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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语交际话题之住房1.惯用口语句子:I didnt expect the rent for a one-bedroom apartment to be so high.我没料到一居室公寓的房租这么高。Its very hard to rent a satisfying apartment.租个让人满意的公寓太难了。I cant afford that rent.我付不起那样的租金。expect v. 预期,预料到rent n. 租金 v. 租用,租apartment n. 公寓,单元住宅satisfying a. 令人满意的,令人满足的afford v. 买得起,负担得起I want to share an apartment with a friend.我想跟朋友合租一个公寓。I need to find a roommate.我得找一个室友。I have one room for rent.我有一个房间要出租。I need to rent an apartment.我需要租个公寓。share v. 分享,共有roommate n. 室友for rent“供出租”Its much safer to rent an apartment through a real estate agency.通过房地产中介公司租房安全多了。I dont like to deal with the real estate agent.我不喜欢和房地产中介打交道。estate n. 地产,不动产agency n. 代理行,代理处agent n. 代理人real estate“房地产”real estate agency“房地产中介公司”deal with“与打交道,应付,对待”House prices have really risen a lot during the past several years.过去这几年房价真是涨了不少。House prices rise/fall again.房价叉涨降了。House prices keep going up/down.房价一直在涨降。House prices have rocketed by up t0 11.2 percent in a year.房价一年疯涨了11.2%。House prices increased at the same rate as the CPI last year.房价去年与CPI同速增长。,rise v. 上升,上涨,增加(其过去式和过去分词分别为rose和risen)rocket v. 飞速上升行火箭percent ad. 百分之up to“(数目)到之多,一直到”此处出现的动词“fall“的过去式及过去分词分别为“fell“和“fallen”。CPI是Consumer Price Index的缩写形式,指“消费者物价指数”。Almost everybody is talking about housing.几乎人人都在淡论房子。Who doesnt want his own house?谁不想要自己的房子啊?The house price is peoples big concern.人们非常关心房价。housing n. 住房,住宅,提供住房concern n. 关心,所关心的事Some people buy houses on speculation.有些人买房是为了炒房。Some people speculate in/on houses.有些人做房地产投机买卖。I most people buy houses to live in.大部分买房还是为了自住。speculation n. 投机,投机买卖speculate v. 投机,做投机买卖speculate in/on(doing)sth.“做投机买卖”The real estate market is down now. The house prices are acceptable.现在房地产市场正处于低潮。房价可以接受。acceptable a. 可接受的Its the right time to buy this apartment.现在买这套房子正是时候。Im not sure whether I should buy a flat now.我不知道我现在是否应该买房。I should think twice before making the decision of purchase.在决定买之前,我得三思。purchase n. & v. 买,购买make decision“做决定”Its the right time.表示“现在正是时候”,I think twice before doing sth.表示“在做某事前要三思”。People will not be able to a仟ord housing if prices keep rising.如果房价一直涨,人们就买不起房子了。How can the house prices become stable?房价怎样才能稳定呢?The developers have made a lot of money over the past few years.开发商在过去几年里赚了不少钱。stable a. 稳定的,稳固的developer n. 开发者,房地产开发商make money“赚钱”I want to sell my apartment in a couple of years. It will be worth a lot more then.我打算过两三年把公寓卖出去,那时可以值更多。My house will increase in value.我的房子会升值的。worth a. 值的,价值的,值得的 n. 价值a couple of“(数量)两三”be worth.“值. “Most banks require a 20 percent down payment.大部分银行要求20%的首付款。Weve almost got enough money to make a down payment on a house.我们已经基本备齐了房子的首付款。It took us nearly five years to save enough money for a down payment.我们花了几乎5年时间才攒够首付款。require v. 要求,需要payment n. 付款,支付down payment“分期付款的首付款”Itll be years before weve even paid off the loan.我们得好多年才能还清贷款呢。I have to take out a loan of 360,000 yuan.我得贷款36万元。loan n. 贷款pay off“还清,付清”take out“通过申请取得”2.实用对话Buying or Renting an Apartment买房还是租房Christine: I heard you are going to get married at the end of this year. Have you bought an apartment?克里斯廷:听说你们年底就要结婚了。买房了吗?Raymond. No. House prices are too high. We cant afford it. Were going to rent one.雷蒙德:没有。房价太贵了。我们买不起。我们打算租个房子。Christine: Youre right. People will not be able to afford housing if prices keep rising.克里斯廷:是啊。如果房价一直涨,人们就买不起房子了。Raymond: I hear that house prices have dropped a lot in some cities, which gives us some hope.雷蒙德:我听说有些城市的房价降了不少,这也让我们看到了一些希望。Christine: Yeah. I think housing to some extent should be under control by the related government department.克里斯廷:是啊。我认为住房在某种程度上应该由相关的政府部门控制一下。Raymond: Yes. Some people buy houses on speculation.雷蒙德:是的。有些人买房是为了炒房。Christine: Did you ever think of buying a second-hand house then?克里斯廷:那你们有没有考虑过买一套二手房?Raymond: Yes. Its a little cheaper but itll cost more in down payments. We cant afford it either.雷蒙德:考虑过。二手房稍便宜点儿,不过需要交的首付更多。我们还是负担不起。Christine: People normally cant afford an apartment at an early age. Many young couples in developed countries also live in rented apartments.克里斯廷:通常人们在年轻的时候都买不起房子。发达国家有好多年轻夫妇也是租房子住。3.详细解说1.“afford”常与“can”、“could”或“be able to”等表示能力的动词连用,并通常出现于含有否定意义的句子中。“can/could/be able to afford (to do) sth.”表示“买得起,支付得起,负担得起,承担得起”。例如:We cant afford to go on vacation this year.(今年我们没有足够的钱去度假。)Few people are able to afford cars like that.(没有几个人能买得起那样的车。)I cant afford to buy a house.(我买不起房子。)We cant afford to wait any longer or well miss the plane.(我们可等不起了,不然会误了飞机的。)We cant afford tomake any mistakes at this stage in the project.(工程到了这个阶段,我们可承受不起任何的错误。)4.文化洗礼美国住房的种类常见的美国住房可分为以下几种:1.A bungalow is a small house with one or two bedrooms and usually one bathroom.平房,较小,有一个或两个卧室,通常还有一个浴室。2.A mansion is a real big house with many bedrooms and several bathrooms.宅第,面积较大,有许多间卧室和多个浴室。3.A ranch house usually has three or four bedrooms. The “master bedroom“ for the mother and father usually has its own bathroom.牧场主住宅,通常有三到四个卧室。供父母住的“主卧”通常带有自己独立的浴室。4.An apartment is usually one
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