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1初三总复习(初一上单选)初三总复习(初一上单选)1. Look at _ wall on the left. There is _ old photo on it. Its _ photo of my family. A.a; an; the B. the; a; a C. the; an; a D. a;the;the 2. John likes _ movies _ TV.A. watch; on B. to watch; from C. watching; on D. watching; from 3. - _ you bring that book to me? - Sure(当然).A Does B. Can C. Are D. Is 4. -Is this your gold ring? -Please call me _555-6734.A. for B. at C. in D. of 5. Your English is very good. - .A: No, its not good. B: Thank you. C: Yes, its right. D: Where, where. 6- Whats your favourite _?- Salad.A. foodB. furniture C. peopleD. sports 7 -_ Are you Mr. Smith? -Yes, I am. A Hello B Im sorry C Excuse me D Hi 8 “Does Tom _ an eraser? “ “ No. He _have one. A. have , dont B. have,doesnt C.has,dont D. has,doesnt 9 Are those your _? A. bookes B. photoes C. apples D.keyes 10. Can I have a look at your book? -_ A. Very good. B. Dont look. C. OK. Here you are. D. Sorry, we cant. 11. He has 3 soccer balls. _ he doesnt play sports. A. And B. But C. Only D. Or12. There are _ months in a year. The _ month is December. Atwelve, twelve Btwelfth, twelfthCtwelve, twelfth Dtwelfth, twelve 13 _ are good students. A. I and Tony B. Tony and I 2C. Me and Tony D. Tony and me 14. Lets _ to the movies _ Saturday. A. go; on B. go; at C. to go; inD. to go; on 15.She can English. A. speakingB.speakC.speaksD.to speak 16. -Is this a math book? - _.A. Yes, this is B. No, it is C. Yes, its D. Sorry, I dont know 17. “I” _a word in English. A. is B. am C. are D. isnt 18.-Can you speak English? - Yes, _. A. I do B. you can C. a little D. I am 19. Davids mother _ out of the window and _ many children in the street.A. see ,look B. watch, look C. looks, sees D.look, watch 20.-Your coat is very nice. - _.A. Thank a lot B. Thanks a lot C. I like it D. Dont say it 21Mum, my teacher, Mr Wang. A. he is B. it is C. that is D. this is 22. I cant sing _ dance A. and B. or C. but D. / 23. The clock is old . Do you have a new _? A. it B. this C. that D. one 24. _ your sister _ basketball?A. Does , play B. Can, plays C. Is, play D. Can , play 25. We _ 100 RMB now. Lets go to Mr Zhangs Clothing Sale.A. each have B. each has C. all has D. have each 26. Is Shenzhen _ Guangdong? Yes, it is . And it is _Hongkong.A. in , in B. near, near C. in , near D. near ,in 27. There _ some money in the bag.A. are B. is C. has D. have 28.Lets volleyball. That good. A. playing ; is B. play ; sounds3C. play ; is sound D. plays ; sounds 29. My birthday is _. A. February 28 th B. February 29th C. February 30 th D. February 31 st 30.Lets look at _ picture and then look at Picture _. A. first ,second B. the first ,Two C. One, Two D. the first ,the two 31. -Where he ? -In Wuhan. A.do, live B. does, lives C. do, live D. does, live 32. -How can I the bank, please?-You can take bus No.10.A. get B. get to C. take D. take to 33. -Thank you very much for telling me the way.- .A. Dont thank me B. No thanksC. Youre welcome D. You neednt 34. -Why do you like pandas? -Because theyre cute. A. a kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of 35. My brother works very hard because he a university student.A. wants to do B. wants to be C. likes to do D. likes to be 36. I want to get a job a reporter.A. as B. such C. so D. with 37. -Shall we go shopping now?-Sorry, I cant. I my shirts. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. am washing 38. -How is the weather in Tianjin? -Its sunny.A. like B. look C. / D. likes 39. Stop and listen to me. A. to talk B. on talk C. talking D. to talking 40. Do you know the boy a funny hat and sunglasses?A. is B. has C. wears D. with 41. - for breakfast? 4-I want some bread, milk and two eggs.A. What do you like B. Which do you likeC. What would you like D. What had you had 42. - What about your last weekend?- I a good time.A. had B. was have C. having D. have 43. He practices English every morning. A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak 44. Id like soccer with my friends after school.A. to play B. playing C. play D. to playing 45. Music makes me relaxed.A. feeling B. to feel C. feel D. felt 46. Can you _ the map? Lets _ it.A. see, look B. look at, see C. see, look at D. Look, s
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