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变速器壳体卧式双面专用攻丝机床设计变速器壳体卧式双面专用攻丝机床设计摘要摘要专用机床是用按系列标准化设计的通用部件和按加工零件的形状及加工 要求设计的专用部件组成的机床。其通用部件已经标准化和系列化,应用时可 根据需要选取,大大缩短了设计和制造周期。专用机床具有成本低、效率高的 特点,因此广泛的大批大量的生产中应用。并且随着技术的发展,数控化和自 动化程度不断提高。本文主要介绍了适用于加工轻型车变速器壳体结合面螺纹孔的攻丝专用机床的设计过程。包括了专用机床的总体方案设计、通用部件的选取、主轴箱设计等详细内容。详细说明了通用部件的选取过程,以及主轴箱设计时标准件的选取原则和过程,详细的分析了轴的强度。绘制了机床总装图、主轴箱齿轮啮合原理图、主轴箱总装配图和必要零件图等,并利用有限元分析软件对机床主要部件进行了可靠性分析。 关键词关键词 变速器壳体 专用机床 攻丝 主轴A A HorizontalHorizontal TypesTypes Two-sidedTwo-sided SpecialSpecial UseUse TappingTapping MachineMachine ToolTool DesignDesign forfor LightLight VehiclesVehicles GearboxGearbox AbstractAbstract A Special Purpose Machine is designed by the series of standardized common components and parts by processing the shape and design of special processing requirements of the special machine tool components. Its generic components have been standardized and serialized, the application can be selected, greatly shortened the design and manufacturing cycle. Combination of machine tool with low cost, high efficiency characteristics, Therefore a large number of extensive production of a large number of applications. And as technology advances, degree of automation and CNC continuously improved. This paper mainly introduces the combination machine tool designed for tapping holes in link surface of gearbox casing of light vehicles. It includes the total project design of the machine, the selection of general use parts, the design of spindle box etc. The process of selecting in general use parts and the principle and process of selecting the spindle box is elaborated on, and the strengthen of the shaft were analyzed in detail. Drew tool machine to always pack a diagram, principal axis box the wheel gear Nie match a principle diagram, principal axis box total assemble diagram and necessary spare parts diagram etc., and made use of limited dollars analytical software to carry on dependable sex analysis to the tool machine main parts. KeywordsKeywords Gear-housing Special Purpose Machine Tapping Spindle 共 页 第 页 装 订 线 目目 录录第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 专用机床的定义、组成以及特点.1 1.2 专用机床的现状以及发展方向.1 1.3 毕业设计的内容.2第 2 章 专用机床的总体设计 .42.1 专用机床工艺方案的确定.4 2.1.1 确定专用机床工艺方案的基本原则 .4 2.1.2 加工工艺分析 .4 2.1.3 定位基准的选择 .5 2.2 专用机床切削用量的确定.5 2.2.1 切削用量的选择 .6 2.2.2 确定切削力、切削扭矩、切削功率及刀具寿命 .6第 3 章 专用机床的主轴箱设计 .83.1 概述.8 3.1.1 主轴箱的用途与分类 .8 3.1.2 主轴箱的组成 .8 大型通用主轴箱在生产中应用很广,常见的有: .8 3.1.3 主轴箱通用部件 .8 3.2 主轴箱的设计步骤和方法.10 3.2.1 主轴箱设计的原始依据图 .10 3.2.2 主轴结构、轴颈尺寸及齿轮模数的确定 .11 3.2.3 主轴箱传动系统的确定 .12 2.3.4 绘制坐标检查图 .19 3.3 绘制主轴箱总图以及装配明细表.20 3.3.1 主视图 .20 3.3.2 主轴箱展开图 .20第 4 章 主要部件的选择和设计 .214.1 电动机的选择.21 4.1.1 主运动电动机的选择 .21 4.1.2 进给运动电动机的选择 .
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