy of being_bought (buy)8He narrowly escaped being_run (run) over.9Do you see the boy being_questioned (question) by the police now?10Having_been_told (tell) many times, he still couldnt understand what the professor said.单句写作1Having_been_asked to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。2Her regret is being_cheated_by_him.她遗憾的是被他欺骗。3Being_educated_in_a_famous_university is what most students wish for.在著名大学里受教育是大多数学生希望的。4What in the world put you in a really bad mood?Being_stuck_in_the_traffic for hours.到底是什么让你心情特别不好?陷入交通堵塞几个小时。5His_being_fired gave a big warning to anyone who is lazy and dishonest in the company.他被解雇这件事给公司里那些懒惰和不诚实的人一个很大的警告。6Look! The new houses being_built_now will be available to those lowincome families after they are ready.看!这些正在建的新房子完工后将要供低收入家庭居住。7The blackboard needs_cleaning/to_be_cleaned.黑板需要擦干净。版权所有:中国好课堂 www.zghkt.cn8Being_repaired,_my car cant be used now.我的车正在修理中,所以现在无法使用。.用所给词的适当形式或相关词完成短文1Being_educated (educate) in a famous university is my wild dream and I ha
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