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Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 温故知新温故知新 (课前预习类训练).Match word with proper degree.(把下列单词与所指程度连起来。) 1.sometimes A.100% 2.always B.once a year 3.never C.once or twice a week 4.often D.0% 5.hardly ever E.four or five times a week 答案:答案:1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as those below. (预习课文并从中找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。) 1.很少/几乎不曾 2.网上冲浪 3.至于/关于 4.一周两次 5.对有好处 6.照顾 7.饮食习惯 8.努力去做某事 9.许多/大量的 10.和一样 答案:答案:1.hardly ever 2.surf the Internet 3.as for 4.twice a week 5.be good for. 6.look after 7.eating habits 8.try to do sth. 9.a lot of/lots of 10.as.as.一鼓作气一鼓作气 (课中强化类训练) Exercises for new words (生词专练).Spell out the word according to the paraphrase.(根据释义写出单词。) 1.h almost not 2.t two times 3.I international computer network 4.h thing that a person does often 5.j useless or unwanted things 答案:答案:1.hardly 2.twice 3.Internet 4.habit 5.junk Exercises for phrases (短语专练).Complete the sentence with the proper phrase in the box. (用框中适当的短语完成句子。)1.Lucy and Lily are twins;Lily has lifestyle Lucy. 2.My sister is always ill,she does exercise. 3.My parents went to work,so I had to myself. 4. do you exercise? Once a week. 5.If I study hard,I believe(相信)I can . 6.The young(年轻人) should the old some cleaning. 7.I am a student;I should do my homework . 8.I want to play basketball, homework,I will finish it later. 9.It is time of computer,everyone wants to . 10.I do my homework. 答案:答案:1.the same;as 2.hardly ever 3.look after4.How often 5.get good grades 6.help;do7.every day 8.as for 9.surf the Internet 10.try to Exercises for function items (交际用语专练).Choose the proper answers to the questions.(根据问题选择正确的答语。) 1.How many hours do you sleep every night? A.Yes,I do. 2.What sports do you play? B.Because its not good for my health. 3.Why do you eat junk food once a week? C.Every day. 4.How often do you do homework? D.Eight hours. 5.Do you like to drink milk? E.I play volleyball. 答案:答案:1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A.Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. (重新排列下列句子,使之成为完整的对话。) 1.Youre early,too! 2.What are you doing now? 3.Do you like running? 4.Morning!You are early today. 5.Running. 6.How often do you exercise? 7.Yes,very much. 8.Lets go running together. 9.Twice a week. 10.OK.Lets go. 排列顺序 答案:答案:41253769810 Exercises for grammar (语法专练).Multiple choice(单项填空)1.How often heto English evening class? . A.is;go B.is;going C.does;go D.did;went 答案:答案:1.C How often 表示频率,应用一般现在时。 2.30% students like the watch.What does “30%”mean? A.None of the students.B.All the students. C.Some of the students.D.Most of the students. 答案:答案:C 30%不超过一半。 3.Does your mother often go to the movies? ,she doesnt like movies at all. A.Ever B.Never C.Some times D.Usually 答案:答案:B 从“she doesnt like movies at all”可知上文应是为否定意义的表达。 4.You hardly know him, ? A.are you B.arent you C.do you D.dont you 答案:答案:C hardly 表示“几乎没有”,表示否定,所以后面要用肯定。 5.Are you late for class? . A.Yes,never B.Yes,sometimes C.No,ever D.No,usually 答案:答案:5.B A、C、D 选项本身前后矛盾。 6. does Mary do on weekends? Shop. A.Where B.What C.Why D.How 答案:答案:B “做什么”为 do 的宾语。 7.There are 85% students watching TV every day. So we know students do it. A.all B.some C.most D.no 答案:答案:C 85%超过了一半,因此用 most。 8.What did you do over the weekend? . A.I write a new song B.Im practicing my guitar C.Ill visit my sister D.I changed my hair color 答案:答案:D 问句是过去时,答句也用过去时。 9.Would you like to drink? Yes,please. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.some 答案:答案:B would like 句型,疑问句中 something 不用变。 10.How often do you do morning exercises? . A.Less than two hours B.Every morning C.Every night D.Yesterday 答案:答案:B 表频率,用 every morning。Sentence structure training (句子结构专练).Rewrite the following sentence according to the request in the parentheses. (根据括号中的要求改写下列句子。) 1.I go swimming four times a month.(对画线部分提问)do you go swimming? 2.They play football on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon.(变为同义句) They play football a . 3.He takes a walk after supper.(变为否定句) He a walk after supper. 4.They often sleep for eight hours every night.(对画线部分提问) _ do they sleep every night? 5.Her lifestyle isnt the same as mine.(变为同义句) Her lifestyle is mine. 答案:答案:1.How often 2.twi
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