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Unit 4 TV programmes Period 6 Grammar 学习目标:1.学习连词“while”and“as”的用法。2. 学会使用副词的比较级和最高级课前导学:课前导学: 整理形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的变化规则并写出以下词的比较级、最高级1, fast _ _ 2, hard _ _3, high _ _ 4, beautiful _ _5, carefully _ _ 6, well _ _7, badly _ _ 8, far _ _9, slowly _ _ 10, regularly _ _ 反馈矫正:反馈矫正:用正确的词组填空since, as, when, as soon as, while, if, after, before, until, because, fromto, between and 1. He asked me another question _ I could answer the first one.2. I was doing my homework _ suddenly a dog came in.3. The students sang _ they went along. 4. _ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.5. Ill be more careful _ what you have said.6. Please wait here _ I come back.7. It is so dark outside _ it is raining. 8. _everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.9. _ I get to Nanjing, I will write to you. 10. _it rains tomorrow, I will not go to Beijing.11. I go to school _Monday _ Friday.12. These programmes are interesting. You must make a choice Sports World Channel V. 迁移创新:迁移创新: 一、Niki 给他所崇拜的歌星 Bruno 写了封信,匆忙中有几处写得不清楚。请你从四个备选 答案中选出一项替他完成书信。Dear Bruno,Im your biggest 1 !I was at your concert 2 Saturday 13th March at Leafield Stadium and am writing to say 3 great I thought it was. The songs were really good. Each one was so4 from the others. I think you are a very talented singer. Also, you looked wonderful. Your new hair style really suits you. Where do you get your clothes? They look great.The thing I enjoyed 5 about the concert was the stories and jokes you told between each song. It was so interesting to 6 your life as a singer. Some of the stories were so funny 7 I laughed until my sides hurt. If for 8 reason you stopped singing you could become a comedian(喜剧演员)!The other thing I really enjoyed was the dancing. There were 20 dancers on stage at one time. They were amazing! I want to be a dancer when I grow up. Maybe one day I could dance for you. Your concert was the best I have ever 9 and all my friends enjoyed it too. We will try to go and watch you again 10 we can. I hope you go on singing for ever!Your biggest fan,Niki ( ) 1.A.fan B. singer C. actor D. friend ( ) 2.A.at B. in C. on D. into ( ) 3.A.what B. how C. why D. when ( ) 4.A.excellent B. wonderful C. different D. most ( ) 5.A.better B. well C. much D. most ( ) 6.A.think about B. care about C. dream about D. hear about ( ) 7.A.that B. but C. then D. since ( ) 8.A.one B. some C. a D. that ( ) 9.A.gone to B. been to C. been in D. been ( )10.A.whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever二、完成句子1、请告诉他在八点到九点之间给我打电话。Please tell him to call me _.2、 睡觉前你必须把作业都做完。You must _ you go to sleep.3、书读完后,准时归还给图书馆。_you finish_ the book, return the book to the library _.4 、妈妈在厨房做饭的时候,我在客厅看电视。 Mother is_ in the kitchen _ I am _in the sitting room.5、昨天我沿河边散步时,突然下起了雨。It _ while I _along the river yesterday.6、直到我看了这个节目我才知道到老虎处于危险之中。I didnt know tigers in danger_ I watched the programme. 7、从八点到十点,我不得不练习弹钢琴。_ 8:00 _ 10:00, _ piano.8、3000 名影迷已经在线选出了他们最喜爱的电影。_ their _ films.Unit 4 TV programmes Period 6 Grammar 答案 课前导学:课前导学: 整理形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的变化规则并写出以下词的比较级、最高级1, faster fastest 2, harder hardest3, higher highest 4, more beautiful most beautiful5, more carefully most carefully 6, better best7,worse worst 8, farther/ further farthest / furthest9, more slowly most slowly 10 , more regularly most regularly反馈矫正:反馈矫正: 一、用正确的词组填空 1.before 2.when 3.as 4. While 5.after 6.after 7.because 8.Since 9.As soon as 10.If 11.from, to 12.betweenand迁移创新:迁移创新: 一、 1-5 A C B C D 6-10 D A D B B 二、完成句子1.between 8:00 and 9:00 2.finish your homework before 3.After,reading ,on time 4.cooking, while, watching TV 5.rained, was walking 6.untill 7,From,to,have to practice playing the 8.Three thousand fans have voted for, favourite
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