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摘摘 要要本次设计的目是要在有效的时间内要设计出一个可以立即投产建成及工业生产的年产 10 万吨纯生啤酒厂。在纯生啤酒的生产中,扩大生产是瓶颈。目前纯生啤酒已代表中国啤酒市场的发展方向,是啤酒业的一次革命,它符合消费潮流,前景广阔,市场需求量大。本次设计是在导师的指导下,查阅与设计题目相关的文献与数据资料,弄懂纯生啤酒的概念,熟悉工厂设计的一般过程,对工厂的实地建设与生产有一定的了解。然后根据已查阅到的内容,结合自己学过的课程,完成设计内容。用逆向推算法从产品出发,分别计算出清酒罐的酒量,发酵罐的发酵量,冷却车间的热麦汁需求量,糖化锅的原料量。然后正向出发计算出糖化锅的年糖化量、旺季和淡季的每日糖化次数,冷却车间的冷却次数和单次冷却量,发酵罐的单批发酵量和发酵罐的个数,包装车间的流水线速率来完成物料衡算。再根据工艺中各个阶段的物料量和工艺温度,利用热量传递的相关理论完成对热量和冷量需求的热量衡算。设备和管路的设计可以根据工程方面的相关参数而完成。设计完成了整个工厂的物料衡算和热量衡算,完成了的全场的工艺流程图和全场布置图并已用 CAD 画图,重点设计了糖化车间和发酵车间的主要设备并已用 CAD 画图。按我设计的工艺路线可以达到年产纯生啤酒 10 万吨。关键词:关键词: 纯生啤酒; 糖化; 发酵; 糖化锅; 发酵罐AbstractThis object is to design a factory which annual output of pure brewery achieve 10 million tons in an effective time. And the factory can be built and operated right now. In the production of pure beer, is difficult to expand production. In recent years, pure beer is the symbol of the Chinese beer market development. Its a great development of beer industry, it meets the trend of consumption, have a broad prospects and have a great demand.I completed this object Under the guidance of mentor. At first, I look up the related literature and data of this objective, it let me konw the conception of pure brewery and let me know well of the general process of design a factory and the builing and operation of a factory; Secondly, I reversal calculate the data by the knowledge I have looked up, I have calculated the amount of sake, broth, hot wort, rice flour and malt flour on the basis of the amount of production in turn.then,I have used forward calculation to calculate the amout of annual mashed raw material, the times of mashing one day and the amount of one time mashing, the times and amout of cooling, and calculate the number of fermenters, the amout of one time ferment, the tate of packaging. At last, complete the calculation of raw materials based on all of this datas. Then complete the calculation of heat of the whole factory, the method of the calculation based on the industry requirements and the principle of tansmition of heat. Design method of the equipments and pipelines can be based on the principle and parameters of industry.This object, I have completed the calculation of the raw materials and heat of the whole factory. I have drawn the pictures of the whole factorys process by CAD software. I have designed mashing workshop and fermenting workshop in detail, and have drawn the pictures of main equipments by CAD software. According to my process route,it will reach an annual output of 10 million tons of pure beer.Key words: Pure brewery; Mashing; Fermentation; Saccharification pot; Fermentation tank目 录绪 论.1 设计的背景.1 啤酒发酵工艺综述.1 发酵方法.1 锥形发酵罐工艺要求.2 一罐法发酵的操作步骤.2 设计的意义.3 第一章 全厂工艺流程及工艺参数的选择及论证.1 1.1 麦芽制备.1 1.1.1 制麦的目的.1 1.1.2 制麦的工艺流程.1 1.1.3 原料的选取.1 1.1.4 物料输送方式选择与比较.2 1.1.5 粗选.3 1.1.6 精选.4 1.1.7 分级.4 1.1.8 浸麦.4 1.1.9 发芽.5 1.1.10 干燥.5 1.1.11 除根.
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