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A Report on Business Culture and StrategyPrepared by Zhang Chen Prepared for Tang Yan Student Number : 135139793 Date: May 11, 2013Content1.0 Introduction2.0 Findings2.1 Four Forces and PEST Analysis2.2 SWOT Analysis2.3 Guidelines for SWOT Analysis2.4 Organization Culture2.5 Handys Four Cultural Types2.6 Deal and Kennedys Culture Quadrants2.7 the Relationship between Organization Culture and Behavior3.0 Conclusion4.0 Reference1.0 IntroductionAlphabet Games is software games development company which is based in Scotland and formed in 2001 by three friends. In this case, we can find that Business Culture and Strategy of Alphabet Games.2.0 Findings2.1 Four Forces and PEST AnalysisPolitical FactorIts basically to what degree the government intervenes in the economy and includes tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, political stability and goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided. Some countries are prohibited to import too many outlandish games products at home. And there are many policies which is aimed to avoid teenager being addicted to games. In the UK, there is taxation, employment and safety law, cooperate tax decrease of 2%. So there are both opportunities and challenges among political factors.Economic FactorIt includes interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth, and the inflation rate. For the world video gaming industry, this is predicted to record 9% yearly growth through 2013, mobile and online gaming formats will capture the market because customers can make the most of wider, faster and more mobile network connections. Because of the financial crisis, the unemployment rates are heading up. And consumers expenditure ability is falling due to the disposable income; people may not have enough money to afford the cost of play games so it is a bad sign for Alphabet Games progress. Social FactorIt includes the cultural aspects, health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Most teenagers are fond of games in UK. Whats more, with the change of English teenagers lifestyle, it also may have impact in games market. The reason is that many people chose play games use their spare times. It will influence in Alphabet Games market choose.Technological FactorIt includes technological aspects such as R each group would have them specialized skills aiming to help different customers seek their suitable and capable group service. This method could help the staff exercise the capacity, innovation and technology. 2.6 Deal and Kennedys Culture QuadrantsThe change of environment will result in the change of the organization culture. In Deal and Kennedys culture quadrants, work hard/ play hard culture is most suitable for Alphabet Games. This culture encourage the staff completed the low risk task and has rapid feedback. As a software company, Alphabet Game need immediately feedback, high speed action often leads to high speed recreation activities. Managers encourage the staff to solve the customized software problem. As high-quality customer service organization, the staffs also have some stress that comes from the amount of work. This culture will attract staff to create the most of sale and increase the company profit. Due to the reward or entertainment of staff, they have most passion to work. When company develop into this culture, the manager will most focus on motive staff to succeed by meeting target, and it need have some reward to encourage them.2.7 the Relationship between Organization Culture and BehaviorOrganization culture is consistent with organization behavior, in other words, what organization culture the company selected determined the organization behavior. Organizational culture can guide the behaviors while the behavior can influence the organizational culture. Culture and behavior are consistently and inseparable. Due to Alphabet Game select the work hard / play hard culture so they need staff to be enthusiastic and high-grade. Organization culture could help promote the business target achieve. Work hard/ play hard culture also would help the company ensure the pursuit of innovation, quality and excellence and the staff would develop their skill, innovation to meet the each customers needs, and help them solve the software problem. This enables the business to grow and succeed through challenging.The organizational culture and the organizational behavior are used to serve the development of the organization; they are management tool for enterprises. Organizational culture influent the organizational behavior, organizational culture can be seen the guidance for organizational behavior. These are only a few of the factors of organizational culture that affect organizational behavior and vice versa. The two influence each other, and often times the culture will help to dictate the behavior, and the behavior will come back around to reinforce the organizationa
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