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Time and tide wait for no man Time and tide wait for no man 岁月不等人 岁月不等人He laughs best, who laughs last. He laughs best, who laughs last. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好1五河二中高一英语导学案(一)五河二中高一英语导学案(一)主备:周友 辅备:高一英语组 审核:肖伟Unit 2 Working the land (Book 4)Words and Expressions Teaching Aims :Help Ss learn the new words and expressions Difficult point : How to enable Ss to use them freely1. Statistic n 复数 统计学Statistics of population She is studying (统计学)at university2. Struggle V (A 级)A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free . 翻译 (B 级)知识链接(C 级)Struggle against /with Struggle for Struggle to do sth The poor girl has been struggling cancer for years A against B for C to D in 3. super adj 、 We had a super day at the seaside 知识链接 supermarket ,superman superpower supernormal 4. Hunger ,n .V . adj 饥饿的In the 1960s ,miUions of people died of hunger The Child has a strong hunger for knowledge Hunger for 知识拓展“渴望”表达法be anxious for ,be eager for ,long for 还有 5. Dis turbing adj ,disturbed V. disturb The disturbing news made us sad We were all by the news, that is the news disturbed all of us .A disturbing ,disturbed B disturbed ,disturbing 6. expand Vt Vi Metals expand when they are heated Our foreign trade greatly in recent years 我国对外贸易近几年有很大发展词语辩析expand “范围”扩张,extend 延伸,也有“扩张”之意enlarge 扩大 stretch 伸直7. Circulate Vt n 循环Blood circulates in the body 她去世的消息迅速传开 知识链接Circulate about 到处流传,Circulate among 在一中流传 in circulation 流通着,传播着8. thanks to We have made rapid progress thanks mainly to teaching improvement(由于你的帮助,we were successful )知识链接because of ,owing to due to as a result of 9. rid . V. Its not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit The doctor him pain by taking out The bad tooth 医生拔了一颗坏牙使他摆脱了痛苦词组辩析get rid of break away from 10. be satisfied with The teacher didnt seem to be satisfied with my answer 我对目前的生活很满意词语辩析Satisfy Vt satisfying Satisfied satisfaction 11. Would rather I would rather stay at home than go out on Sundays Children walk take a bus 知识链接would rather 没有人称和数的变化,有以下三种句型(1)would rather dothan doTime and tide wait for no man Time and tide wait for no man 岁月不等人 岁月不等人He laughs best, who laughs last. He laughs best, who laughs last. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好2(2) would dorather than do (3) would rather that sb did sth /sb had done sth I would rather you came with us 12. therefore We dont know what to do ,therefore we did nothing(下雨了,所以比赛期)Progress has been very good so far we are sure that the project will be completed on time A However B otherwise C therefore D besides13. equip V , equipwith She equipped her son with a good educationOur office an air-conditioner 我们办公室配有空调知识拓展equipment Well-equipped 14. export V import We and 我们进口原料出口产品15. regret . V. n. I will never regret the choice Ive made I at that time 我后悔当初没有听从他的建议知识拓展(1)regret +n/pron /v-ing (2)regret to do sth (3)regret that clause I that you +failed in the exam 我很遗憾地说你考试不及格16. production n Production of the new machine will start next year知识拓展produce v producer n product n productive 17. build up Traffic is building up on the road into the citySports can ones strength运动可增强人的体质知识拓展put up set up come up make up Taking morning exercise will
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