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I学校学 号 或 申 请 号密级代 码 1 0459Z201 专业硕士学位论文刑事赔偿若干问题研究 以检察环节为视角作者姓名:马金金导师姓名:卢少锋副教授专 业 学 位 名 称:法律硕士培养院系:法学院完成时间:2017 年 5 月IIA thesis(dissertation) submitted toZhengzhou University for the degree of MasterStudy on several questions of Criminal Compensation in the Procuratorial TacheByJinjin Ma Supervisor: Vice-Prof. Shaofeng LuJuris Master Law School May,2017III摘要近年来,随着一些冤假错案沉冤招雪,刑事赔偿制度日益受到关注。作为 我国人权保障的重要法律制度,刑事赔偿制度的运行效果直接体现了我国法治 文明程度。2016 年,“两高”关于办理刑事赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解 释正式施行,其进一步扩展了刑事赔偿的范围、明确了赔偿标准、限缩了免 责条款,尤其是将疑罪从挂案件纳入刑事赔偿的范围,使我国刑事赔偿制度体 系进一步完善,同时,也对检察环节办理刑事赔偿案件形成新的挑战。疑罪从 挂刑事赔偿案件办理难成为检察环节刑事赔偿案件办理的突出问题,另外,精 神损害赔偿认定难、协商程序适用不规范、免责条款适用不规范的情形也普通 存在。究其根源,检察机关绩效考核体系中不合理的考核指标在刑事诉讼活动中 发挥着“导向”作用,在考核的压力下,检察机关不愿撤销案件、撤回起诉后 退回公安机关、以撤回起诉代替无罪判决,造成疑罪从挂案件,为检察机关承 担刑事赔偿责任埋下隐患。同时,赔偿责任与办案责任捆绑,又使办案人员在 办理刑事赔偿案件中有所顾虑,惧怕追责,有意适用甚至滥用免责条款,规避 刑事赔偿责任,造成对受害人的“二次伤害”。检察环节办理刑事赔偿案件中 的问题也暴露出我国刑事赔偿制度的缺陷,精神损害赔偿范围狭窄、标准难以 确定,协商程序规定存在瑕疵,免责条款过于宽泛,检察机关内部监督制约不 力。本文以 H 省三年来刑事赔偿案件办理情况为切入点,总结检察环节刑事赔 偿案件办理过程中存在的问题,分析案件成因,探讨检察环节办理刑事赔偿案 件存在问题的原因,寻求完善检察环节刑事赔偿工作的办法。以期能为检察机 关办理刑事赔偿案件提供些许帮助。关键词:刑事赔偿;检察环节;疑罪从挂;绩效考核IVAbs t r actIn recent years, with the number of miscarriages of justice have fair results, the criminal compensation system has been paid more and more attention. As an important legal system for the protection of human rights in China, the effect of criminal compensation system directly reflects the degree of civilization of rule of law in our country. In 2016, The Supreme Peoples Court of The Peoples Republic of China and The Supreme Peoples Procuratorate of the Peoples Republic of China promulgated “An Explanation of Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Criminal Compensation Cases”, the further expansion of the scope of criminal compensation, the compensation standard and limit the exemption clause, especially the suspected crime included in the scope of criminal compensation from the doubtful case, the system of criminal compensation system in our country to further improve, at the same time also, the prosecution for criminal compensation cases formed a new challenge. The suspected crime from criminal compensation cases for doubtful case difficult to become a prominent issue, prosecution of criminal compensation cases doubtful in compensation for mental damage that it is difficult, the negotiation process is not standardized, applicable exemption clauses for non-standard situations exist.The reason, assessment indicators of performance appraisal system of procuratorial organs in the irrational play “guiding“ role in criminal proceedings, under the pressure of examination, the prosecution to withdraw the prosecution to withdraw the case, after returning to the public security organ, to withdraw the prosecution instead of acquittal, caused by the suspected crime from criminal liability buried doubtful case the hidden danger of procuratorial organs bear. At the same time, the liability for compensation and doubtful the responsibility and the bound, investigators in the doubtful of criminal compensation cases have concerns, fear of responsibility, intends to apply even abuse disclaimer, avoid criminal liability, causing two damage to the victim . In the case of compensation for criminal prosecution problems also exposed the defects of Chinas criminal compensation system of mentalVdamage compensation scope is narrow, the standard is difficult to determine, negotiation procedure flaws, the exemption clause is too broad, the prosecutorial supervision is ineffective.This paper takes H three years of criminal compensation in thedoubtful case as the starting point, summarize the existing procuratorial tache of criminal compensation case handling process, analysis the causes of study, procuratorial tache in handling cases of criminal compensation is the cause of the problem, seek to perfect the procuratorial work link of criminal compensation. In order to provide some help for the prosecution of criminal compensation cases.Key words:CriminalCompensation;Procuratorate;Doubtful Crimes;AssessmenVI目录摘 要 . Abs t r a c t.II目 录.IV引 言.1一选 题 的背 景 和 意 义.1二创 新 之处.
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