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毕毕 业业 设设 计计(论文论文)题 目 火电厂储煤筒仓综合安全监控系统硬件设计院 系机械工程系专业班级学生姓名指导教师电力大学本科毕业设计(论文)I火电厂储煤筒仓综合安全监控系统硬件设计摘要在火力发电厂、煤炭转运站等一些地方,煤炭存储已经成为其燃料管理控制的一个重要环节。然而由于没有安装安全监测系统的筒仓内的环境状况无法知道,经常发生毒气如 CO 等,可燃气体如 CH4 等含量过多,致使国内的储煤筒仓因为种种原因发生多次着火,甚至有筒仓发生爆炸的情况,而且筒仓一旦着火,很难将其在短时间内扑灭,并会造成人员伤亡和财产损失,所以筒仓安全保护装置的重要性也就越来越突出。鉴于此本文研究设计了一种储煤筒仓安全监测与控制系统,并在此基础上介绍和设计了筒仓安全监测的相关参数的测量,希望可以有效地改变储煤筒仓使用管理中存在的一些问题。文中主要设计了一种基于 MSP430 单片机的储煤筒仓安全监测系统,选择筒仓内部及筒仓壁的温度监测时的温度传感器型号,以及设计其安装位置、保护措施,并对筒仓中的可燃气体浓度、CO 浓度、烟雾等参数进行监测,最后实物模拟了筒仓壁测温的过程,实时显示测量的温度并且拥有报警装置。论文最后给出了总结以及未来工作方向的展望。关键词:MSP430 单片机;传感器;储煤筒仓;安全监测电力大学本科毕业设计(论文)IIHARDWARE DESIGN FOR SAFETY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT COAL STORAGE SILOAbstractIn thermal power plants, transfer stations and other places of coal, coal storage has become an important part of its fuel management control. However, due to environmental health safety monitoring system is not installed inside the silo can not know, as often happens too much gas such as CO, CH4 and other combustible gases such as content, resulting in domestic coal storage silo fire occurred many times for various reasons, even silo explosion happened, and silos once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish in a short time, and will cause casualties and property losses, so the importance of the silo safety devices is more and more prominent. In view of this paper studies the design of a coal storage silo safety monitoring and control system, and describes the design and measurement of silo safety monitoring of relevant parameters on the basis of hope that can effectively change the use of coal storage silo management in some of the problems.This paper mainly designed Coal Silo Safety Monitoring System Based on MSP430 choose internal silos and silo wall temperature monitoring when a temperature sensor models, as well as its design mounting position, protective measures, and silos combustible gas concentration, CO concentration, the concentration of dust, smoke and other parameters for selection of design monitoring and control device, and finally the silo wall temperature simulate physical processes, real-time display of temperature measurements and has an alarm system. Finally, a summary and future work directions.Keywords: MSP430 Microcontroller; Sensor; Coal Storage Silo; Safety Monitoring电力大学本科毕业设计(论文)目录摘要.IAbstract.II1 绪论.11.1 国内外研究基本现状.11.2 设计目的及意义.21.3 本文主要设计内容.22 筒仓储煤温度的安全监控系统设计.32.1 筒仓储煤温度监控原因.32.2 筒仓周壁温度监控详细设计.42.2 筒仓内部温度监控的详细设计.52.3 筒仓壁周壁测温防砸结构设计.83 筒仓气体、料位高度安全监控系统设计.103.1 可燃气体的监测.103.2 烟雾浓度监测.113.3 料位高度监测.113.3.1 雷达料位监测.113.3.2 高料位监测.114 实物设计与结果分析.134.1 MSP430 单片机的特点及应用.134.2 温度传感器信号的采集.15电力大学本科毕业设计(论文)44.3 采集信号的处理.164.4 软件程序的设计.194.5 结果分析.
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