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给人改变未来的力量 赤峰人事考试信息网:http:/chifeng.offcn.com 微博:赤峰中公教育 微信:nmoffcn2014 年特岗教师招聘考试中学英语专家预测(完形填空一)完形填空/Close阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出最佳选项。One night this summer, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldnt face my 1 apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to 2 the opening between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the 3 every time she leaned over to talk to him, 4 he leaned over to kiss her. Why do the Americans display such 5 in a public place? I thought the movie would help improve my English, but as it 6 , it was an Italian movie. 7 about an hour I decided to give up the movie and 8 my popcorn. I ve never understood why they gave me so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 9 With time going by, I understood 10 of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard the11 of the popcorn chewed between my teeth. My thought started to 12 . I remembered when I was in South Korea, I 13 to watch a host on TV frequently. He seemed like a good friend tome, until I saw him 14 on TV in New York speaking15 English instead of perfect Korean. He didnt 16 have a Korean accent! I felt like I had been betrayed(背叛).When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.17 we had picked up a few words, my mother suggested that we all should practise English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became terribly 18 and we all seemed to avoid each other. When we couldnt avoid seeing each other, our expressions were stiff (僵硬的). Sitting at the dinner table we preferred silence to 19 a difficult language. Mother 20 to say something inEnglish but it came out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it ! We ve been speaking Korean at home ever since.( )1. A.warm B.Hot C.heated D.uncomfortable( )2. A.wander through B.walk through C.run through D.look through( )3. A.room B.Seat C.space D.angle( )4. A.however B.But C.or D.and( )5. A.excitement B.Feeling C.privacy D.love( )6. A.came about B.came up C.turned up D.turned out( )7. A.Within B.After C.For D.Before( )8. A.concentrate on B.stare at C.work on D.stick with( )9. A.too B.Either C.anyhow D.somehow给人改变未来的力量 赤峰人事考试信息网:http:/chifeng.offcn.com 微博:赤峰中公教育 微信:nmoffcn( )10 A.much B.Something C.nothing D.anything( )11. A.nutrient B.Sound C.explosion D.smell( )12. A.stop B.Wander C.imagine D.fascinate( )13. A.started B.Began C.devoted D.used( )14. A.again B.Immediately C.closely D.clearly( )15. A.fake B.Informal C.perfect D.practical( )16. A.even B.Always C.occasionally D.frequently( )17. A.Unless B.If C.Before D.Since( )18. A.noisy B.Quiet C.exciting D.still ( )19. A.improving B.Reading C.writing D.speaking( )20. A.managed B.Happened C.tried D.Had 参考答案参考答案1.B。解析:因为作者想到剧院里还有空调,就不用回家面对他那很热的公寓了。所以答案选 B。2.D。解析:因为前面有两个很高的头,所以作者只能从两个头之间看到影片开始。A是漫步走过,B 是走过,C 是跑过,D 是穿过看。所以答案选 D。3.D。解析:前面的女人只要一转头跟旁边的男人说话,作者就不得不转换角度从空隙中看荧幕。所以答案选 D。4.C。解析:当女的转头跟男的说话的时候,或者男的倾向女的和她接吻的时候。根据文章意思,这里应该是选择关系。所以答案选 C。5.C。解析:A 是激动,刺激;B 是感觉;C 是私人的事情;D 是爱情。根据前面一句话的描述。这些举动都是私人举动而不应该在公共场合出现。所以答案选 C。6.D。解析:作者本来想看电影学习英语,结果发现电影是意大利语的。A 选项是发生;B 选项是走近;C 选项是出现,发生;D 选项是结果发现是。所以答案选 D。7.B。解析:根据文章的意思,应该选择大概一个小时之后,所以答案选 B。8.A。解析:作者决定放弃看电影,而将注意力转移到吃爆米花上。A 选项是集中在;B 选项是盯着看;C 选项是在上研究;D 选项是和黏在一起。所以答案选 A。9.C。解析:作者说无法理解为什么卖爆米花的给了他这么多爆米花,不过无论如何味道还不错。所以根据逻辑关系答案选 C。10.C。解析:因为作者对这部电影一点兴趣也没有,而且看到一个多小时就没看了。可以推测出作者应该是没有理解这部电影,所以答案选 C。11.B。解析:作者只是听到了爆米花在齿间被嚼碎的声音。A 选项是营养品;B 选项是声音;C 选项是爆炸;D 选项是味道。所以答案应该选 B。12.B。解析:根据后文可以知道作者的思绪开始游荡,思考很多其他的事情。A 选项是停止,B 选项是游荡,C 选项是想象,D 选项是迷住。所以答案选 B。13.D。解析:根据文章的意思,应该说作者在韩国的时候曾经经常在电视节目上看到一个主持人。A 选项是开始,B 选项也是开始,C 选项是奉献,D 选项加不定式是过去常常。所以答案选 D。给人改变未来的力量 赤峰人事考试信息网:http:/chifeng.offcn.com 微博:赤峰中公教育 微信:nmoffcn14.A。解析:根据文章的意思,这句话是说他看起来很像我的一个好朋友,直到我再一次在纽约的电视上看到他说流利英文而不是流利韩文的时候。A 选项是再一次,B 选项是立即,C 选项是亲近地,D 选项是清楚地。所以答案选 A。15.C。解析:根据后面一句话说他并没有韩国口音,可以知道作者应该听到他说流利的英文。所以答案选 C。16.A。解析:他甚至都没有韩国口音。所以答案选 A。17.D。解析:因为我们只会很少的单词,所以妈妈建议我们在家里练习英文。四个选项里只有 D 可以表示因果关系。所以答案选 D。18.B 。解析:根据后文知道虽然建议练习英文,但是大家互相躲避,不见面不说话。所以家里应该变得非常安静。答案选 B。19.D。解析:我们选择沉默而不去讲这门很难的语言。所以答案选 D。20.C。解析:妈妈看到大家都沉默的局面,就试图自己先开口给大家带头。所以答案选 C。
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