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1北师大版六年级英语上册测试试题北师大版六年级英语上册测试试题一、下列每组单词中,有一个与所给单词不同类,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (10 分) ( )1.star a. moon b.sun c. bird( )2.space a. space suit b. spaceship c. dog ( )3. sit a. put b. hit c.air ( )4. first a.second b. fourth c. seven ( )5. window a. door b. desk c. watch 二、选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (20 分) ( )1.Did you _ a banana yesterday?. a .ate b. eat c.eating ( )2.What_you do last night? a .did b. does c. are( )3. He _ at home last night. a .wasnt b. didnt c. werent ( )4.She_a dream last night.a .have b. has c. had( )5. He was _ astronaut. a .an b. the c. a ( )6.We _ fun on mars in my dream last night. a .has b. have c. had ( ) 7.Where you yesterday?2a.was b.were c.are( )8.My parents were vacation last week.a.at b. on c. for( )9.He didnt look sick _ more. a. any b some c. many ( )10.Yesterday she _ go to school. a. did b. didt c. didnt 三、英汉互译。(10 分) 1. 度假 _ 2. 上个星期天 _ 3.运动会_ 4.ten thousand _ 5. win the race _ 四、写出所给单词的过去式。 (10 分) 1.watch_ 2. like _ 3 .study_ 4.stop _ 5.put_ 6.have _ 7. can_ 8 .breathe _ 9.sit_ 10. are_ 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (20 分) 1. I _ (have) a dream last night. 2. She_ (go) to a farm yesterday. 3.He _ (do)go to school last night. 4.Peter came _ (four) . 35. _ (do) Ken win the race yesterday?.6. Who was_( one) in the race? 7. Were going to _(run ) in some races.8.What ane you going to (do)?9.Joe (win) the race yesterday.10.She (clean) the house last night.六、补全对话。 (把编号写在横线上) (10 分)、at 、ran 、did 、well 、first-A: Hi,dad. I in a race school yesterday. -B: Oh, you do ?-A:Yes.I did.I was . -B:Congratulations . 七、连词成句(10 分)1.what you do at yesterday did school2.I sick at night was last home3.he well he first jumped came and4.yesterday school I not go did to5.they at werent school八、阅读理解。 (10 分)Yesterday4(一)It was Saturday yesterday.It was sunny.I got up at 7:30.After breakfast,I went to the beach with Ann.Tthere were many people on the beach.We ran ,jumped and played vollyball on the sands.We swam in the sea.Some men fished on a boat.We had a good time .We were tired ,but happy.( )1、Yesterday was saturday( )2、The weather was sunny.( )3、I got up at 7:00.( )4、I went to beach with lucy.( )5、We werent tired and happy.(二)TheThe EmperorEmperor waswas worriedworried becausebecause hehe couldntcouldnt seesee thethe magicmagic clothcloth .Was.Was hehe notnot cleverclever enoughenough toto seesee itit ? ? HeHe thoughtthought andand thoughtthought .Finally.Finally hehe gotgot anan ideaidea . . “I“I willwill askask thethe MinisterMinister toto gogo andand seesee thethe clothcloth .”.” TheThe poorpoor MinisterMinister wentwent intointo thethe roomroom .He.He couldcould notnot seesee thethe clothcloth eithereither .But.But hehe waswas afraidafraid toto telltell thethe truthtruth . . HeHe camecame backback andand toldtold thethe Emperor,Emperor, “It“It isis thethe mostmost beautifulbeautiful clothcloth inin thethe world”world” TheThe EmperorEmperor waswas veryvery happyhappy toto hearhear this.this. ( ( ) ) 1 1、TheThe EmperorEmperor waswas .because.because hehe couldntcouldnt seesee anyany newnew clothclothA A .worried.worried B.B. happyhappy C.C. sadsad ( ( ) ) 2.2. TheThe EmperorEmperor thoughtthought andand thought,thought, andand finallyfinally hehe . A.A. toldtold thethe liarsliars B.B. wentwent toto sleepsleep C.C. gotgot anan ideaidea ( ( )3.)3. TheThe MinisterMinister wentwent toto A.A. eateat goodgood foodfood B.B. buybuy newnew clothesclothes C.C. seesee thethe clothcloth ( ( ) ) 4.4. TheThe EmperorEmperor wastowasto hearhear thisthisA.A. veryvery sadsad B.B. veryvery worriedworried C.C. veryvery happyhappy
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