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I中文摘要中文摘要世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈。电子信息产品制造业经济运行状况良好,产业规模迅速扩大。在计算机技术高速发展的今天,我国有必要引入高效的计算机系统来改善一些旅行社和酒店的机票预定,提高工作效率,协助处理机票预定工作。网上机票预订管理系统的产生和发展正好满足人们的这种需求。机票预定系统是为机场工作人员和客户提供订票退票等与机票相关内容和管理的系统,它具有开放体系结构的、易扩充的、易维护的、具有良好人机界面的优点.它除克服了存储乘客信息少,查询效率低下等问题外,更重要的是其安全性,可靠性,实现航空公司的机票销售的自动化。它为企业的决策层提供准确、精细、迅速的机票销售信息,为乘客出行提供方便,便于机场工作人员对机票信息进行管理,提高了机场工作人员对机票管理的工作效率。根据航空公司管理的实际要求, 系统采用 JSP,Tomcat,Servlet,利用 SQL Server 2000 作为数据库管理工具,模块复用率高、系统维护代价小,方便、灵活、高效。关键词关键词:数据库;SQL 语言;Java 语言;数据库组件;JSPIIABSTRACTThe trends toward world multipolarization and economic globalization are developing amidst twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing rapidly. Competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. The manufacturing industry of electronic and information products made good performance which led to an expansion of the scale of the industry. Currently, the ticket of some travel agencies of our country and cabarets schedules to still stay around the artificial processing stage, this already serious check and supervision work efficiency.The machine ticket schedule to the system is a system that provides to book the related contents of the ticket dishonor bill etc. and tickets and manage for the staff member and customers in the airport, it has the system structure of open of, easy enlargement of, easy maintenance of, have the advantage of the good man-machine interface.It in addition to overcoming saving passengers information little, the search efficiency lowly etc. problem outside, more important its safety, credibility, carry out the automation of the ticket of the airline sale.It provides the accurate, fine and quick ticket sale information for the decision layer of the business enterprise, going to provide the convenience for passengers, the easy to airport staff member carries on the management to the ticket information, raising the staff member in the airport to the work efficiency that ticket manage.In accordance with the actual request of the managernent of airways , The System uses JSP,Tomcat, Servletand using the SQL Server 2000 as a database management tool, it is small of the cost in system maintenance, it is convenient, flexible and efficient.Key words: Database, language of SQL, language of Java, JSP III目录目录第第 1 1 章章绪论绪论.11.1课题背景.11.2 开发技术.21.2.1 Jsp 技术.2 1.2.2. Servlet 技术.2 1.2.4. JavaBean 技术.31.3. 开发工具.4 1.3.1 Eclipse.4 1.3.2. SQL Server 2000.4 1.3.3. Tomcat.5第第 2 2 章章 系统需求分析系统需求分析 .62.1 系统可行性分析.62.1.1. 技术可行性.6 2.1.2. 经济可行性.6 2.1.3. 操作可行性.72.2.4 社会可行性社会可行性 .72.2. 系统功能需求分析.82.3. 系统性能需求分析.
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