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1第二册 Unit5 School Lesson3 We Read in the Library.教材分析:教材分析: 本课时是第 5 单元的第 3 课时,主要学习谈论学校生活:在某处做某事。能听懂、会说并认读: We read in the library.之类的语句。学情分析:学情分析: 通过前 2 课时的学习,学生已经认识了不少有关学校设施的单词,而且在第二单元中学过 Is this your?句型,第四单元学过 We watch TV in the living room.这些都为本课的学习奠定了基础。教学目标:教学目标:(一)知识目标:1. 能按读音给 26 个字母分类。2. 能听懂、会说并认读:We read in the library.之类的语句。3. 三会单词:draw sing beautiful library(二)能力目标:能运用 We read in the library.之类的语句描述在学校某室的活动。(三)情感目标: 1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 2. 激发学生对学校生活的热爱。教学重点:教学重点:能听懂、会说并认读:We read in the library.之类的语句。教学难点:教学难点:library beautiful 的准确读音。教学准备:教学准备:PPT 课件 单词卡等教学过程教学过程 :一一 、 Warm-upWarm-up1 Greetings: 2 Lets sing a song: We Have a Music Room.( PPT 展示课本 CD)3. 给字母分类:(课件展示) Look! Whats that? Aa.还有哪些字母与他有相同的音呢?学生回答后,课件展示出来齐读一遍。以此形式复习学过的含有 Aa、Ee 字母读音的字母,同时引出含有 Ii、Oo、Uu 等读音的字母。2 Look and say in pairs.给学生一定的消化时间 Listen and say quickly. T:Aa. Ss/S1: Hh,Jj,Kk.( 移到后面)4. Free talk: T:T: Is this your desk/classroom?T:T: Look!This is our home.Is this the study/living room/dining room? (课件展示 29 页 No.2 图) 并引导学生说出 I read in the study. (去掉)T:T: Look! This is a school.Is this the lab? Wheres the classroom? (课件展示课本 37 页 No.2 的图。)【设计意图设计意图】复习巩固前面学过的 Is this? Wheres the ?等句型,以及有关学校设施的单词:lab art room music room 等,为本课的进一步学习打下基础,并为新课的导入做好铺垫。二二 、 PresentationPresentation(一)New words:1. sing: 导入:(继续看 37 页图)T: Look! Wheres the music room? Ss: its on the first floor. T: Yes. And we sing in the music room. We sing here.(Mime and say) 板书:We sing here. 看卡读词,并拼读单词。 Mime and say: Sing,sing,sing, we sing here. We sing in the music room.(chant 的形式要多样化,可以分组、分男女、one by one、two by two 等)2.draw: 导入:T: Look! Wheres the art room? Ss: its on the second floor. T: Yes. And we draw in the art room. We draw here.(Mime and say) 板书:We draw here. 看卡读词并拼读 Mime and say: Draw,draw,draw, we draw here. We draw in the art room.3.Guess: T: We sing here. Ss: Its the music room.T: We draw here. Ss: Its the art room.T: We read here. Ss: Its the classroom.3T: Or the library.【设计意图设计意图】Guess 活动既巩固刚刚学过的 sing 和 draw 的含义,又能自然地导入 library 的学习。(去掉)4.library: Look! Here is the library. We read in the library.板书: We read in the library. 看卡读词:library 比较难,应分解读音,让学生听清后再模仿。One by one 形式检查。 Chant: Library,library, we read in the library.5.集中操练新学单词:draw sing library Look and say quickly:看卡读词 Listen and chant quickly. T: Draw. Ss: Draw, draw, draw, we draw in the art room.(二).Text:导入:今天 Jenny 带 Lucy 来参观学校,他们去哪些地方了。 1. Listen and watch: (课件展示)整体感知课文内容。 2.Listen again:(此时学生看书听录音) Underline the new word: beautiful.教学 beautiful 时放慢语速让学听清楚后再模仿。举几个例子如:Shes beautiful.The schoolbag is beautiful.让学生猜猜其含义。(去掉)听音填空We in the music roomWe in the art room.We in the library.We in the playground.回答问题:他们去哪里了。Music room, art room and library, playground3.Listen and repeat.三三PracticePractice 41、Read in pairs , then look and say.(给课文动画配音或分角色朗读)2、连线:课件展示或板书 (标号码是为方便学生口述答案) 1. draw A. library2. read B. music room3. sing C. art room3、 Listen, point and say.如: T: The library. Ss:(指书 39 页 No.2 图)This is the library.We read in the library.(先集体后个人,回答流利的给小组加分)4. Part3 字母的发音。给字母分类:(课件展示) Look! Whats that? Aa.还有哪些字母与他有相同的音呢?学生回答后,课件展示出来齐读一遍。以此形式复习学过的含有 Aa、Ee 字母读音的字母,同时引出含有 Ii、Oo、Uu 等读音的字母。 Look and say in pairs.给学生一定的消化时间 Listen and say quickly. T:Aa. Ss/S1: Hh,Jj,Kk.( 移到后面)四四Consolidation:Consolidation: Listen and say quickly:如: T: This is the art room. Ss: We draw in the art room.先集体抢答,后分组操练,鼓励优秀生当小老师,最后小组展示,配合最默契的小组加分。五五SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework:1.邀请学生自己总结:这节课你学到了什么?2.画一画你理想中的学校,并向你的朋友介绍一下,下节课展示。板书: Unit5 Lesson3 We Read in the Library.WeWe singsing (here.)in(here.)in thethe musicmusic room.room. 5WeWe drawdraw (here.)in(here.)in thethe artart room.room.WeWe readread inin thethe librarylibrary. .HowHow beautifulbeautiful!
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