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必修四必修四 ModuleModule 2 2.单词拼写 1The speed _ (限制) on this road is 70 mph. 2His first speech as president made a strong _ (印象) on his audience. 3They were marching forward despite the heavy rain because they had to reach the _ (目的地) before dark. 4Keep all your _ (收据) for workrelated expenses. 5I want to buy two secondclass _ (单程票) to Shanghai. 6He has a large family to p_ for. 7Man has already begun e_ the Mars, hoping to find signs of life there. 8It may take a long time to find a s_ to the problem. 9Driving without a p_is forbidden in every country. 10The new railway station is still under c_. 答案:1.limit 2.impression 3.destination 4.receipts 5.singles 6.provide 7.exploring 8.solution 9.permit 10.construction .根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1When something unexpected happens, dont worry. Just _. 2They will build another ring road to solve the problem of traffic _ in the rush hour. 3After the accident, the driver drove his car away. Fortunately, video cameras recorded his _ number. 4It was their first meeting, and he was determined to make an _. 5Welcome to the Blue Sea Hotel. We offer you spacious, _ and fullyserviced rooms. 6The bus _ the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way. 7You should remember to ask for a _ after you pay for what you buy. 8The clever boy came up with a _ to the difficult problem. 9The kids _ at the party. 10The wire _ an electrode (电极) . 答案:1.keep cool 2.congestion 3.registration 4.impression 5airconditioned 6.got stuck in 7.receipt 8.solution 9.were in a good mood 10.is connected to .完成句子 1这个想法很值得考虑。 This idea is _ _ _. 2动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来。 _ _ _ _ you will find a way. 3即使下雨,他也会准时来的。 He will come on time _ _ _ _. 4为什么不让她想怎么做就怎么做呢? _ _ _ her do as she likes? 5人数被限制到 60。 The number of the people _ _ _ 60. 答案:1.well worth considering 2.Use your head and 3.even though it rains 4.Why not let 5.is limited to .单项填空 1May I have your _ to leave a little earlier? Certainly, but you should be back tomorrow by 9 oclock. Aconclusion Bencouragement Csuggestion Dpermission 答案:D 考查名词辨析。A 项表示“总结,结论” ;B 项表示“鼓励,激励” ;C 项表 示“建议” ;D 项表示“允许,许可” 。根据句意可知 D 项符合题意。 2Youre not allowed to enter the bar if youre _. Aunder control Bunder age Cunder discussion Dunder attack 答案:B 此题考查短语辨析。句意:未成年人不准进入酒吧。under age 意为“未成 年,未及法定年龄” ,故应选 B。 3There is no_ to what you can do if you try. Alack Bneed Climit Dmatter 答案:C 句意:如果你努力,成就无可限量。A、B 两项搭配不正确,D 项词义不通。 故应选 C。 4It is said that it is the Curies who _ radium. Adiscovered Bexplored Cuncovered Dinvent 答案:A 考查词义辨析。句意:据说是居里夫妇发现的镭。镭是早已存在而之前未 被人发现的物质,所以不能用 invent“发明” ,explore“探索”或 uncover“揭露,揭发” , 应用 discover“发现” 。 5Her travelling has been limited _ a few French resorts. Awith Bto Cin Dat 答案:B 考查动介搭配。be limited to 是固定搭配,意为“局限于,受限于” 。6All of us didnt notice Tom come into the classroom because the light happened to _ at that time. Agive in Bput up Cgo out Dswitch off 答案:C 根据句意可知,C、D 两项的意思都符合,go out“熄灭” ;switch off“关闭, 切断(电源)” 。但 switch off 作此意讲时,为及物词组,而此处需要不及物词组,故应选 C。 7_ did I tell you that I could lend you money. AIn no time BAt no time CAt a time DAt one time 答案:B 由句子的倒装结构可以排除 C、D 两项;再由句意可知此处强调“在任何 时候都不”而不是 in no time“立刻,马上” ,故应选 B。 8Itll be well worthwhile for you _. Acome Bcoming Cto come Dcame 答案:C 此题考查固定句式,在此句中有两种表达形式,此题可表述为:Itll be well worthwhile you coming/for you to come.故 C 为正确选项。 9Oh, my God. I _ my key in the bedroom. Aput Bforgot Cleft Dgot 答案:C 此处考查 leave 复合结构,leave 表示“使处于某种状态” 。而且把某物 忘在某地往往用 leave 来表示。此题不要误选成 forget,因为它只是侧重于忘记某事,或忘记做某事,强调不记得。故答案为 C。 10Frida began to learn to paint _ she became weaker and weaker. Ain case Bunless Cbecause Deven though 答案:D 考查连词辨析。in case“以防万一” ;unless“除非” ; because“因为” ; even though“即使,尽管” 。由句意可知,应选 D 项。 .阅读理解 A Drunken drivingsometimes called Americas socially accepted form of murderhas become a national epidemic (传染病). Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken drivers, adding up to an incredible 250, 000 over the past decade. A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American man image and judges were tolerant (宽容的) in most courts, but the drunken slaughter (残杀) has recently caused so many well publicized tragedies, especially involving young children, that public opinion is no longer so tolerant. Twenty states have raised the legal drinking to 21, reversing a trend in the 1960s to reduce it to 18. After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed by 18 to 20yearold d
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