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电商平台下家事易生鲜速递冷链物流系统的绩效评价电商平台下家事易生鲜速递冷链物流系统的绩效评价摘要近年,随着电子商务的迅猛发展,生鲜农产品网上电子商务逐渐兴起,一些企业建立电子商务网站尝试生鲜农产品的网络营销。在江浙沪地区和北京等地区已经出现了一些专业的生鲜农产品网上超市,并且得到了快速的发展。生鲜农产品网购模式使得电子商务与生鲜农产品物流相结合,节省了客户和企业的时间和空间,大大提高了交易效率,既是一种尝试,也是一种趋势。当然,在这样一个新生事物的发展过程中必然会出现很多问题。生鲜农产品这种“易腐易烂,不易保存”的天然属性,就对生鲜农产品物流提出特殊的要求:全程冷链,快速流转。国内外学者也一直在生鲜物流配送领域进行深入研究。但是应该看到,生鲜农产品物流的发展缺乏一个科学而客观的生鲜农产品物流绩效评价指标体系。因此,研究生鲜农产品冷链物流系统的关键组成要素,提出我国生鲜农产品冷链物流系统的绩效评价的体系,为我国生鲜农产品冷链物流系统的跟踪监测与发展提供行之有效的思路和方法就成为一个非常具有理论与实践指导价值的课题。所以应加强对生鲜农产品物流系统绩效的综合评价,一方面可以找出生鲜农产品物流发展的瓶颈问题,通过改善不足之处,促进生鲜农产品物流配送系统的均衡快速发展,为企业提供投资决策、资源配置等依据,另一方面,还可以为政府制定相关物流产业政策和发展规划服务。本文结合家事易生鲜速递的冷链物流发展现状,以现代物流理论、系统论为基础,釆用专家意见法与层次分析法相结合构造了一个生鲜农产品冷链物流系统绩效评价体系。在评价指标的选取上,将电子商务平台融入生鲜农产品的物流系统展示出来,力求全面反映电子商务背景下的生鲜农产品物流的综合情况。然后,用模糊综合评价方法验证了家事易生鲜速递基于电子商务平台的生鲜农产品冷链物流系统在我国的实行现状以及问题对策。最后,简述了我国基于电子商务平台的生鲜农产品物流发展的前景与建议对策。关键词:生鲜农产品、电子商务、冷链物流、绩效评价AbstractIn recent years, with the rapid development of electronic commerce, freshagricultural products e-commerce is gradually on the rise. Some enterprises try the freshagricultural products to do network marketing by e-commerce website .In JiangsuZhejiang Shanghai area and Beijing area,there have been some professional freshagricultural products online supermarket which obtained the fast development. Freshagricultural products online shopping mode makes the electronic commerce and the freshagricultural products logistics combined, and save time and space of enterprise andcustomers, greatly improving the efficiency of the transaction. This is both an attempt anda trend. Of course,it will appear a lot of problems in the process of development of thisnew thing. The nature attribute which is easy decay and do not keep put forward specialrequirements on fresh agricultural products logistics: the entire cold chain , flow fast.Domestic and foreign scholars have been studied in the logistics distribution field. But weshould see, due to the lack of a scientific and objective of fresh agricultural productslogistics performance evaluation index system, it makes the development of freshagricultural products logistics in a state of blindness. Therefore, to study on the keyelements of fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics system,to Put forward thesystem of performance evaluation of fresh agricultural products of Chinese cold chainlogistics,to provide ideas and methods for the effective monitoring and the developmentof fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics system has become a very theoreticaland practical guidance value subject. So we should strengthen the comprehensiveevaluation of the performance of logistics system of fresh agricultural products. One wecan find the bottleneck of development of agricultural products logistics of fresh,thenpromote the rapid development of the fresh agricultural products logistics systemequilibrium by improving the deficiencies , provide the basis of investment decision?making and resource allocation for the enterprise, on the other hand, it can also make thelogistics industry policy and development planning services for government.In this paper,it combined with the cold chain logistics development status ofJusteasy fresh express, constructed a fresh agricultural products cold chain logisticsperformance evaluation system adopting Delphi method and AHP combinatively withmodern logistics theory and system theory. In the selection of evaluation indexes, in orderto reflect the comprehensive situation of fresh agricultural products logistics under e-commerce. The electronic commerce platform inlogistics system of fresh agriculturalproducts display. This paper verified the Justeasy fresh express e-commerce platform offresh agricultural products cold chain logistics system in the implementation status of ourcountry and countermeasures with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, itresumed prospect and suggestion of fresh agricultural product logistics developmentelectronic commerce platform based on the countermeasures of our country.Key words: Fresh agricultural products; electronic commerce; cold chain logistics;performance evaluation目录摘要Abstract1 绪论1.1 研究背景与意义l.1.1 研究来源与背景1.1.2 研究意义1.2 研究内容及方法1.2.1 主要研究内容1.2.2 研究方法1.3 技术路线1.4 可能的创新点2 国内外研究现状分析2.1 生鲜农产品冷链物流研究现状2.2 生鲜农产品冷链物流绩效研究现状2.3 生鲜农产品电子商务相关研究2.4 文献评述3 电子商务背景下的生鲜农产品冷链物流系统绩效评价体系设计3.1 评价体系建立的理论与原则3.2 评价指标的选取3.2.1 企业资本水平3.2.2 冷链物流运输水平3.2.3 仓储管理水平3.2.4 物流信息化程度3.2.5 客户管理效果3.3 评价体系的构建3.4 指标体系优势分析4 基于层次分析法和模糊综合评价的电商冷链物流绩效评价的应用步骤4.1 绩效评价指标的量化4.2 专家意见法和层次分析法的有机结合4.3 模糊综合评价法的步骤5 冷链物流绩效评价的应用-以家事易生鲜速递为例5.1 家事易公司的背景分析与冷链物流系统发展现状5.2 基于层次分析法的家事易冷链物流绩效评价体系的权重的确定 285.2.1 评价指标体系权重的确定过程5.2.2 评价指标体系权重的结果5.3 基于模糊综合评价的家事易冷链物流绩效评价5.3.1 模糊关系矩阵的建立5.3.2 家事易生鲜农产品冷链物流系统绩效评价6 启示与讨论6.1 管理启示6.2 研究不足与展望6.2.1 研究不足6.2.2 未来展望参考文献致谢家事易生鲜速递冷链物流效果分析绪论家事易生鲜速递冷链物流效果分析绪论1 绪论1.1 研究背景与意义1.1.1 研究来源与背景2011 年 10 月淘生鲜卖场上线;2013 年 3 月,1 号店的 1 号果园也开始向生鲜领域发力;同年,亚马逊(中国)也建立了海鲜频道“鲜码头”;接着在 7 月,京东、中粮我买网等上线生鲜频道。时至今円,国内各电商角逐线上生鲜市场进入白热化阶段,电子商务都开始大规模地拓展生鲜市场。随着淘:、京东商城等传统电商网站陆续进入生鲜市场的时候,区域生鲜电商家事易,已经在武汉当地小有名气。家事易在一般的电商领域远赶不上淘定、京东的名气,但家事易在生鲜电商
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