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Unit 9 What does he look like?Section B (1a1d)Teaching goals: In this class, Students will know more descriptive words and expressions . Students can talk and describe peoples looks by listening and talking. Try to improve the listening skills.Step I. ReviewMy good friend is tall. She is a little thin. She has long straight hair. She wears glasses? Who is she?Describe one of your good friends to your classmates.My good friend is of medium height. Hes a little heavy. He has short straight hair. He wears glasses. Whos he?Some students say his description in front of the class.( 设计意图:让学生通过表演,描述自己的好朋友让大家来猜,既能复习上节课所学的描述人物的句型,又能通过大家猜来活跃气氛,为融入课堂打下好的开端。)Step II. Preview一、Put the following into English orally.1.金色的头发_ 2.圆脸_ 3.戴眼镜_ 4.我最喜爱的歌手是约翰 杰克逊_5.他又高又瘦_ 6.他留着棕色的短卷发_7.你最喜爱的女演员是谁?_(设计意图:通过预习翻译可以让学生知道本课的重点及难点。为1b 和 1c 的听力练习打下基础。 )Step III. Warming up and leading inT: Hello, everybody! Look at the picture please. Do you know him?Ss: Yes, He is Cheng Long.T: His English name is Jackie Chan. What does he look like?Ss: He has black hair and a round face.T: Ok, very good. Now lets come to 1a.(设计意图:通过对成龙的描述进一步激起学生学习的兴趣。)1a Match the description words with the pictures.1. a big nose _ 2. blonde hair _ 3. a small mouth _ 4. glasses _ 5. a round face _ 6. big eyes _ 7. black hair _ 8. a long face _ 1b Make sentences about famous people Fill in the blanks. 1. Jackie Chan has black hair.2._ has a round face.3._ wears glasses. 4. _ has blonde hair. 5. _ has big eyes. 6. _ has a long face. (通过图片的导入,让学生了解更多的描述性的单词和词组,为听听力抓关键词做好了铺垫。同时这种练习更贴近学生生活,极大的调动了学生的积极性。)Step IV. While-listening Activities1. Listening for the general idea of 1c.T: You all do your lessens very well, Now lets listen to the conversation and find out the main idea of it.The main idea of the conversation is about_A. Johnny Deans and Tina Browns friendsB. Johnny Deans and Tina Browns familiesC: Johnny Deans and Tina Browns jobs and looks2. Listening for the specific ideas 1c 1d .Listen to the tape twice or three times. Do the activities in 1c and 1d . Then check the answers in class.1c 1d Listen and write JohnnyDeans and Tina Browns jobsin the chart and what they look like. Looks likeJobTina BrownJohnny Dean3.Listen again. Try to fill in the blanks Laura: Dont you love Johnny Dean, Bob? Bob: Jonny .? Laura: Dean. The singer. Bob: I dont know. What does he look like? Laura: Hes really tall and really _. And he has curly hair. And he has funny _. Look, there he is. Bob: Oh yeah, I see him. Laura: Here come the movie actors. Bob: Oh, wow! Laura: Whos your favorie actress? Bob: I like that woman with long _ hair. Laura: Is she tall or short? Bob: Shes of _ _. Laura: Oh, Tina Brown? Bob: Yeah. I think shes really cool. Shes very beautiful and a great _. (设计意图:本部分的内容在与让学生先通过听录音整体感知对话, 并找出谈论的主旨大意。在通过听取细节让学生仔细把握听力中的 细节内容。 )Step V. Post-listening activities.1. Listen to the tape and repeat after it.2. Group-workIts your turn to describe what your favoritesinger or athletic looks like.Eg: My favorite _ is. and he is He has andHe always wears. .Can you guess what he/she is ?Useful expressionsItemsWords FaceEyesNoseHairGeneral appearancePersonalityAbilitieslong, short, round, square, thin, fatbig, small, round, bright, smilingblack, dark, brown, blonde, red, grey, long, short, shoulder- length, straight, curly, ponytailslim, thin, fat, medium build, strong, tall, short, medium build, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, pretty, smart, tidy, cleanfriendly, kind, polite, happy, honest, helpful, cheerful, pleasant, attentive, responsible, generous, modestsmart, clever, hard-working, musicallong, short, big, small(设计意图:本环节重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过听力的复述和最喜爱人的描述让学生更好地巩固所学的知识。)Step VI. Inquiry into knowledge by translation。一、 Hes tall and thin._ High 和 tall 都有“_”的意思。 high 一般表示_,它的反义词是_.如:你能看见那堵高墙吗?_ 那棵大树约十米高。The big tree is about ten meters _ high 还可以用作比喻,有“高度的” 、 “高级的” 、 “高等的等意思,这时不宜用 tall 替换。如:high price(高价) ,high fever(高烧)等。 tall 可指_,一般用于人和动物,它的反义词是_.Li Ping is taller than Wei Fang.指 mountain 时只能用_.二、 He has short curly brown hair._ 当名词的修饰语(除形容词外,还包括限定词、名词等)不止一个时,就得考虑它们的排列顺序问题。在通常情况下,它们的顺序为“限定词+形容词+名词”而多个形容词的排列则大致遵循以下原则:_。如:She has beautiful short curly blonde hair. _(设计意图:通过小组活动,翻译和讨论,来掌握本课的重点和难点。培养学生的合作能力和探索能力。对全班共同认为的难点教师通过点拨来共同解决。)Step VII. The end-of class test一根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。一根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. I think shes a good _(sing). 2. Zhao Wei is very beautiful and a great _(act).3. He is _(really) cool.4.Tom has short _(hair) and
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