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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Unit 16 Revision Lesson 91一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1复习与爱好有关的词汇和交际用语,通过听、说、读、写各种活动,使学生熟练掌握第 14 单元的学习内容。2能够仿照范例写几句话,同时正确使用标点符号和书写格式。3通过本课的活动逐步培养学生的英语表达能力。二、教学重点:二、教学重点:1综合运用第 14 单元所学内容,表达和交流有关个人爱好的信息。2本课 B 项的活动。三、教学难点:三、教学难点:综合运用第 14 单元的所学内容,表达和交流有关个人爱好的信息。四、教学用具:四、教学用具:单词卡片、录音磁带、与爱好有关的物品和图片。五、教学过程:五、教学过程:A. Listen and circle.1. Show the word cards and ask the students to read out.2. Play the game: “Bingo” to review the words.3. Play the game: “Pass the word” to review the words.(Pass one word from the last student to the first one. Then, the first student come to the front to read or write the word. )4.Ask the students to look at the pictures of “Part A”. Then, ask them talk about the pictures.5.Listen and circle.6.Teacher lead the students to talk about the three pupils hobby.B. Show and talk.1. Play a guessing game: 教师书桌上放有有关学生爱好的图片和实物,一名学中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net 生面对黑板,另一名学生说出自己的爱好及原因,面对黑板的学生猜出说话的学生是谁,并试着说出他(她)的爱好及原因。2. Play the game in groups.C. Lets write.1. Read the sentences.2. Try to write the sentences about hobby.3. Read the sentences to the classmates.Summary: Today, we have talked about our hobby. Whats your hobby? Why?Homework: Talk about your hobby with your parents and ask them about their hobby.Design on the blackboard:Whats your hobby? My hobby is 课后记课后记:
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