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1、发电机试车准备就序 The starting test of D/G is ready. 2、测试仪表已准备好 The measuring meters are ready. 3、冷态绝缘电阻测试是否可以开始? Shall we start the testing of cold insulation resistance? 4、先做报警点试验 Begin with the alarm points testing , please. 5、这些传感器是开关(模拟)量的 These sensors are of digital (analogue) type. 6、你看先做哪一个传感器? Which sensor shall we begin with? 7、可以做超速实效试验 We can make the effect test for overspeed. 8、这些传感器我们再综合试验室都校正过了 We have calibrated these sensors in lab. 9、你是否抽空去综合试验室看看? Would you like to have a visit to our lab? 10、温度(压力)传感器的数值都在允许范围内 The values of temp.(press.) sensors are within the allowance. 11、如果你觉得不满意,我们可以拆下检查 We can dismantle it and have a check if you are not satisfied. 12、接线是按图纸施工的,应该没有问题 The wire is connected by the drawing. It should be O.K. 13、现在有点小问题,请你稍等 There is something wrong. Please wait a moment. 14、这个传感器我们打算换新的 Well replace this sensor with a new one. 15、这些问题我们一定解决,你是否可以继续看下去 Were sure to solve these problems. Would you please go on with the inspection? 16、数值可以调整 The values can be adjusted. 17、这个传感器是刚刚换的 This sensor was renewed just now. 18、传感器的型号是跟图纸一致的 The model of this sensor agrees with the drawing. 19、传感器安装的位置是符合要求的 The installation positions of sensors are up to the requirement. 20、传感器和荧光屏上显示的数值是一致的 The value of sensor meets with that on the screen. 21、报警点的显示有问题,我查查图纸There is something wrong with the display of alarm points. Let me check the drawing. 22、传感器的线接错了,现在已经好了The wire of sensor was connected improperly. We have reconnected it. 23、现在请再试一试 Please try again. 24、报警点全部试验过了 We have tested all the alarm points. 25、有个别的问题我们准备马上修补,你看如何?Well make the remedy for the few defects soon. Whats your idea? 26、现在是否可以进行发电机动车试验 Shall we begin the starting test for the generator now? 27、试车设备都检查过了 We have checked all the equipment for testing. 28、负载桶里的水已加满 The load tank is full of water. 29、遥控操作没有问题 There is no problem about the remote control operation.30、发电机已经起动完毕,一切正常 The generator has been started and every thing is okay. 31、请你看看主配电板上电压、频率的数值是准确 Please look at the readings of voltage and frequency on the main switchboard to see if they are normal. 32、现在开始做负载试验 Lets have the load test now. 33、加负载 25 Add 25 load. 34、运行时间 10 分钟(15 分钟、2 小时) The running time is 10 minutes (15min, two hours) . 35、测量温升 X 度 Please measure the temperature rise. 36、发电机的温升没有超过允许值 The temperature rise for D/G is within the allowance 37、现在做电压特性试验 Lets have the test of voltage characteristic. 38、发电机负荷充满载至空载(空载至满载)的电压变化率2.5Nn The voltage variation rate from full load to no load is within 2.5Nn. 39、现在做转速变化试验 Lets have the rpm test now. 40、稳态(瞬态)频率(50FN)Steady(instantaneous)frequency (50FN). 41、恢复时间(7sec) restore time(7sec) 42、突加(减)负载 Sudden load t.ake-on (Instant unload) test 43、现在做柴油机起动试验 Lets have the starting test of diesel engine. 44、主空气瓶总压缩空气已经充满 The main air reservoir has been filled with compressed air. 45、柴油机连续起动 6 次应该没有问题There should be no problem to start the diesel engine for six times continuously. 46、现在做并联运行试验 Lets do the parallel running test now. 47、每种工况各运行 5 分钟 Make it run for 5 minutes under each working condition. 48、每一并联运行方式运行约 30 分钟 Run for 30 minutes under each parallel condition. 49、现在做负载转换试验 Lets do the load-shifting test. 50、现在手动准同步(自动同步)降第 3 台发电机组并网Please parallel No.3 generator by manual synchro (auto synchro) . 51、现在降第 1 台发电机组减载至零后退网 Please unload No.1 generator to nil and make it out of service. 52、你觉得转换负载的稳定性是否有问题 How do you think of the steadiness of shifting load? 53、现在做绝缘电阻试验 Lets do insulation resistance test now. 54、三相定子绕组对地绝缘为 5m The ground insulation value for 3-phase stator coil is 5m. 55、空间加热对地绝缘为 3m The ground insulation value for heater is 3m. 56、现在做发电机机旁控制板试验 Lets do the control panel test of generator by engine side.57、滑油预供泵(手动、自动)工作正常 The manual & auto control for L.O. presupply pump is in order (okay). 58、预热装置的电源已经接通 The preheat unit is powered. 59、柴油机安全保护功能进行模拟试验 Lets do the simulation test for the safety function of D/G. 60、请你检查应急停机电磁阀 Please check the electric-magnetic valve for emergency shut-down function. 61、机组报警具有声光报警功能 The generating set alarm is of audible visual type. 62、现在做主配电板试验 Lets do the main switchboard test. 63、发电机保护 D/G protection trip. A)过载保护 overload trip B)短路保护 short circuit trip C)瞬动保护 instant start trip D)热保护 thermal trip E)欠电压保护 under voltage trip F)逆功率保护 reverse power trip 64、优先脱扣电路试验 Circuit testing of priority trip. A)第一(二)级优先脱扣电流设定值 The set value of current for the first-stage (second-stage) priority trip. 65、现在做主配电板联锁试验 Lets do the locking test of main switchboard. 66、主配电板与应急配电板自检联锁试验Locking test between the main switchboard and emergency switchboard. 67、主配电板与岸电自检联锁试验 Locking test between the main switchboard and shore power. 68、现在做电站管理系统功能试验 Lets do the function test of power station control system. 69、现在做应急切断试验 Lets do the emergency cut-down test. 70、全船风机、空调和油泵已被紧急切断The blowers, air conditioners and oil pumps
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