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Book 8 Unit 3 Inventors and Inventions (词汇导学案词汇导学案)一、学习目标 1.掌握本单元 55 个课标单词及 10 个课标短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。 2.能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 二、学习重点 能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的 4 个重点单词及 10 个重点短语。 三、学习难点 1.学会自我分类,利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 2. 学会运用各种方法高效记忆词汇:派生法、英英解释法和近似短语辨析法。 四、学习过程 【自主预习】(一)学法指导1.学习课本第三单元新单词,基本达到正确拼读。对难以正确拼读的生词进行小组讨论。2.查字典,独立完成下列词汇练习。(二)活动任务1.词形变化 根据要求给出下列词汇相应的此类转换形式,注意后缀的变化。1). _ n.专利证书;专利权;v.获得专利权2). _ vt. to put up with1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_ 7)_ 8)_ 9)_ 10)_【合作学习】(一)学法指导1.学习课本第三单元新单词,掌握重要词汇的用法。2.小组合作,完成词汇练习题并尝试总结其用法。(二)活动任务1.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空call up / now and then / in case / dive into /set out to (do) /get through / in truth / hang on / out of order / ring off1).It turned out that the newcomer was _ a spy.2). I wont _ my brother unless something unexpected happens. 3). Please _. I will go and get her. 4). Our freezer is _ again. Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it. 5). The police _ investigate the cause of the fire.6). Please take your credit card with you _ your money is not enough. 7). She_ her bag and took out a few coins. 8). The line is engaged; I cannot _ to his office. 9). I must _ now because I will go to a meeting. 10)._ , I visit my grandpa and grandma in the country. 2. 反馈练习 选择最佳选项并填空。 1)As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in 2). We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us _.A. now and then B. here and there C. at one time D. up and down 3). Lets _our personal feelings for now, and get to our business.A. set up B. set off C. set about D. set aside 4). He told me that in the following days there were other changes, even more_.A. abrupt B. changeable C. suitable D. typical 5). His parents greatest _ is that he could be accepted by the top university.A. means B. majority C. mixture D. expectation 6).The young man _his pocket to make sure his wallet was still there.A. went into B. got into C. looked for D. dived into 7). I had to _because someone else wanted to use the phone.A. hang on B. keep up C. hang up D. ring up 8). Hardly could he _this amount of work in such a short time.A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get down【教师寄语】 Cease to struggle and you cease to live. (生命不止,奋斗不息。 )
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