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课题Module 12 Western Music U1 Its so beautiful!课 型Listening知识与能力Students will be able to get the detailed information from the conversations about western music.过程与 方法Practice, Group work, Students sum up by themselves.教学目标情感态 度Students will be able to know why they should make plans and they can share their plans.教材分析及课 标地位本模块以音乐为话题,主要介绍西方古典音乐及其音乐家,同时引导学生更多地了解中国音乐和音乐家,试图让学生通过这三个单元的学习更多地了解音乐、热爱音乐,了解西方文化,并渗透爱国主义教育。第一单元通过大明、玲玲、托尼和贝蒂交流各自对音乐的喜好这一话题,呈现了有关音乐种类的名词及描述性的形容词,也谈到了西方著名音乐大师施特劳斯父子,从而使学生对西方古典音乐有一定的认识。试题呈现形式听对话回答问题,填表格。班级学情分析本班学生 40 名,有 20 名左右同学可以达到优秀的水平,还有 8 到 10 名的同学处于及格线的边缘。整体来说本班同学对英语学科比较有学习兴趣。教学重点1. understand the dialogue containing the key vocabulary: Western music, pop, rock, lively, noisy, fantastic etc2. get information from the dialogue about music and how to describe music教学难点Get the detailed information about western music.教学方法Interactive approach. 教学用具Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, handout)板书设计M12 U11) Is this or?2) Do you like or?3) What a beautiful !教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Pre-listening1. Show some pictures of instruments with their sounds. 2. Free talk: Do you like music? What kinds of music do you Know?Which kind do you like best?3. Look, listen, and guess. 4. Listen and number the the words as you hear them.Answer the questions and talk about the instruments and the type of music. 谈论本科话题引出课文内容。Step 2. While-listening 1Guide the students to listen to the dialogue and answer the questions on P722 Listen and choose the best Answer on P45 (workbook)3. Listen and check the true sentences. 1 Listen to the dialogue and sum up the main idea of the dialogue.2 Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blank.初听对话,把握大意。再听对话获取细节信息。Step 3Post-listening1Ask students to read the dialogue after the tape.2 Ask students to sum up the key sentence structures in the dialogue.1 Read the dialogue after the tape.2 sum up the key sentence structures in the dialogue.学习对话中的的各种句式。Step 4Language points Look at the PPT and present the language points.Ss look at the PPT and discuss the language points.运用句型进行语言交际。Step 6testFinish U1 目测目标练习巩固知识教学反思课题Module 12 Western musicUnit 2 Vienna is the center of European classical music课 型Reading知识与能力Ss will be able to get the personal information from the reading material.过程与 方法Group work, Students sum up by themselves.教学目标情感态 度Students will recognize their self-worth and ability.教材分析及课 标地位本模块以音乐为话题,主要介绍西方古典音乐及其音乐家,同时引导学生更多地了解中国音乐和音乐家,试图让学生通过这三个单元的学习更多地了解音乐、热爱音乐,了解西方文化,并渗透爱国主义教育。第二单元以“The city of music”为题,介绍了音乐之都维也纳及奥地利作曲家施特劳斯父子和莫扎特,语句精炼优美。同时课文还可以看做是介绍人物的典范,尤其是介绍莫扎特的段落,寥寥八十几个词概括了莫扎特的一生,结构紧凑且逻辑性强,是很好的语言表达示范。试题呈现形式阅读课文填表格,回答问题班级学情分析本班学生 40 名,有 20 名左右同学可以达到优秀的水平,还有 8 到 10 名的同学处于及格线的边缘。整体来说本班同学对英语学科比较有学习兴趣。教学重点1. understand the reading material containing the key vocabulary: classical, elder, musician, centre, century, composer etc2. get information from the reading material about Vienna and the composers.教学难点Retell the passage.教学方法PWP approach. 教学用具Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, handout)板书设计M12 U21) In the eighteenth century2) , called3) He played not only but also教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1.Pre-reading Present some pictures of the new words Ss look at the pictures on PPT and learn the new vocabulary.扫清阅读障碍Step 2. While-reading1. Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and answer three questions.2. Have Ss read the passage ans answer questions. 3. Have Ss read the passage again and fill in the blank about Mozarts life. 1 Read the first paragraph and answer three questions.2 Read and answer the questions. 3 Work in pairs and fill in the blank on PPT.初读短文,把握大意。再读短文把握细节信息。Step 3Post reading 1 Ask students to read the passage loudly after the tape.2 Ask students to underline the key phrases.3 Present the pictures and the key words1Read the passage loudly2 Underline the key phrases3 Try to retell the passge according to the given picture and phrases.练习复述课文Step 5Practice1Ask students to complete the passage and ask some of them to read it out.1 Complete the passage.强化目标语言教学反思课题Module 12 Western musicU 3 Language in use课 型Grammar and practice.知识目标consolidate the words and language points with some exercises.use exclamatory sentences and alternative questions.过程与 方法Pair work and relevant practice学目标情感态 度Ss will be able to develop the conscious of making plans . 教材分析及课 标地位第三单元语法练习重点是感叹句、选择疑问句和一些与音乐相关的词汇及表达喜好的习惯用法。试题呈现形式用适当词填空,连词组句班级学情分析本班学生 40 名,有 20 名左右同学可以达到优秀的水平,还有 8 到 10 名的同学处于及格线的边缘。整体来说本班同学对英语学科比较有学习兴趣。教学重点1. consolidate the words and language points with some exercises.2. use exclamatory sentences and alternative questions.教学难点Use words and phrases of this module to make sentences教学方法Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.教学用具Multi-Media (video, handout)板书设计构 成:1. What + aan + N (名次单数) 主 语 谓语2. What + N(名词复数不可数)主语谓语教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Revision& Lead-in1 Ask students to read and translate the key phrases they have learned.2 Show a word map about 1Read the key phrases according to the Chinese meaning.复习巩固
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