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综合单元测试Level 2 Unit 3Listening Comprehension请根据需要填入 Script:True Or False Directions: In this part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. After you hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False. (10 points)1.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T2.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T3.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:F4.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:F5.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:F6.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T7.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T8.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:F9.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T10.True False 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:T请根据需要填入 Script:Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. (10 points)Some psychologists 11 that mental acts such as thinking are not 12 in the brain alone, and that ones 13 also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.You surely are not 14 to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but also with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less 15 without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to symphonic 16 on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a 17 conductor on the job. Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot get all possible 18 from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its 19 .The listener “feels“ himself into the music with more or less pronounced motions of his body. The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less 20 because it is less pronounced.11.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:maintain12.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:performed13.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:muscles14.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:surprised15.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:familiar16.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:concert17.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:competent18.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:enjoyment19.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:performance20.请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:obviousReading ComprehensionDirections: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points) 请根据需要填入 Script:How long, some readers will ask, has the world endured? That is a question which has attracted much attention in the last few years. Gradually the earlier estimates, which varied very widely, have been brought towards agreement. Astronomers and mathematicians who base their computation on the rate of cooling of celestial bodies and on various processes of diffusion and atomic change, give us 2,000 million years as the age of the earth as a body separate from the sun, and about 300 million years as the length of time since life appeared upon it in any abundance. The age of the sun as a star is now supposed to be somewhere in the nature of five billion years. The earth, says Sir James Jeans in his Universe Around Us, will in all probability go on for another billion years and then its equatorial temperature may be sinking to Arctic conditions. Since man has existed as a self-conscious social creature for only 30,000 years or less, this gives him illimitable opportunity for the attainment of knowledge and power. Long before he reaches that limit, he may make himself master of time and space.21.In the first sentence, “the world“ refers to_. A.the solar system B.the universe C.the earth D.the galaxy 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:C22.According to the passage, what has attracted much attention? A.The age of the sun. B.The age of the earth. C.The rate of cooling of celestial bodies.D.The computation of astronomers and mathematicians. 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:B23.Which of the following cannot be considered as the base of the computation of astronomers and mathematicians? A.Different processes of diffusion. B.Atomic change. C.Earlier estimates. D.The rate of cooling of celestial bodies. 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:C24.According to the author, what is the future of man? A.He will become more confident. B.He will ultimately have to adapt to arctic conditions. C.He will eventually die out. D.He will continue forever. 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:D25.The author of this passage tends to be fairly _. A.optimistic B.pessimistic C.skeptical D.indifferent 请根据需要填入 Script:正确答案:A 请根据需要填入 Script:There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns. It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant“, although it does not offer anyone
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