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陈星宇:读图时代下图像的传播动力研究1中文摘要图像是读图社会形成的原始推动力,图像发展加速了读图时代的到来,而读图社会的形成又对图像传播的发展起到推波助澜的作用。研究读图社会对图像传播的推动作用,对于图像传播的发展具有现实意义,因此,本文选择图像的传播动力作为研究的主题,目的在于找出读图社会中有利于图像传播发展的因素,更好地发挥图像的传播作用。全文共分五章: 第一章,对论题的研究背景、研究意义、研究现状和研究思路与方法做了阐述。第二章,以图像的传播动力为切入点,明确图像内涵所指。从读图时的代产生背景、图像阅读的天然优势、新媒体环境下的信息传播图像化三部分入手,对读图时代进行简述,以此作为论题的时代背景。第三章,本章分析了读图社会下的受众视觉素养,先从受众信息认知能力与审美能力的提高两方面对受众做了分析。后从受众对图像纪实意义和对图像象征意义的诠释,对受众是如何诠释图像意义的问题作了阐释。第四章,本章对读图社会下图像传播需求做了分析,是本文的研究重点。首先,论述了新闻信息传播对图像传播的需求,对“景观”社会的建构与新闻传播图像化做了分析。通过对德波“景观社会”理论的概述,联系现实存在的“景观”,为新闻信息图像化的论述做好背景铺设。根据人们的快速阅读习惯和新闻信息的时效性特点,新闻工作者用图像作为传播信息的工具适应其需要等实际情况,得出新闻传播呈图像化发展趋势,新闻信息传播对图像存在需求。其次,论述了教育信息传播对图像传播的需求,对教学手段的变化、师生互动的增加、学生“视觉”思维的形成做了分析。由图像传播促进了教学手段的变化,为师生互动的增加提供了情境,有助于学生“视觉思维”的形成,促进了教育的发展。从而进一步得出教育信息传播需要图像传播的加入。最后,论述了社会经济生活对图像传播的需求,对“注意力”经济的形成与图像消费的出现做了分析。从商家角度为基点,对商家追求高额利润的特点及图像特殊的经济价值进行阐述,得出图像传播对“注意力经济”的重要性。因大众视觉要求的提高,所以,消费者从商家有关商品的图像传播行为中得到视觉的满扬州大学硕士学位论文2足,促使图像消费的产生。表现出社会经济生活对图像传播的需求。第五章,对全文做了总结,并基于当前虚拟现实和网络传播技术相结合的实际情况,对未来图像传播的发展趋势做了展望。认为传者的图像传播内容将因受者的参与而定制化,让传受双方共同参与到图像内容制作中的新型图像传播状态将成为图像发展的新方向。关键词:读图时代,图像,图像传播,受众陈星宇:读图时代下图像的传播动力研究3AbstractThe image is the original motivation of the forming of the society of READING PICTURES, which accelerates the arrival of The Era Of Reading Pictures .Meanwhile, the forming of the society of READING PICTURES play a significant role in the image communication. The research that the society of READING PICTURES has a motivated role in the image communication has great significance for the image communication. So, this thesis chooses the communication motivation of the image as the subject, whose purpose is to find out the factors beneficial to the image communication in the society of READING PICTURES so as to accelerate the communication role of the image. The full thesis is totally divided into five chapters:Chapter 1:This chapter elaborates the background, the meaning, the present condition, the thinking way and the method of the research.Chapter 2: This chapter gets down to the communication motivation of images, explicates the meaning of the image and elaborates The Era Of Reading Pictures from the background ,the advantages of the image reading and the information communication pictured in the new media environment, which is taken as the age background of the dissertation.Chapter 3: This chapter analyzes the visual literacy of audience. It analyzes the increase of the ability of information cognition and appreciation of the audience and elaborates how the audience to understand the meaning of the picture of the audience. Chapter 4: This chapter analyzes the demand of the image communication which is the point of this research. Firstly, it discusses the demand of the image communication on the news communication, analyzes the construction of “picture society“ and analyzes that the news communication has been pictured. It takes the theory of “picture society“ and “pictures“ that exists in reality society as the background 扬州大学硕士学位论文4of the discussion that the news communication has been pictured. Because of the rapid reading habit of people, timeliness of the news and the demand of the journalist, the news communication demand the image. Secondly, this chapter discusses the demand of the image communication in the education communication and analyzes the changes of the teaching way, the increase of the interactions between teachers and the students and the forming of “vision“ thinking. Because it promotes the changes of the teaching ways, provides a context to the interactions between teachers and the students and is helpful for the students to form “vision thinking“, the image communication promotes the development of education. So, the education communication demands the participation of the image communication. Finally, this chapter discusses the demand of the image communication in the community economy life and analyzes the forming the “attention“ economy and the appearance of the image consumption. It gets the conclusion that the importance of the image communication for the “attention“ economy by elaborating the characteristics of business pursuing large profit and the special commercial value of the image. Besides, because of the increase of vision request of the people, the consumer gets vision satisfactions from the image communication of the business, which promotes the forming of the image consumption. Thus, the community economy life also demands the image communication.Chapter 5: This chapter summarizes the research which prospects the development trend of the image communication based on the combination of virtual reality and network communication, which thinks that the image communication content of the disseminator will manufactured because of the participation of the audience and that the new form of the image communication that the disseminator and the audience make the content of images in joint will become the new direction of the image communication.目 录陈星宇:读图时代下图像的传播动力研究5中文摘要 1Abstract
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