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柳山镇中小学集体备课卡柳山镇中小学集体备课卡科目科目 英语英语 课时课时 1 年级年级 七年级七年级 课 题Module 1 People and placesUnit 1 Unit 1were having a great time教学目标To get to know the key vocabulary.To understand the dialogue 3and10. To be able to describe what people are doing at the moment.重点难 点Lead-in the vocabulary, especially the Key points教学方法与手段教 学 设 计备 课 区修改区课内探究一、课前延伸一、课前延伸 Ask the students who has been to the great wall and what he/ she is feeling, what they do, thus the unit is introduced. Individual work: 1.Think about .2.Match the words with the pictures of Part 1. 3.Listen and match these words of part2.审查组组长签字审查组组长签字 备课教师签名:备课教师签名:李翠英李翠英 使用教师使用教师 宫世霞宫世霞 课内探究二、课内探究二、课内探究wait for, on a trip, have a good time, the others, take pictures, lying (lie + ing), in the sun, a lotKey structure: present continuous(affirmative).I am standing on the Great wall.We are having a great time.I. Ask students to work in pairs to practice the sentence structure.I. Pair work: Make sentences to practice the sentence structure. And then discuss what is the sentence structure.Like.II.1. Listen and read(Part3)2.Listen again and check part43.Try to act out part3II. Group work: Listen to Part 4 and matct the sentences of Part 4 then practice reading the dialogue in groups . Then several should be asked to read in public .At last ask some groups to act out part3.III. Text explanation:Vocabulary: on a trip, have a good time, the others, take pictures, lying (lie + ing), in the sun, a lot学生自己总结现在分词的学生自己总结现在分词的规律规律wait waitingforwait forpostcardthe Great Wallreallya good timea lot= very muchanyway课内探究Practise students pronunciation and speaking.Whole-class work:Read the dialogue together with the tape recorder.Then read the pronunciation and words of Part 7,&8 with the tape recorder.Pair work:Read the words to let the partner check if the words are pronounced in a correct way.翻译句子翻译句子你在给妈妈打电话。你在给妈妈打电话。我们在上英语课。我们在上英语课。他们在等车。他们在等车。海红在游泳海红在游泳- 预习检测汉译英拍照- 等待- 长城- 穿上- 再见- 晚安- 现在- 在家-Take photosWait forAt home有效训练达标训练写出下列词的现在分词 Drive have like lie shop Stand talk tell eat wait板书设计Unit 1 were having a great time!Key points: wait for, on a trip, have a good time, the others, take pictures, lying (lie + ing), in the sun, a lotKey structure: present continuous(affirmative):.I am standing on the Great wall.We are having a great time.课后拓展训练1. Li Lei _ doing his homework. A. am B. is C. are2. Are you _ photos ? A. take B. taking C. takeing 3. Is Miss Gao _ on the bed? A. lie B. lies C. lying4. Lingling and Daming _ writing.A. are B. am C. is5. What are you _? A. do B. does C. doing教后反思
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