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1Unit 3 Communication by PhonePart One: General Plan and Time Allocation 1-2 Periods: I. Make a brief introduction about Unit Three. II. Provide information related to the text. (Refer to your own books.) III. Deal with “Talking Face to Face”. IV. Deal with “Being All Ears”. V. Identify key words, phrases and useful expressions. VI. Summarize the main contents of the first two sections. VII. Assign homework.1. Review the important points in “Talking Face to Face” and “Being All Ears”. 2. Preview Section .3-4 Periods: I. Check the homework. II. Deal with Section III Trying Your Hand. . Summarize the key points in this period. VI. Assign homework. 1. Review the important points in this section. 2. Finish “Writing Sentences and Reviewing grammar” on Page 67. 3. Preview Passage One in Section IV.5-6 Periods: I. Check the homework. II. Discuss warm-up questions. . Give a detailed explanation of the new words and phrases in Passage One. IV. Explain difficult sentences in Passage One in details. V. Summarize the main contents of Passage One. VI. Assign homework.1. Do the exercises on Page71-74.2. Memorize the key words and phrases in Passage One.3. Search online for similar logos, business mottos and famous sayings in Section .7-8 Periods: I. Check the homework. II. Dictate key words and phrases in Passage One.III. Deal with Section “Appreciating Culture Tips”.IV. Review key words and phrases, useful expressions and important sentences in Unit 3. 2V. Review and explain some important grammar knowledge involved in Unit 3. VI. Provide extra information according to students feedback and particular needs. VII. Assign homework.1. Review the important points in Unit 3.2. Preview the first two Sections in Unit 4.注:对于每节课的讲授内容安排,各位老师可以根据不同班级的具体情况进行适当地 调整。3辽宁对外经贸学院教案周次第 5 周第 1 次课备 注章节 名称Unit 3 Communication by Phone授课 形式理论课( );实验课( );实习( )教学 时数2教 学 目 的 及 要 求1. Ask how to make phone calls and answer them. 2. Learn to leave telephone messages. 3. Understand phone service in the USA.4. Know of something about business telephone etiquette.教 学 内 容 提 要时间 分配I. Make a brief introduction about Unit Three.II. Provide information related to the text. (Refer to your own books.)III. Deal with “Talking Face to Face”. IV. Deal with “Being All Ears”.V. Identify key words, phrases and useful expressions.VI. Summarize the main contents of the first two sections.VII. Assign homework.5 minutes10 minutes30 minutes30 minutes5 minutes5 minutes5minites4教 学 重 点 与 难 点1. Grasp how to make phone calls and answer them.2. Grasp how to write telephone messages.3. Describe the etiquette of business telephone etiquette for success4. Grasp key words and expressions: Expect,receptionist,sign,connectId like to speak to Can I take a message?It would be best if讨 论 、 练 习 、 作 业1. Have students discuss the ways of making phone calls and taking or leaving a message.2. Do exercises from Page 56to Page 57.3. Assignment:(1) Review the important points in “Talking Face to Face” and “Being All Ears”. (2) Preview Section .教 学 手 段tape recorder教师可根据实 际情况自行填 写参 考 资 料1. 新编实用英语教师参考书(2) 2. 新编实用英语学学练练考考(2)教师可根据实 际情况自行填 写注:教案按授课次数填写、每次授课均应填写一份。重复班授课可不另填写教案。 5Part Two: Specific Plan for Each Two Periods 1-2 Periods: I. Make a brief introduction about Unit Three. II. Provide information related to the text. (Refer to your own books.) III. Deal with “Talking Face to Face”. Step 1 Imitating Mini-talks 1. Warm-up Questions What expressions can you use when communicating by phone? 2. Class activities (1) First students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them in pairs within five minutes. (2) Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class. (3) Students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently used when native English people greet and introduce each other. Step 2 Acting out the Tasks 1. Give the students several minutes to prepare a role-play about how to phone one of your best friends! 2. Work in pairs and act out one of the tasks on Page 56-58. Step 3 Studying Telephone Messages 1. Warm-up Questions What the main contents should be included in telephone messages? 2. Students discuss the important messages. Step 4 Following Sample Dialogues Students read the sample dialogues and try to perform them.Step 5 Putting Language to Use 1. Students read aloud the dialogue with their partners by putting in the missing words. 2. Students fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets and then act it out with their partners. IV. Deal with “Being All Ears”. Step 1 Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 1. Give students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item. 2. Listen to the material for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version. While listening to the English sentence, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. 3. Listen to the material for a second time, and
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