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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 教材分析 (教学要求) 重点 1 节日知多少 一谈起节日,人们总是眉飞色舞。不同的国家,节日有时候是相同的,有时候是不同的, 有时候是类似的。每个国家关于节日的话题总是说不完,聊不尽。从某种程度上来说,节 日也代表着这个国家的文化,归属于文化的一部分。请问你了解自己的国家,了解别人的 国家有多少呢?你能列出多少种节日来呢? 任务设计 任务 I 陈美交了一个美国的笔友( pen pal ) 。他们在第一封通信中互相介绍了彼此国家的 节日。你能帮他们将节日的单子补充完整。 China Spring Festival 新年 Lanterns Day 元宵节 May Day 中秋节 National Day *The United States Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Years Eve Easter Valentines Day National Day 重点 2 如何度假 十一国庆节马上就要来临了。兴奋吗?这个假期你准备做什么呢?想出去旅游吗?准备去 哪儿呢?什么时候去?跟谁去?怎么去?去那儿都干什么?准备呆多久呢?你都计划好了 吗?本单元教你如何用英文来做计划。 1 1 “想去吗?”的问题 eg. -Do you want to take a vacation? - Yes, I do. 2 “去哪儿?”的问题 eg. Where are you going? - Im going to Hawaii. 3. 3. “什么时候去?”的问题 eg. -When are you going? - Im going on Friday. 4.“跟谁去?”的问题 eg. -Who are you going with? -Im going with my parents. 5.“怎么去?”的问题 eg. -How are you going? -Im going there by airplane. 6.“去那儿都干什么?”的问题 eg.-What are you doing there? - Im visiting my grandmother. 7. “去那儿呆多久?“的问题 eg. How long are you staying? - Im just staying for a week. 任务设计 任务 I. 你是学生会 ( student union )的组织委员。这个国庆节,学生会将准备组织全体 初二的学生度假。请先列出几个参考的度假地点,让同学们投票挑选。 _Japan_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 任务 II. 关于这项活动的具体安排,比如出行方式、旅行活动等,组织部正在网上征求大 家意见。请踊跃参加吧 1 出行方式及理由 transportation*reason 2. 旅行活动设计 Activities 任务 III. My Ideal Vacation Plans! 请根据任务 I 和任务 II,挑出你最喜欢的选项,并设计一个属于你自己的理想假期。 _ 任务 IV. 量身定造 根据同学们网上的投票,学生会组织的国庆旅行计划基本定下来了,时间为 October 1st October 5th , 地点是 Hawaii。并找了一家旅行社 ( traveling agency ) ,商榷出行事宜。 下面是旅行社为你们量身定造的计划书 ( schedules for tourists ) 。请帮忙填写完整。 Time*Transportations & Activities October 1st *You are going to Hawaii _1_. You are going to the hotel _2_. You are going to _3_ videos and stay _4_ at night. October 2nd *In the morning, you are going to _5_ with the students from Lauriston School. In the afternoon, you are _6_ their school. October 3rd*In the morning, you are going _7_. In the afternoon, you are _8_the museum. October 4th*In the morning, you are _9_ your friends. In the afternoon, you are _10_. October 5th*In the morning, you are going _11_. In the afternoon, you are going to _12_. 任务 V. 跟朋友辞行 在从学校回家的路上,你碰到了你的朋友 Tony。他 知道你们学校要组织你们旅行的事情。 请帮助完成下列对话。 Tony: _1_? You: Fine. Thanks. _2_? Tony: Im fine too. The National Day is coming. _3_? You: Im going to Hawaii. Tony:_4_. _5_? You: Well, Im going to there together with my classmates in National Day. Tony: Really? _6_? You: Im swimming there. Tony: That sounds relaxing. _7_? You: _8_. I dont like going away for too long. Tony: Well, have a good time. _9_ when you get back. You: No problem. I will be a new man when I return to Beijing. See you then. Tony: _10_. 参考答案及分析 重点 1.任务 I. China Spring Festival 春节 New Years Day 新年 Lanterns Day 元宵节 May Day 劳动节 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 National Day 国庆节*The United States Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Christmas Day 圣诞节 New Years Eve 新年 Easter 复活节 Valentines Day 情人节 National Day 国庆节 重点 2. 任务 1. Shanghai, Qinghuangdao, Hainan, Australia, New Zealand, England, Singapore, Canada, South Korea 任务 II. 1 transportation*reason by plain*Because its very quickly. by train*Because its very interesting. by school bus*Because you can talk with your classmates all the time. go bike riding*Because its relaxing. on foot*Because its good for my health. 2 Activities 1 going swimming 2 going hiking 3 going shopping 4 renting the videos 5 going camping 任务 III. Im going to take a vacation to Hawaii this National Day. Im going to stay there for almost a week. Im going there with my classmates. Im going there by plane, because its too far. I will enjoy myself there. ( 玩得尽兴 ) 任务 IV. 1by plane, 2. by taxi 3. rent 4. in your room / at the hotel 5. have a welcome party 6. visiting 7. to the beach 8. visiting 9. visiting / meeting 10. swimming 11. shopping 12. get back
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