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1Book7 Module 1 Basketball 单词讲解1. defend v.防护,防卫,防守,辩护 2. defend sb./sth. from(against) 保护免遭(抵御)She had to defend herself against the guard dog. _Hes better at _than attacking. 他的防守优于进攻。3. valued adj. 经估价的;有价值的;受到重视的valuable adj. 很有价值的 valueless adj.没有用的value n.价值;估价,评价; v. 估价,评价; 尊重, 重视_ 你的建议很有价值。I have always valued his advice. _He valued the house for me at $8,000. _4. attend vt. 出席,参加;照顾,护理attend to 处理;接待(顾客) attend on(upon) 照顾,侍侯attend school/ a meeting/ a lecture 上学 / 参加会议/ 听演讲_ 下周你会参加她的婚礼吗?I may be late -I have got one or two things to attend to. _4average n.平均数;平均水平 adj. 平均的,普通的on ( the) average 平均 with an average of 平均为 On average, we receive 5 letters each day. _Whats the average rainfall for July? _5deserve vt. 值得、该受到 The team deserves to win. _They deserved punishment (to be punished). _deserve to do 值得做,应当做 deserve doing = deserve to be done 6. hold vt.占有,担任;持有看法;容纳;举行Most of the senior positions are _ by men. 大多数高级职位都由男性担任。She _ extreme political views. 她持有极端的政治观点。The movie theatre _ 500 people. 这家电影院能容纳 500 人。hold out 维持,够用 hold up 耽搁,推迟 _ 坚持;(电话)别忙挂,等一等 hold on to 抓住;执着于;固守 _ 阻碍, 阻止; 隐瞒, 保留 重点单词句式探究1. There is less risk/ danger of doing/ n. . 有的风险/危险比较少。2. There were three minutes to go/left. _3. absorb vt. 削减,缓冲,吸收,吞并,吸引,使全神贯注(常用于被动语态)be absorbed in 全神贯注于 热衷于 The writer was so absorbed in this book that he didnt hear you.4. appoint vt. 任命,委派,安排,确定 _ 任命某人They appointed him as captain of the team. _make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 have an appointment with sb.和某人有约会5. take/have possession of _ in possession of _ in the possession of _ in sbs possession _ 6. be adequate for sth. “充足” be adequate to do sth. “做合格” She proved adequate to do the job. _。7. confirm v. 证实 确认,坚定(信念等) ,批准 confirm sb. in ones belief/ opinion/ view 使信念、意见、观点更加坚定 confirm the contract/report 批准合同、报告His letter confirmed everything. _8. accelerate v. 加快,加速;增加,促进 accelerate her car 加快 她的车速He decided to accelerate his advertising. _9. typical adj. 典型的,具有代表性的 typically adv. 有代表性地be typical of 有.的特点 She is typical of modern American girls. _10. obtain vt. 得到,获得 vi. 流行,存在He finally _what he had always wanted. 他终于得到了他一直想要的东西。11. base.on be based on 以为基础, 把.基于12. attach sth. to sth. 把系/ 贴到 attach sb. to sb. 加入,使隶属于2be attached to sb./sth. 依附于,留恋,依恋 attach importance to 重视 选修七选修七 module 1 Basketball 单元试题单元试题 一、高频单词点击一、高频单词点击 1. When the dog attacked me, I d_ myself with a stick. 2. I must a_ ,I was wrong. 3. Rowlings series became a h_ and soon reached every corner of the world. 4. The patient was c_ to the hospital. 5. When you are driving in a car, to speed up means to a_. 6. _(复杂的) problems are not easy to solve. 7. He has a _(天赋) for music. 8. Are they _(专业的) workers? 9. The food I ate for dinner last night was _(充分的). 10. Did they _(重视)your advice ? 二、重点短语回顾二、重点短语回顾 1. be rude _ 对粗鲁 2. draw ones attention _. 吸引某人注意 3. take possession _ 占据;拥有;占有 4. be based _ 以为基础 5. name_ 以命名 6. _ones nature 性质上,本性,本质 7. apologise _sb._sth. 因而向某人道歉 8. _the history of. 在历史上 三、常用语法必备三、常用语法必备 1. The success of our experiment is a great _(satisfy) to us all. 2. They have _(success) in sending every one of the satellites into space. 3. You must do the exercises _(care) 4. It will be _(difficulty) to drive a motor-car through such a storm. 四、单项选择四、单项选择1.In a room above the store, where a party _, some workers were busy setting the table.A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held 2. The Premier _ that he would visit China the next month.A. confused B. confirmed C. controlled D. confessed3.Teaching is not just a simple piece of work; its an art _ a science.A. is based on B. based with C. based on D. depended on4.The middle school is attached _a normal college.A. for B. with C. to D. in 5. Joan managed to _ college after three years hard work.A. go B. enter C. attend D. present 6. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _
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