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1仁爱英语八年级仁爱英语八年级 Unit4 Topic 1 一、教学目标: 学习用英语谈论和描述自然界的动植物,主要学习和掌握形容词比较级的用法。通过教学让学生能养成保护环境,爱护动植物的意识。 二、核心词汇:butterfly frog snake fox sea stream beach seaside lake ocean nature sunshine forest sky rainforest earth share joy rose countryside everywhere noise wild feed fast flowing meter control clear rubber protect write dangerous surface drop cover lay lose wood. 三、重点短语: talk to think about in danger thousands of feed on in nature in fact find out look for lay eggs. 四、日常交际用语: I think animals are more interesting. Plants are more beautiful than animals. We share the world with them. They are now in danger. There are also greener trees clearer rivers and lovelier farm animals. The plants stay greener for longer there. Rainforests cover 6 of the surface of the earth. But it is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. Its so strange. We must save every drop of water. 五、重点句型解析. 1.Im interested in playing sports. I think animals are more interesting. 【辨析】interesting 与 interested Interesting 是形容词,意思是“令人感兴趣的” ,说的是“物”性的,一般在句中做表 语(主语为事物) 、定语等。 如: Playing baseball is very interesting. This is an interesting movie. Interested 形容词,常构成 be interested in 说的是“人”性的,在句中做表语(主语 为人) 。 如: That book is so interesting that everyone is interested in it. He is interested in playing computer. 【拓展】常见的这类词有: Interesting interested Surprising surprised Amazing amazed Exciting excited Boring bored Disappointing disappointed Moving moved 2: I keep a pet dog. 【用法】keep 动词,饲养。如: The girl likes to keep cats. They keep a lot of sheep. They keep cows on their farm. 3.We share the world with them. 【用法】share 动词,共用;共有;分享;分担的意思。如: The brothers shared the same room. 2Mike shares a bed with his brother. Can you share the happiness with me 4The are now in danger. 【用法】 Be in danger “处于危险中” 。 如 : You may be in danger if you travel alone at night. His grandfather was sick and in danger of losing his life. dangerous 是形容词。危险的意思。如: The tiger is a dangerous animal. 5 It looks for food at night along the sea floor. 【知识点辨析】look for find find out. Look for “寻找” ,强调寻找的过程。 如: He is looking for his pen he lost it yesterday. Find “找到” , 强调找的结果。 如: I found the book under the bed. Find out “ 了解” , “打听” , “查出” 。表示经过一番努力,调查了解到某些事情。后常 接宾语从句。 如: Please find out when the ship sails for Shanghai. Please find out what time they are coming. 6 In spring it returns to the fresh water stream to lay eggs. 【用法】return 动词, “返回;回到”的意思。 如: The young man returned to China from America in 2004. 7 So the butterfly is losing its home. 【用法】 Lose “ 丢失;” ,过去式为 lost, 意思为 “丢失的” 如: The little girl lost her way in that big city. He lost a book that day. 8 What are you thinking about 【知识点辨析】think about think over think of 1 think about 意思为“考虑思考” ,与 think of 同义。 如: People without a job try not to think of/ about the future. What do you think of/ about your family 2 think of 作“想起,想到,认为”时,与 think about 有不同。 如: She often thinks of her friend Anna. 3 think over 意为“仔细考虑、思考” ,over 为副词,代词应放在其前。如: Ive thought it over for a long time. Let me think over this difficult problem. 。 9: In this area it is often hot and rainy with beautiful beaches and sunshine. 【用法】 Area 区域,作名词用。如:This disease spreads quickly in this area. 10: The plants stay green longer there. 【用法】 Stay 在这里表示继续处于某种状态,后接形容词等表语。 如: The shop stays open till 12 oclock. You cant expect to stay young. He wanted to stay ahead of the others. 11: In this area there is very little rain. Fewer plants and animals can live there. 【知识点辨析】few a few a little little 31) few 与可数名词复数连用,表示否定。意思“很少,几乎没有” 。 如: He has few friends here. He is a shy boy he often has few words. 2)little 与不可数名词连用,表示否定。意思“很少,几乎没有” 。 如: There is little water in the glass. I have little money in my pocket. 3) a few 表示肯定, “一点儿”的意思。与 some 的意思比较接近。修饰可数名词。 如: You dont need to go shopping. There are a few eggs in the fridge. 4) a little 表示肯定, “一点儿”的意思。与 some 的意思比较接近。修饰不可数名词。 如: There is a little milk in the bottle please pass it to me. 12: In summer rocks streams and forests are even more beautiful with blue skies clear lakes and fast-flowing rivers. 【用法】 With 介词,表示行为方式的用法: 1) with +名词(代词)+介词短语。 如: The guard stood there with a gun in his hand. 2) with +名词+ v-ing。 如: With the boy leading they started towards the village. Will you standing here we cant work. 3) with +名词(代词)+过去分词。 如: He stood there with his hands tied. 4)with +名词(代词)+adjadv. 。 如: He often sleeps with the windows open. 13: Rainforests cover 6 of the surface of the earth. 【用法】 Cover 动词, “覆盖” 。 如: Water covers most parts of earth. 14: Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. 【知识拓展】 Hundred thousand百千前有确切的数字,则其后不+s,但是如果要表示不确切的量时,其后要+s 如: There are at least six hundred fans at the concert. The hall can hold one thousand people. In spring thousands of birds come back here. 。15: They cant live at all without water. 【用法】 Without 介词, “没有”的意思,反义词是 with. 如: He is a man without friends. Jane we
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