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本科生毕业设计(论文)I应应急急物物流流建建设设摘要摘要我国是世界自然灾害发生率较高的国家之一,每年都会因为自然灾害造成巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失,所以需要充足的应急物资来解决这些突发事件救助伤者、生存供给、卫生防疫、灾后重建等问题,避免灾害演化为灾难。目前,我国应急物流系统还比较薄弱,还处于初期发展阶段。为了最大程度的减少突发公共事件造成的损失,充分发挥应急物流的保障能力,有必要对我国应急物流系统进行研究改善,建立一套适合国情的应急物流系统。通过课题的研究可以丰富有关应急物流的相关研究理论,完善研究体系,不仅如此,课题的研究对于应急物流的建设也具有一定的借鉴意义。为了更好的了解应急物流的发展情况,课题运用文献研究法、模型法以及经验总结法,对应急物流的发展进行了研究。在研究的过程中,课题共分为四个部分,首先介绍了课题的研究背景与意义,分析了国内外学者关于课题的相关研究现状,概述了课题研究时采用的方法,对课题研究所需的概念进行了介绍;第二部分对应急物流的特点和建设的原则进行了分析,重点研究了应急物流建设中存在的问题,针对问题,提出了具体的解决措施。第三部分分析了应急物流建设的现状,并 基于DEA进行了综合评价,最后是对文章的研究内容进行总结概括。关键词:关键词: 应急物流;现状;问题;措施本科生毕业设计(论文)IIEmergency logistics constructionAbstractOur country is one of the countries with higher incidence of natural disasters in the world, because of natural disasters every year caused huge casualties and economic losses, so need enough emergency supplies to deal with these emergency rescue the wounded, survival supplies, health and epidemic prevention, post-disaster reconstruction and so on questions, avoid disaster evolution for the disaster. At present, Chinas emergency logistics system is still relatively weak, and it is still in its early stage of development. In order to maximize reduce the loss caused by sudden public events, give full play to the emergency logistics support capability, it is necessary to improve the emergency logistics system in domestic, to set up a set of suitable for the situation of emergency logistics system. Through the research can enrich the research of emergency logistics theory, the perfect research system, not only such, research for the construction of emergency logistics also has a certain reference significance.In order to better understand the development of emergency logistics, subject literature study method, model method and experience summary method, studied the development of emergency logistics. In the process of research, the topic will be divided into four parts, first introduced the research background and significance, analyzes the research status quo of domestic and foreign scholars about the subject, summarizes the research methods, introduces the concept of subject study. The second part of the characteristics of emergency logistics and the principle of the construction are analyzed, the problems existing in the construction of emergency logistics is mainly studied, in view of the problem, the solution of the specific measures are put forward. The third part analyzes the present situation of the emergency logistics construction, based on the DEAs comprehensive evaluation, and finally summarizes the research content of the article.本科生毕业设计(论文)IIIKeywords: Emergency logistics; Status quo. Problem; Measures本科生毕业设计(论文)IV目 录引言.1第一章 绪论.21.1 研究背景.21.2 研究目的.21.3 研究意义.31.4 研究内容、方法.31.4.1 研究内容.31.4.2 研究方法.31.5 应急物流概念.31.6 应急物流性质.41.7 国内外研究现状.41.7.1 国外研究现状.41.7.2 国内研究现状.5第二章 应急物流的基础性研究.72.1 应急物流特点.72.1.1 急迫、多样性.72.1.2 时效性.72.1.3 供应弱经济性.72.1.4 非预见性.
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