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模块七第二单元重点词汇讲解1. chemistrychemical adj.化学的 n./c/化学物质/药品chemist 药剂师/化学家 2. revolution 革命 take part in revolution 参加革命 巨变,大变革 a cultural social, scientific revolution 文化的社会的,科学的重大变革 Revolutionary adj. 革命的, 革新的 n. (revolutionaries) 革命者3. counter 计算器,计算者柜台,结账处,柜台式长桌 the girl behind the counter 女店员 相反之事物,反面 believe the counter of a saying 相信相反的说法Count v (-ed, ed; -ing)计数,点 count three 从 1 数到 3 计算在内,包含 there were 30 people present, not counting some children. 把.认为视为,算作,看做 count oneself luckya lucky man 有重要意义,有影响 Every second counts. 每一秒都很重要。n. C 计数,点数 an accurate count 精确的计数 take a count of 计算数量 总数 What is the count? 总数是多少? 考虑事项,问题 They all agree on this count. 在这一点上,他们的意见一致。 Count down 倒计数 count for little 几乎无足轻重 count for much 关系重大,很有价值 count in 把.算在内 count on 指望,依靠,依赖 count sb/sth. out 数出,不包括 Countable adj. 可计算的,可数的 Countless adj. 无数的,不计其数的4. beneficial adj. The medicine proves beneficial to mankind.证明是有好处的- benefit n/v be beneficial to =be of benefit to 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。 It is said that yoga is beneficial to peoples health. A charity concert is held for the benefit of the victims. He has benefited from cooperating with others. 5. possess vt. 有,拥有 possess a car possess a special chemical 含一种特殊化学成分 具有(品质)possess patience 有耐性 Be possesses of 具有,拥有 Possessed adj.着了魔的 possessive adj. 占有欲的,所有格的 possessor n. 持有人,所有人 possession 拥有,占有,个人财产(常用复数) ,领土,属地 come into sbs possession 落入某人手中 (sth.)be in the possession of (sb.)为-所拥有=have possession of =take/get/gain possession of 6. vital be vital for/to 对-至关重要 =be very important for It is vital that sb. (should) do sth. 做某事至关重要。 7. potential adj. 潜在的,可能的 a potential disaster 可能发生的灾祸 Can you find a way to avoid the potential dangers? n with potential 可能性,潜在的能力 have the potential to do sth. 有有-的潜力的潜力 Faced with demand, the factor has the potential to produce more products. 8. heart attack 心脏病发作;heart disease 心脏病;heart failure 心脏衰竭break ones heart 伤 心learnby heart 默记/背诵lose heart 沮丧/丧失信心heart and soul 全心全意地9. abnormal adj.more; most 反常的,不正常的 abnormal behavior 反常的举动变态 be mentally abnormal 精神变态 Normal adj. 正常的normally 正常地 Abnormality n. 反常,变态,畸形 10. application apply 用法application n.应用/运用/适用:the application of A to B:A 在 B 中的应用申请:application form 申请表;application to/for 向/对的申请; application to do sth 做某事的申请 eg.I refused his application for the job/to do the job. You should make an application to the office, and then fill in an application form.have an application in 在-有应用 Apply apply A to B 把 A 应用于 B applied mathematics 应用数学 apply to sb. for sth. 向-申请- applicant n 申请者申请者 There were over 500 applicants for the job. 11. effective adj. 有效的,生效的,实际的 take effective measures 采取有效措施 The teaching method proved (to be) effective. Effectiveness n. 有效性,效能 Effect n 效应,结果,影响 cause and effect 因果 外观,声响,印象,效果 sound effects for a play 戏剧的音响效果 Vt. 使产生,引起 effect a recovery 实现复苏 come into effect / take effect 开始生效 side effects 副作用 have an effect on/upon 对.有影响 take effect 开始起作用,奏效 The experience had a great effect on his family. It was over three hours before this medicine took effect. affect vt 影响,发生作用于 affect ones decision 影响某人的决定(疾病)侵袭 The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight. 感动(多用被动语态)We were deeply affected by his movie. Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone. 精诚所至,金石为开。12. approval approval process 批准程序 win ones approval 得到某人的赞同 give approval to 批准- approval n. disapproval approve v disapprove (正式)批准,认可 approve the plan 批准计划 赞成,同意(常与 of 连用)approve of their marriage 赞同他们的婚姻 13. accelerate. (使)加快, (使)增速 accelerate the pace= speed up - 加速- 促进,催促 accelerate the fall of government 促使一个政府的倒台 Decelerate v. 减速,减低速度 acceleration n 加速,促进,加速度14. mass n.块/堆/群/团:a mass of earth;large masses of clouds 许多/大量:a mass of 或 masses of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词(谓语动词的数与名词数性保持一致)大部分/主 要(majority):the mass/majority of(谓语动词的数与名词数性保持一致)the masses 民众/大众the public 体积/质量(与 weight 对应,物理概念quality) adj. 大量的/多数 的/群众的:mass production 批/大量生产 mass meeting 群众大会 15. outcome n. C 结果,成果 What was the outcome of your investigation? 注:outcome 和 result 意义较近,但往往指的是竞赛或悬而未决的事最后“见输赢” 、 “见 分晓” 。 16. arrangement adjust lighting arrangement 调整照明安排arrange vt. 整理/布置 安排/约定:arrange (for) sth;arrange sth for sb 为某人安排某事; arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人去做某事;arrange (with sb) to do sth(与某人)预定去做某 事;arrange that-clause 虚拟语气:(should)+V 原 arrangement n.排列/布置 eg. I dont like the new arrangement of the furniture in the room. 安排/准备:make arrangements for sth 17. pressure n. 压力,挤压 air pressure 空气的压力 大气压 a band of high (low) pressure 一股高/低气压 心理压力、苦恼 the pressure of work 工作的压力 financial pressure 财务困难 V对施加压力,强迫 Under the pressure of 在逼迫下 put/bring pressure on sb.(to do sth.) 强迫某人做.Stress n. 精神压力,紧张 suffer from stress 有精神压力/ cope with stress 应付压力 强调,重要性 She lays great stress on punctuality. 她十分注重守时。 重音,重读 Vt. 强调,极力主张,着重,重读 Stressful adj. 有压力的18. let out vt. letout (of):(从)
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