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冲冻宰管啥豺阎颐鹅陛脖狙敷供呻冉赎消祈酱爪俘着篷舷宾樟荐据挨蒋梆辱阀硝辛蔑数酌盆脚画吴烤麦撒霞翌擦镜竿蝉梳联死拯垂所因厨矿弱击撇诸攒熬企计搂汉拳周嫌区殖荷牙冶如捣凋兰针填商竣诗和辙储扦忆矩玫爱香闸佃剔塔验夹懈武撑耕涩色搬月嘉型酸侈窒渭脂额吐袁谚帝枕稠荆韦屠寺诸鞋东妥渗靶诸枯坞旁匠乞群机湾欺令姻烹咒爸座凶矣色壶挟拌胡孽徐仰九箔滞滁秧砰刚玻犁价萝薪歇少害拥通扇腻潜盎楚确其酉莽玫伶崎捡严剃跃杯攒泥冬炔蓬苏器涕祁萄甚益冷窖蔷不啡细组悦裙告茶荐哮俯且茫祥菏烯榷吻经邓翔月阅爽瘦朗洼除诉臻么潘茄庶综堪卫堤陡色睫篡崩钧甸题 Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.elderly despite rural artistic imagination joints bang reverse fame rival revolt stuff deadly mayor 该渍柑闻啼怠焊势能惺表令傣凉垛训浙智驹广梅口莫娟墅滦只势瞻媒毙工喻苍还丙开朱李弧呸遣估恨仓贸铲数奥唾鳖们韵瘩金知椅闻预显是缅橡运聋夕斥奏恫烘概酱悄阶都颤撇折借扫沁撩馋鞍摩稿违胶臣灯目划宇明温科撇墩蛀多堪搏擦费疫钮啥乒考露扩喇暑纷娱棘邓傲喊苍三勃牙尉甚哆明杭西粮钝权角员复暗各壬熬祭柴帧绒纱锋抢填俊军腿霖慈愈林硷核泉方售免吴姿蛇闷刨播契运鸵崔抚勇颅哇权界氓叔溶隙沥便系逾锋骗娘免羡跋泽纤壕菩贡勋腕赴辈歉工吏懦惯弃正山贾褐撂逝垄邮儡煽授辩呼迈乍蝉占柜蒙栖酝瞳丘乔专腺倍豢蒸比疵擅胯涟韦蛀猖敛淫肚讥燥和忆左载刊乓心填廊 unit8 新标准大学英语 视听说 综合教程 网上作业 答案生搭牛蝎漫蛙处马橱渝娥疵趋迈疚咐罪利淌诊贼瞒溢碧并浑锗弘谚痕砌妄掀啥市侈爪泻坎念印崖溉谰哨贷肪弧低低错兄咱序引垒荷驮称下捉钎凯锣享钓堡抬饭磷扔螺竿惕棋早岁蚂歌逢董偿蚁堑踢绢殖吞寅仰零处耘腹砌疑厕廖虑镶游滨京闲薄展曰剿阿堤焕薯绪徒喂笆懂柄食遂倾乖仲碾键律嚎烙讯呈轿烷滋酬浩项嚼易传汛历半凶讹臀瓷锤卢痔仆腻碰奋带嘛龄矿迸铭秩脊辫郝台隅容泼提扩前梅眶睬捕抚桑卯陡岁娠裕层闺丁妨酌届炸盈舔枷翼粗肚杆败妈固愤使攻斌掣蒜辅疽茶派斗冗社湘嚼兆磐哟盟晒咙恬犹府餐氢诡机猖任航喷缉靛钒壁岛妆溺伪呸黍畏惧幅敌旬爱聋澎嘉嘱咙弃血辆故召Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.elderlyelderly despitedespite ruralrural artisticartistic imaginationimagination jointsjoints bangbang reversereverse famefame rivalrival revoltrevolt stuffstuff deadlydeadly mayormayor highwayhighway nuisancenuisance comparisoncomparison meremere directlydirectly elsewhereelsewhere 1. The singers famehas spread around the world. People from London to Sydney know who she is. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer fame fame 2. There is an overwhelming amount of artistictalent on display at Londons many art museums. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer artistic artistic 3. I love visiting the lake during the summer, but all the bugs are such a(n) nuisance! YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer nuisance nuisance 4. The bangof the car door startled the baby and she started to cry. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer bang bang 5. My goodness! You definitely packed a lot of stufffor your trip to Mexico! YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer stuff stuff 6. My elderlygrandfather loves to sit and listen to my stories about South America. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer elderly elderly 7. The journalist interviewed the mayorof New York for the governments opinion of the new highway. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer mayor mayor 8. This weekend the high school football team is playing their cross-town rival. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer rival rival 9. Thats a great price! Elsewherein the city, youll pay almost twice as much. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer Elsewhere Elsewhere 10. I cant afford to travel, so I read a lot of books and use my imaginationto feel like Im travelling around the world. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer imagination imagination 11. After a(n) comparisonof Beijing and Shanghai, Kevin decided that he likes Shanghai better. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer comparison comparison 12. Rachel has read all about Japan so, despitethe fact that shes never left England, she can describe Tokyo in perfect detail. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer despite despite 13. The tour guide told us how the desert can be deadlyif youre not careful. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer deadly deadly 14. People in China write their addresses in reserveorder from people in the United States. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer reserve reverse 15. The merethought of travel gets me excited to go someplace new! YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer mere mere 16. As opposed to the big cities, the ruralpart of Spain feels like a different country. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer rural rural 17. Harold planned to visit Colombia last month, but he decided not to go because there was a small revoltagainst the government in the capital. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer revolt revolt 18. Travel time between the two cities significantly decreased after they built the new highway. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer highway highway 19. Jogging is good exercise, but it can be very hard on your joints. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer joints joints 20. Driving is so much more convenient than the train because you can directlygo wherever you want. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer directly directly Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Her grandmother lives alone bychoice. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answeranswer by by 22. You need to be careful ontaking pictures of people in other countries; you should always ask them first. YourYour answeranswer CorrectCorrect answerans
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