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Unit 3 1.on time in time at times 2. wear=be in 状态 put on 动作 dress 动作或状态(穿的好坏或给人穿衣服)词组:get dressed / dress sb. 3 be sure + to do sth. be sure that 从句4 late be late for sth.be late to do sth. later 稍后 lately 近来 5.I dont know what I should bring = I dont know what to bring 6promise to do sth. promise sb. to do sth. 7.allow doing sth. allow to do sth. 8.stuff 是不可数名词 9.without doing sth.没有做某事10 have fun with sth. have fun doing sth. 11 plan n. make a plan forsth.v. plan to do sth. 12. enjoy doing sth.enjoy oneself = 13 agree to do sth. agree with+ sb./idea/what sb.saysget to14.到达 reach in sp.大 arrive at sp.小 15 be good at = do well in 16 be popular with 受欢迎 17 go on a trip to sp. 18 spend time/money (in) doing sth.spend time/money on sth. 19 It takes sb. time to do sth. 习题:Lesson1一 单选 ( )1.- Hurry up. There is little time left.- OK. We must get there _. A on time B on a time C on the time ( )2- What are you preparing for? - Our class will _ a school trip tomorrow A go on B go to C go with ( )3 - A cold day , isnt it? - Yes. But I think it will be warmer_. A later B late C least ( )4.-We will go to climb the mountain tomorrow.- I think so. _! A How nice B What nice C What a nice ( )5.- What about going on a school trip ?- It sounds like _. A a good idea B good C great ( )6. -Our family will travel to Shanghai.- That sounds_. A a good idea B great C idea ( )7. Do you know the boy _ glasses? A taking B bringing C wearing ( )8. It is going to rain. _ your umbrella with you . A Bring B Take C Get ( )9. I am not sure _ I need to bring . Can you give me some ideas? A what B how C where ( )10 -How to improve my English quickly? - You need _ carefully in class A listening B listens C to listen 二用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He usually _ football matches in his spare time.(watch) 2 Twenty minutes _, I got to the cinema.(late) 3 How _ the song sounds!(beauty) 4 Wearing _ can protect my eyes.(glass) 5 Will we need our _ or ID cards?(wallet) 三 句型转换 1 I am not sure what I need to bring.(同义句)I am not sure what _ _. 2 Im not sure where I should go.(同义句)Im not sure where _ _.3 What a good idea it is !(同义句) _ _ the idea is! 4 I will need my glasses.(一般疑问句) _ you _ your glasses? Lesson2 ( )1 We are talking _ our friends _ the playground. A to, on B on , to C to, for ( )2My father went to work without _ breakfast. A have B has C having ( )3 Would you agree _ a movie with us? A to watch B watching C with watch ( )4 I agree _ you . A on B to C with ( )5 Does your mother allow you _ TV? A watching B watched C to watch ( )6 - What does the sign “NO SMOKING”mean? - It means we dont allow _ here. A smoking B smoke C smokes ( )7 - Do you like English? -Yes,I have a lot of fun _it. A to learn B learning C learn ( )8. The movie will be _. A interest B interested C interesting ( )9Will I need to take my bags or my _ stuff? A another B others C other ( )10 - What do you plan _ during the coming summer holidays? - I have no idea. But I will make a plan _ it. A to do, on B doing, for C to do, for Lesson 3 ( )1 I think we_ have fun tomorrow. A be going to B will C is going to ( )2-Where do you want to go ? - We _ have a trip to the movies. A are going to B is going to C be going to ( )3- Shall we meet at 3 at school? - I cant meet then. I _ have time. A will B wont C no ( )4_ you going to have a piano lesson this afternoon.A Is B will C Are ( )5 We _ going to meet in the classroom. Because there is no one in the classroom A not are B are not C will not ( )6Why dont we_ out and play games on the playground? A go B going C went ( )7 What about _ a movie tonight. A watch B to watch C watching ( )8- Where does your grandma live?- She lives_. A.on a downtown B.downtown Cin downtown ( )9 Do you know the boy standing_ the classroom? A .in front of B. in the front of C in the front ( )10 -What is he good at ? - He plays the flute well even without_ A practice B practicing C to practice 11 You can not buy anything with no any money(同义句) You can not buy anything _ _. Lesson 4 ( )1 What do you want to do _? A this year B in this year C for this year ( )2 How do you plan _ this work? A to finish B finish C finishing ( )3 Do you have a plan _ tomorrow? A for B to C of ( )4 - What are you going to do on this weekend? -I am going to _ an art class. A wear B take C listen ( )5-How to get a good mark in English? - I think you should practice _ every day. A to speak B speaking C speaks ( )6 How about playing soccer after school today ? -_. A Thats too bad B Thats a good idea C Im sorry to hear that ( )7- Dont give up drawing. Keep_ A to try B try C trying ( )8 -_ is the weather going to be ? - It will be cloudy.A How B
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